Starting Insanity September 1, anyone else?



  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    I just started today. The fit test kicked my *kitten*. Is there an insanity group for this?...all of the groups that I have seen are outdated.
  • Mardi_ann
    Mardi_ann Posts: 16 Member
    Day 3 in the books!! Feeling good. If you wear a heart rate monitor how many calories do you burn? Mine seem low.
  • pearson114
    pearson114 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm currently half way through week 4 of Insanity. It's not easy, but it's possible. As has been said before go at your own pace and just work yourself harder each time!

    I wasn't the fittest by any stretch of the imagination when I started it. There was a group of 7 of us doing it to start with, all of different fitness ranges from very fit to not fit, and all have struggled. But the ones that have kept with it (there's 3 of us, 4 have dropped out) are reaping the rewards.

    Not only has my body changed, both in terms of weight loss and toning, but I feel more energised, I sleep better, I don't get out of breath so easy and so forth. I'm not following the nutrition guide, although I have cut alcohol out of my diet for the entire 2 months.

    My advice for anyone thinking about starting Insanity would be: stop thinking about it, just get it done!
  • xbritnex
    xbritnex Posts: 13 Member
    Are any of you following the nutrition plan exactly? I decided to because I know it will be easier for me to keep my diet on track and not cheat if I do. Have any of you had good results while following the insanity nutrition plan or heard of someone that has? I can't find any results anywhere. I've mostly only found results of people who are not following it, but still eating healthy. It seems like most people don't bother with the nutrition plan that comes with the DVDs.
  • Smamfa
    Smamfa Posts: 139 Member
    I started Monday - Round 2 for me. Did round 1 in April - all the way through and then spent 6 weeks over the summer being stupidly lazy and eating absolute rubbish!! Back to MFP and Insanity now! Aiming to do multiple rounds between now and next year to finally have a beachbody I can show off and not hide! Shaun T is just totally brilliant!
  • joejenn06
    Going to start today and hope i can get to the end, I tried 2 times already and lasted about 3 weeks :( ... I want to do this to get heather and in better shape for myself and my husband who is deployed right now. Want a new body before he gets back :)

    chest- 38
  • Callie_Wallie_Woo
    I started on Monday 2nd Sept! I do it first thing in the morning and then also Pilates Monday evening, a class Tuesday lunch, double Insanity Wednesday (one morning, one after work) and then Thursday/Friday run at lunchtimes as well. Then I get both Saturday and Sunday to rest!!!

    Please feel free to add me anyone! I may need the motivation! :oD x
  • joejenn06
    Do we have a group i can fellow, im a type of person that needs to be pushed and get motivated. If we do can someone add me :)
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Well, All I can say is this:.. 2nd day down and what the hell was that????
    It took me 75min to complete 40min work out.
    Truth be told, I did go at my own pace, a few times and I paused the DVD while I did the exercise...

    I do not want to think about today's session.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    I'm thinking of doing a boot camp type class called Insanity at the gym. It's six weeks, twice a week for 30 minutes each session. This doesn't sound exactly like what you guys are all doing, but I'm not sure. My question is whether I should do it. I'm old and fat. I have reasonable muscles, but not a lot of endurance. Suggestions?
  • jrrice72
    Thought about starting insanity myself, finished p90x last year and did well. Currently on the elliptical doing two 45 minute sessions a day.
  • joejenn06
    Just got done with the fit test and yes im unfit lol. Might go ahead and do the Plyometric cardio circuit today too. :)
  • daniellegwilliam
    daniellegwilliam Posts: 122 Member
    I create a group for everyone.. I started september 2 as well!

    its INSANITY - SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE...come join me I need the motivation! ha
  • krnwife
    Started Insanity on Sept 3rd. I'm finally ready to lose the extra 20 pounds (already lost 20 lbs via MFP). For those of you have done it, do you think doing additional weights/running is too much? Can't wait to see everyone's before and after pics. Good luck everyone! =)

    Current Stats:
    ht 5'1
    wt 146 lbs
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I'm thinking of doing a boot camp type class called Insanity at the gym. It's six weeks, twice a week for 30 minutes each session. This doesn't sound exactly like what you guys are all doing, but I'm not sure. My question is whether I should do it. I'm old and fat. I have reasonable muscles, but not a lot of endurance. Suggestions?

    I am not sure what the issue is? do the first 30min of the Insanity.
    or do T25
  • rayonrainbows
    rayonrainbows Posts: 423 Member
    insanity looks like an amazing workout. when i get bored with, & better at, what i'm currently doing (just started) i'm definitely going to give it a try!
  • krnwife
    Anyone else think the calorie intake is too high for them? Using the elite nutrition book, I am supposed to consume 1,998 calories! I know Insanity can make you burn 400-600 calories but it still seems like a lot!

    Current Stats:
    Day 1 - Sept 3rd
    Ht 5'1
    Wt 146
  • kmariam128
    I'm starting on the 9th! I really want to start NOW, but I want to go Monday -Saturday so I can rest on Sunday... just seems like the rest day will be more rewarding if I have nothing else to do that day :)
  • manchoi2000
    manchoi2000 Posts: 3 Member
    Got my discs and started today. The fit test was hard for me :( but I can only hope I get better...99% of my problem is a genuine overwhelming feeling of 'can't be bothered'. Sometimes it can take a lot of to get past that, also I see myself as so unfit that I struggle to see that I am doing well so end up convincing myself I'm not keeping up and so drop out.

    I have to admit I feel quite motivated for this and think if I can get my mental state right I should do well. I have to do fitness tests at work a lot and whilst they aren't overly taxing I have the same mental issue but pass every time! Hoping Shaun T will kick the 'stupid' out of me so I can be confident in my physical abilities and drop some of the extra me at the same time :)

    SW = 162lbs
    Height = 5ft 2in