Trying to do a "clean" bulk... so much food.... help!

Okay so on Sept 1, I decided to start my first ever bulk/cut cycle. Now I've never been a "clean eater" but through my research on bulking I did find that in order to maximize muscle gain and minimize fat gain it's best to eat mostly healthy, nutrient-dense foods - which makes sense.

I'm on 2600 calories currently and reallllly struggling to get there each day. I can't imagine eating this much for weeks on end! Of course, it would be easy if I just ate fast food all day every day, but I'm afraid that wouldn't give me the results I want (and it's also not in my budget). My first night doing this I was way under on calories until I went to a party where there was cheese fondue and lots of tequila. That got me the necessary calories (I actually went over that day) but from what I've read alcohol really isn't great for muscles, so I'm not sure if those calories even "count" towards my bulking goal. Yesterday, I was again way under at the end of the day and forced myself to eat McDonalds on my way home at 2am even though I wasn't the slightest bit hungry... and I still ended up under my goal.

Today I've been eating all day, I had a filling lunch of whole wheat pasta with ground beef, and a couple hours later on my break at school I went and got a giant slice of NY pizza even though I wasn't hungry at all (and felt quite unpleasant afterwards). I just now managed to get hungry enough to eat dinner and even though I had a huge amount of food, it only came out to 700 calories since it was healthy stuff. I still have 600 calories remaining - I plan to have a protein shake and a good amount of ice cream, but I'm betting I'll still come in under my goal, and feeling quite overfull sick.

I know this probably sounds no different than the "wahhhh I can't eat 1200 calories" threads, and I'm sure many of the suggestions I'll get are the same - eat more fatty snacks, etc. But I've been cooking with olive oil, snacking on almonds, and eating unhealthy crap at least once a day, and I'm still not hitting my goal. Do you think it's true that a "clean" bulk is better, or should I just say "screw it" and eat unhealthy junk all day every day? I am a fan of IIFYM, but I'm having a lot of trouble with the "fitting my macros" part - if I eat too much junk, I just end up way over on carbs and under on everything else. :blushing: Part of the problem too is like I said, it's really not in my budget to eat out for two or three meals a day... I just used 1/3 of my monthly food budget on groceries, so I really need to focus on eating those instead of buying food every day. But I honestly don't know how I can force down even more healthy food on a daily basis.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated, especially from people who have experience with bulking and can attest to whether or not a "clean" bulk is better. Sorry for being such a newb about this :smile: Friend requests from people who eat as many calories or more than me would also be cool so I can look at your diaries.


  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    Sufficient protein+surplus is all you need.
    Where the calories come from doesn't matter.
    4 tablespoons of peanut butter=almost 400 calories
    And 16 grams of protein.
    That's what id's deeeeeeelicious.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    What the other guy said.

    I am eating 2450 right now and that's around maintenance and I'm transitioning to bulk aswell.

    I have no problems reaching my calories and I wish I could eat more every day.

    Eat nuts all the time. Drink whole milk. GO MAD (gallon of milk a day) if you feel like it. Eat nutty bread. Eat chocolate. I always eat 90% but I don't mind it's bitter. Maybe eat 80% instead. A sizeable bar of chocolate goes a long way and if it's high percentage of cocoa it's not bad for you at all.

    Don't be afraid of good fats! They are good for you. They taste good. They are high in calories. They should be your best friend :)

    Have a slice of pizza if you like. Go to mac donalds and eat a quarter pounder double the meat no cheese (like 600 calories right there and not too bad for you too). Some bad fats won't kill you either.

    PS I think my diary is open if it's not FR me, but I have to admit I try to eat as much as I can (as in volume) so stay away from fatty foods most of the time except at night when I know how many calories I have left. Unlike you I have a hard time NOT eating my calories haha.
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    When people say clean bulk they usually don't mean clean foods. They mean a very low caloric surplus, thus allowing the majority of the surplus to go into muscle. When you're in a surplus, your body has 2 choices to do with the extra calories, turn it into fat or turn it into muscle (basically). Your body can only make so much muscle effectively. This is opposed to a dirty bulk, in which you stuff yourself with as many calories as you can fill yourself with in hopes of putting on as much muscle and fat as possible. If you're in a 1000 calorie surplus, it doesn't matter if the foods you eat are "clean" or not, you'll be gaining quite a bit of fat along with your muscle.

    That being said, aim for a 200-400 calorie surplus per day only. You should be gaining less than a pound per week on a "clean" bulk. If you're having trouble with eating 200-400 calorie a day surplus, then yes, eating things like avocados, cheese, full fat yogurt, peanut butter etc will help you get there.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    I eat "clean" and eat 2000+ calories a day usually (very active) ... My diary is open :)
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    When people say clean bulk they usually don't mean clean foods. They mean a very low caloric surplus, thus allowing the majority of the surplus to go into muscle. When you're in a surplus, your body has 2 choices to do with the extra calories, turn it into fat or turn it into muscle (basically). Your body can only make so much muscle effectively. This is opposed to a dirty bulk, in which you stuff yourself with as many calories as you can fill yourself with in hopes of putting on as much muscle and fat as possible. If you're in a 1000 calorie surplus, it doesn't matter if the foods you eat are "clean" or not, you'll be gaining quite a bit of fat along with your muscle.

    That being said, aim for a 200-400 calorie surplus per day only. You should be gaining less than a pound per week on a "clean" bulk. If you're having trouble with eating 200-400 calorie a day surplus, then yes, eating things like avocados, cheese, full fat yogurt, peanut butter etc will help you get there.

    What he said ^
  • nancypdavis
    nancypdavis Posts: 1 Member
    I did not see where you said why specifically you are trying to gain muscle (i.e. fitness show or personal goal). I have trained over the past year with a trainer and show coach in a gym that produces fitness competitors. I personally did not reach my goals or get to where I could compete, but I was around it a lot. Hearing you talk about "fast food", alcohol, dairy products, bread, etc. those were things we were not allowed to have while training for a show. Regardless of your calorie intake, in no way were we ever encouraged to consume junk. You might check this article out and see if it helps. I would try and get in a couple of more whey protein shakes. We had one first thing in the morning and before going to bed and anytime we were to have a protein. Good luck with your efforts.
  • punkture
    Sufficient protein+surplus is all you need.
    Where the calories come from doesn't matter.
    4 tablespoons of peanut butter=almost 400 calories
    And 16 grams of protein.
    That's what id's deeeeeeelicious.

    listen to this guy!

    a cal IS a cal no matter where it comes from.. 2600cals is easy to achieve if you start adding lots of decent fats into your diet. try adding decent pre gym meals and post gym meals and see how you go. If need be increase your meal sizes even.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    When people say clean bulk they usually don't mean clean foods. They mean a very low caloric surplus, thus allowing the majority of the surplus to go into muscle. When you're in a surplus, your body has 2 choices to do with the extra calories, turn it into fat or turn it into muscle (basically). Your body can only make so much muscle effectively. This is opposed to a dirty bulk, in which you stuff yourself with as many calories as you can fill yourself with in hopes of putting on as much muscle and fat as possible. If you're in a 1000 calorie surplus, it doesn't matter if the foods you eat are "clean" or not, you'll be gaining quite a bit of fat along with your muscle.

    That being said, aim for a 200-400 calorie surplus per day only. You should be gaining less than a pound per week on a "clean" bulk. If you're having trouble with eating 200-400 calorie a day surplus, then yes, eating things like avocados, cheese, full fat yogurt, peanut butter etc will help you get there.

    What he said ^

    Thank you for this information! I read this, but I also read a lot about eating right. Maybe it's because they think the people who eat McDonalds 3 times a day will be the same people eating 1000 calories over maintenance? I'm not sure. This is another thing I'm a little iffy about too, because scoobysworkshop which I've always trusted says my maintenance is around 2300 so that's why I chose 2600 as my goal. However, I just did the IIFYM website calculator and it gave me a lower number - 2100 for my maintenance. Now I'm wondering if 2600 is too much. I might lower it a bit and find a happy medium.
    I did not see where you said why specifically you are trying to gain muscle (i.e. fitness show or personal goal). I have trained over the past year with a trainer and show coach in a gym that produces fitness competitors. I personally did not reach my goals or get to where I could compete, but I was around it a lot. Hearing you talk about "fast food", alcohol, dairy products, bread, etc. those were things we were not allowed to have while training for a show. Regardless of your calorie intake, in no way were we ever encouraged to consume junk. You might check this article out and see if it helps. I would try and get in a couple of more whey protein shakes. We had one first thing in the morning and before going to bed and anytime we were to have a protein. Good luck with your efforts.

    I appreciate your input, and that was one of the articles I actually read while I was researching. No offense but I don't see how I could POSSIBLY reach my calorie goals without things as simple as dairy and bread. I'm not into strict diets like that. I actually did paleo for a while and enjoyed it, but I couldn't manage to get in more than 1000 calories a day that way. I personally know people who have had great success while still eating dairy, bread, alcohol and even "fast food" - my question was more about where to draw the line as far as how much of that stuff is too much, you know? I'm really glad you enjoyed your experience with the trainer, though - to each his own! :)

    Thank you guys for the food suggestions, I somehow forgot about peanut butter which is crazy because I love that stuff haha. I still think I'm going to struggle for a while (I'm soooo full and nauseous right now and I haven't even eaten the ice cream I have planned) but I think as time goes on my stomach will get used to holding more food... hopefully?
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Sufficient protein+surplus is all you need.
    Where the calories come from doesn't matter.
    4 tablespoons of peanut butter=almost 400 calories
    And 16 grams of protein.
    That's what id's deeeeeeelicious.

    listen to this guy!

    a cal IS a cal no matter where it comes from.. 2600cals is easy to achieve if you start adding lots of decent fats into your diet. try adding decent pre gym meals and post gym meals and see how you go. If need be increase your meal sizes even.

    Awesome. I'm not scared of fats, I promise - I've been getting like 100g a day! Apparently that's still not enough though :tongue: I am working really hard to get at least my bodyweight in protein grams, so I feel good about that. It's just the actual surplus I'm struggling with!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Drink whole milk. GO MAD (gallon of milk a day) if you feel like it.

    Oh lord I hate milk, this sounds awful hahaha. But thank you for your post, it was very helpful!! :)
  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    I just want to say this:

    You will get used to eating more after a month or two. Especially if you can avoid being stuffed most of the time (by eating some foods that are nutrient dense, and breaking up your eating into approximately 6 meals).

    This is coming from someone who eats 2900-3600 calories a day depending on activity level, but used to eat 2200 or so (which was below maintenance for me).
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I would check your progress for a few weeks to determine maintenance and aim for about 2lbs per month weight gain max. If it's more than that then cut the cals a bit.

    BTW it is best to get the majority of extra cals from carbs. Good for energy! A surplus from fat is more likely to be stored in fat cells. That's nitpicking though :smile:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    had a very quick look in your diary and theres some things you could change so you're getting more calories for the same amount of food -
    ditch the fage 0% yoghurt in favour of full fat stuff,
    add peanut butter,
    swap almond milk for full fat stuff
    swap chicken for beef or pork
    salmon or tuna are higher calorie fish (if you eat fish)
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    When I was anorexic I was eating 800-1200 cals a day, now on 3400-4000 a day and maintaining, if I can do it so can you
  • tracedinair87
    tracedinair87 Posts: 18 Member
    A clean bulk refers to eating less calories than with a dirty bulk; it has nothing to do with eating clean foods. Just make sure you hit your macros (protein shakes help) and then eat whatever you want.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I think I see the issue, I think the OP has made the false mental connection of "low calorie" equals "healthy." Eating whole nutrient sense foods is a wonderful thing, just try to avoid the lower calorie options when bulking. Also, lots of carbs. More carbs means more glycogen, more glycogen means better lifts, better lifts mean more muscle. Now's the time to gorge on white bread and potatoes! (Kidding, sort of.)
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    Drink your milk.

    Pints after pints of it.

    Every day.
  • david_swinstead
    david_swinstead Posts: 271 Member
    Drink whole milk. GO MAD (gallon of milk a day) if you feel like it.

    Oh lord I hate milk, this sounds awful hahaha. But thank you for your post, it was very helpful!! :)

    man up ;)

    No seriously, I hadn't seen this when i posted my previous message. sorry.