I'm so hungry!

Last week was the first week back on diet/healthy eating and I was ok but this week I'm STARVING. What am I doing wrong???


  • mrs_kurz
    mrs_kurz Posts: 185 Member
    Not eating enough food? You definitely don't have to starve to lose weight. Try bulking out your meals more with veggies and stuff, that way you should still feel a bit fuller whilst not compromising on too many calories.

    Good luck :)
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Try reducing carbs a bit and adding more fats and a lot more protein in your day. Also check your BMR and make sure your calorie goal is high enough.
  • Loveyoustar
    Loveyoustar Posts: 35 Member
    I'm eating up all my cals! I'm having salad with my food a lot but I guess not much veg. I could start cooking that to make me fuller. i'm eating loads of fruit.. I just feel starving this week!
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    Add more fats and protein. Do you like boiled eggs? They make great snacks, a lot of bang for your buck, and low calorie.
  • JuliMagenta
    JuliMagenta Posts: 79 Member
    I had the same problem when I started my healthy lifestyle combined with lower calories.

    The thing that helped me was a cold, when I couldn't eat for 4 days. In the end I realized, that my stomach was so used to huge meals, so I was always hungry.

    Of course, I don't want to tell you to stop eating for some days - just wanted to share my experiences.

    Now, when I feel hungry, I try to put lots of veggies on my plate to fill my stomach or I add more protein :)
  • Loveyoustar
    Loveyoustar Posts: 35 Member
    I'm not mad about boiled eggs but I love omelets!
  • Loveyoustar
    Loveyoustar Posts: 35 Member
    Maybe my stomach just needs to shrink. I'm used to snacking loads and this is a big shock!
  • I agree with everyone is saying. I also find that when my sugar is increased (good or bad sugars) I feel hungry more but, that is mainly because of my issues with sugar anyway.

    One trick I do is try to drink more water when the hunger strikes. When I get those spells where I am always hungry, I try to stick to a schedule for a few days and between I down some major water. Sometimes I find that my body is just really thirsty and that can be confused with a hungry feelings sometimes. You will know by doing this if you need more substance or if your body is just thinking it needs more food.

    Good Luck...it is rough at the beginning, just don't give in! :-)
  • Maybe my stomach just needs to shrink. I'm used to snacking loads and this is a big shock!

    Maybe stretch out your meals more...I was always told to have 5 or 6 small meals a day instead of 3 larger meals. Since you are used to snacking throughout the day, this may be a better option for you.

    Again, GOOD LUCK!!
  • Hey! I just read your diary, and if I were you, I'd take out sugar and add in fibre instead. I find days that my fibre & protein are lower, I'm always hungrier. With that being said, I'd also add in more fruits & vegetables that are high in fibre, as well as healthy fats such as nuts, avocados, extra virigin olive oil, coconut oils, chia seeds, etc. Diets and having a healthier lifestyle shouldn't make you feel hungrier, it should make you feel good! If you ever need some inspiration for healthy meals, look on Pinterest in their health & fitness section, they always have delicious ideas!
  • Looking2blittler
    Looking2blittler Posts: 39 Member
    Hey - i noticed you said you eat a lot of fruit. I LOVE fruit....Especially grapes, oranges and apples, but you have to be careful...They are LOADED with sugar - and the calories can be a bit high. I started pairing up a fruit snack with a bit of protein. Cracker Barrel cheese has several pre-sliced varieties. 3 slices is one serving of fruit and cheese and it tends to stick with me better. Also - apples / peanut butter, celery and peanut butter. Just pair up your fruit with a small serving of a protein and I guarantee this will help out. I have been able to cut down on my fruit, but not be as ravenous. Good luck!
  • I feel you dude, i am in the same situation as well. The thing is that i only feel hungry at night while i have already consumed loads of food for dinner (broccoli, eggs, yogurt, grapes and grapefruit)
    Guess we'll just have to endure it, for now :explode:
  • shepd1999
    shepd1999 Posts: 40 Member
    My favorite snack is a cup of cottage cheese and a pickle. The cottage cheese has a great amount of protien for the amount of calories. Pickles have a very low calorie count but does have a lot of sodium. But I drink a lot of water all day long so I am not as worried about the sodium. This usaully kills hunger for about 3-4 hours til I can get my dinner.
    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    Have raw veggies to snack on, I have carrots, cucumber, celery, cauliflower, broccoli and now and again I munch on a bag of spinach. Alternatively have fruit or make your own jelly and put favourite fruits in - very filling and few calories/fat :)

    Drink plenty of water too as a lot of the time you are dehydrated not hungry.

    I've been on my healthier eating programme since May and have to say NEVER feel deprived or starved!

    Find low calories recipes for your favourite foods - I make a lovely spaghetti bolognaise and instead of sauce out of a jar I use a tin of vegetable ratatouille mixed with chopped tomatoes and bulk out with lots of chunky chopped mushrooms and onions. Serve with whole wheat pasta.
  • cmurray234
    cmurray234 Posts: 112 Member
    I LOVE fruit and I eat it because I like it and because its healthy. But I've found that calories from fruit are nearly useless in helping to fill me up. In fact, I am less hungry eating nothing for breakfast than I am when I eat fruit salad. Something about all of those simple sugars.

    Maybe try replacing some of your fruit calories (some not all) with veggies and protein or fat. I like hummus with cut up veggies. Sure it's not as tasty as...say....strawberries, cantaloupe and pineapple...but it does a WAY better job filling me up. Just a thought.