What are your tips for curbing those hunger pangs ?



    TINAHUNTER1969 Posts: 219 Member
    Sugar free jelly - make it up and add your favourite fruits. Very tasty and filling :)

    I munch on raw cauliflower and broccoli too. Prefer it raw to cooked!

    I drink still water but always have a bottle of sparkling water in the fridge and add a slice of lime or lemon to change the flavour.
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    When hungry, I eat. Also try eating foods high in protein to keep you full longer and plan for snacks. Planning is key.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I drink a glass of water. Oftentimes we mistake thirst for hunger. If I'm still hungry after that, then it means I need food, so I eat a snack - something with fiber and/or protein is best. :flowerforyou:
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    I just deal with it. And then eventually when it becomes unbearable, I sleep.

    The only times I get hungry are after 7:00 PM, which are when I should stop eating for the night. I think my body knows it's being cut off from resources and it's cranky and wants to fight me. Well tough; if it was hungry, it should have told me BEFORE seven, not at nine or ten. So I don't eat. I try to do other things, such as exercising (which helps tremendously with calming the stomach's urges) or reading or playing games. And then I sleep and tell myself I can eat again in the morning. Seems to do the trick.

    Water doesn't help because I drink lots of water throughout the day. And veggies don't sound appealing to me at seven at night. Carbs sound appealing, but it's way too late in the evening for them! I think my body just wants comfort because it knows it's going to be going another twelve hours (most of it spent sleeping) before it gets food again. But it knows, and I know, that it will be fed again soon enough, so it doesn't freak out metabolically. At least that I am aware of, anyway.

    For some people eating late at night works. And for some people, eating ice cream is okay. But not me. Even just a bite of it will crash my weight loss progress for days (the weight I gain plus losing that weight again to catch back up to where I was). I admire people's ability to eat delicious treat foods (ice cream, pizza, pasta, bread, etc) and still lose weight. I wish I could do that. XD But I can't, so I gotta be a hard nose and just send my butt to bed!
  • shrinkingbrian
    shrinkingbrian Posts: 171 Member
    For me, a bowl of oatmeal or granola cereal with milk helps. I also might have a bowl of Cheerios with nonfat milk. I may eat 2 portions and I get pretty full.
  • jencook1969
    jencook1969 Posts: 25 Member
    brush your teeth, nothing tastes good after ! :smile: :smile:
  • VeeSis
    This may sound really dumb, but it works for me. My biggest time to crave a snack 'cuz I "think" I am hungry, but probably really aren't physically hungry, is in the evening. I brush and floss my teeth. That works. Takes away any craving for food.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I can think of 2 obvious ones ...........
    eat lots of veggies
    and drink lots of water


    wondered if you had any personal experience with what has worked best for you
    and / or any other things which you have found helpful

    Kind regards;


    Oh, it's the "high volume" myth. My secret to curbing hunger pangs is to eat when hungry. I eat minimally processed, high fat, nutrient dense food so I do not "fill up" with large amounts anything, including veggies or water. That's a fail. It's amazing how the body stops giving excessive hunger signals when it is getting all the nutrients that it requires (and no, veggies can NOT supply all the necessary nutrients imo) without a truck load of sugar and starches .

    Edit: Filling up on water, eating every 2 hours, chewing gum constantly, chronic cardio.. all those things were all a FAIL for me. Guess I was doing it wrong somehow. Whatever. Intermittent fasting, eating high fat foods, eating enough, moderate exercise etc seems to be working great though.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Sorry to say but most of you would not have a clue as to what hunger feels like at all.

    You think you are hungry when in fact you are not but eating because you think you need to eat at a particular time. Why curb any real hunger pangs? It teaches you to only eat when actually hungry.
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    brush your teeth, nothing tastes good after ! :smile: :smile:
    This may sound really dumb, but it works for me. My biggest time to crave a snack 'cuz I "think" I am hungry, but probably really aren't physically hungry, is in the evening. I brush and floss my teeth. That works. Takes away any craving for food.

    Haha, so true, both of these! This is what my mom does to quit eating after dinner.

    Sorry to say but most of you would not have a clue as to what hunger feels like at all.

    You think you are hungry when in fact you are not but eating because you think you need to eat at a particular time. Why curb any real hunger pangs? It teaches you to only eat when actually hungry.

    I disagree. I think any feelings of fatigue or dizziness or getting the shakes are all examples of what it is to be truly hungry. It's a sign of blood sugar falling too low, if I am correct, which would be a good time to consume some food.
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    My combination of IF and elimination of craving triggers (salt, sugar, grain, dairy) has resulted in all but eliminating cravings and hunger pangs.

    I began binge eating when I was 18 and I'm now 69. In all that time, I cannot remember any extended periods in my life when I didn't suffer overwhelming cravings.

    With my new regime I have suddenly and gratefully become a "peaceful eater". All good.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I find eating works

    Yeah, that was gonna be my answer.



    Make sure your getting enough fat and protein also.
  • marysidneyherbert
    exercising, so I can add my workout to MFP and eat back my calories
  • JordynLynnn
    I have issues with eating when I'm not hungry at all, but I'm bored. Sometimes when I eat when I'm bored THEN I feel hungry and eat even more. It's a problem.

    I try to combat it by chewing gum firstly. This doesn't always help, but if you workout then you expend energy and really DO need to eat afterwards. My thought process on that is, "Well, I think I'm hungry but I'm not really, so I'll workout for an hour or so and then I can eat after,"

    If all else fails, and my schedule allows it, I TAKE A NAP!
    Seriously, sometimes I nap on purpose because I know if I stay awake I will just get bored and want to eat. Hope some of this helps
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member

    Sorry to say but most of you would not have a clue as to what hunger feels like at all.

    You think you are hungry when in fact you are not but eating because you think you need to eat at a particular time. Why curb any real hunger pangs? It teaches you to only eat when actually hungry.

    I disagree. I think any feelings of fatigue or dizziness or getting the shakes are all examples of what it is to be truly hungry. It's a sign of blood sugar falling too low, if I am correct, which would be a good time to consume some food.

    No that would be a sign of blood sugar falling...not hunger. I go without food 3 days a week & yet to get dizzy, the shakes or fatigued. I can be damn hungry... but not get one of those. My blood sugar must be really good with water then. Like I said, people THINK they are hungry & are now going to use those as an excuse to eat.
  • stellakhenizy
    Thanks to those who posted after my last comment too - well the useful / sensible replies anyway LOL

    I didn't explain but some days / nights I get dreadful hunger pangs when I have eaten my days allowance (or even more) and don't want to resolve it by eating, as its so easy to give in to 'tempting foods' rather than sensible ones

    They are some really good / useful replies here - thank you all so much

  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Protein protein protein
    Hot tea
    Chew gum
    Brush teeth
    Some cardio
  • RestlessWorld
    RestlessWorld Posts: 2 Member
  • laceylucas86
    I don't know about anyone else but if I am truly hungry and I drink water or eat an apple or cucumber slices or something I feel like puking! when my stomach is empty is needs REAL food or I just feel sick!
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I haven't read through four pages of responses, so someone else might have said this already, but- in our society, we're so used to shoving food in our gob at the first "sight" of hunger. Eating every couple hours, eating out of boredom/emotion/stress... We have forgotten that the discomfort of hunger isn't really a bad thing- listening to our true hunger/full responses is actually very good for us, but we can't do that if we are mistaking other things for true hunger.
    OP, I would suggest eating well and balanced during your meal times (ie, choices which are high in protein and fiber, and, I would argue, a decent amount of healthy fat) and not snack between meals. Perhaps you'll find you need to increase your protein intake at mealtime, or that your meals are too far apart... you'll find what works for you. Personally, I find that if I don't eat enough protein, especially early in the day, I am hungrier and want to snack more as the day wears on.

    One last thing- there is an old saying: "hunger is the best seasoning"
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