Can I treat water like calories? Pls read for further info

So just like calories, i know there's a certain recommendation on how much water to drink a day (it varies from person to person, and depends on one's activity level, climate, diet, etc) I was wondering, if I missed the requirement on a certain day, could I make up for it the next day and have everything go back to normal immediately? Like especially after I ate foods high in sodium and retained more water (because going over the sodium limit + staying UNDER the water requirement=water retention)?

For example, if I require 80 oz a day, and I only drink 40 oz and eat something super salty, can I just drink 120 oz the next day and flush everything out immediately? Will my body just view the water intake within the two days and say "Oh as long as she meets the requirements over time, it's cool, so I won't retain anything" Or is losing water weight just like fat loss, where it takes a lot of time, and I gradually get rid of it...?

And I guess what I'm also trying to ask, is...Is drinking very little water one day and drinking a LOT the next day, just as good as drinking the required amount every single day? Does the body see it in a "marathon" mode (like calories), where it'll count how much water I've drunk OVER TIME (like a week), or does it see it in a "sprint" mode (like every day) where if I don't get enough water THAT PARTICULAR DAY, I'm doomed until I drink more water to make up for it the next day?

The reason I'm asking is not because I don't like water...but it's just some days I work in an office where I can't drink as much water because I pee so much, and my boss gets upset that i'm always away from my desk peeing (she prob thinks i'm up to something else)...and when I get home it's REALLY late (like 11pm) and I don't want to drink ALL the water I missed...right before I I try to make up for it on the days I am not working, so I can avoid using the bathroom so much.

I'm so sorry I'm terrible at explaining things, I"m sure there was a shorter way to ask this lol but if you could help me answer this, that'd be great.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You're way overthinking this...just stay hydrated.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Just drink water, don't fall into "analysis paralysis".
  • You're way overthinking this...just stay hydrated.

    just drink as much as you can.
  • chillakiss
    chillakiss Posts: 33 Member
    You're way overthinking this...just stay hydrated.

    Yeah you're right :/ I tend to do that a lot. It's just that I've been retaining water so much and I wanted to know if not being consistent with my water intake is the culprit... :(
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Drink if you're thirsty, stop when you aren't. It's that simple. You don't need to drink some specific arbitrary amount of fluid every day.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Drink if you're thirsty, stop when you aren't. It's that simple. You don't need to drink some specific arbitrary amount of fluid every day.

  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    It's just water. There is no requirement. Just recommendations. You're getting much more water than you think you are, simply in the foods that you eat. Soup, cereal with milk, fruit, etc. It's all fluid. That's what matters. And you never HAVE to hit a certain mark each day. Drink enough to keep your body hydrated so you don't faint or pass out or have heat stroke. That's all.

    Retaining water due to higher sodium intake will balance itself out after a day or two anyway. Your body does that on its own. Drinking lots of water helps move that along a bit quicker. But your body knows how to take care of itself as far as that goes.
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    The eight glasses a day thing is basically a myth anyhow. See this:

    It's a nice guideline, but you don't need to "make up" if you miss it.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Generally, if your urine is pale in color you are hydrated- if it is dark you need to drink more. (Sometimes certain foods, meds or illness can cause the urine to darken.)
  • Hyacinth86
    Hyacinth86 Posts: 27 Member
    As others said. I'd also suggest drinking water with any food. Also try having a glass of water instead of eating if you have light hunger pangs. Sometimes being hungry is your body's way of saying its thirsty too.
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    You're way overthinking this...just stay hydrated.

    Seriously. Is your pee darker? Drink more water. Light? Good job. :drinker: lol
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    If day 7 means you have to sit on the toilet all day drinking out of a water hose you will get your weekly water intake where it needs to be!!!!

    j/k just drink water.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You're way overthinking this...just stay hydrated.

    This ^^ If your urine is not dark, you are likely getting enough fluids. If it's not, then drink something. If you don't like plain water, then drink something else.

    And NO, if you don't get enough water one day you do not have to make up for it the next. Hydration doesn't work that way. Our bodies don't store water they way they store fat from calories.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I tl;dr'ed it after the first couple sentences.

    Don't overthink it, don't get angsty.

    Just... be.