poarche Posts: 62 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I just started Week 2 Day 1 of C25k, and today not only did my calves lock up, but my left foot started to tingle. I finished the run, but slowly and painfully! I have recently started stretching more often. I thought that would prevent some of this pain. How in the world am I going to run 3miles by nov if I cant even do this without pain. Ya'll help me, any suggestions or encouragement would be nice. This is depressing.


  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    When was the last time you got new shoes? I had problems with my left foot hurting when I first started running consistently. So, I looked at the tread on the bottom of that shoe and it was worn more on one side than the other causing me to walk/run on the side of my foot. I got new shoes and don't have to problem anymore. This is just my opinion...may not be part of your problem at all but might be something to look into! Good Luck!

  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    I was going to say, New Shoes too, get your shoes from a professional store that can analize your running technique
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    New shoes as everyone else has said and also make sure you are well hydrated. I was having trouble with my feet hurting and cramping when I exercised and my Yoga lady told me it was because I was not hydrated enough!
  • poarche
    poarche Posts: 62 Member
    My shoes are practically brand new. I got them a while back and haven't used them really. I even bought in soles for them. I am just going to get more hydrated, stop by shoe store and get these dawgs analyzed, and keep running! Thanks ya'll!
  • Yea, definitely drink plenty of water. I noticed that when I myself dont drink enough water, my body tends to cramp up. Dont throw in the towel...:)
  • do not let this get you down, this is just a minor challenge! I agree with stretching thoroughly and definitely drinking more water. And although your shoes may be new, they may not be running shoes, or they may not be running shoes made for you. I went out and bought a brand new pair of shox, because they were in the "running shoe" area, only to find out they are best for walking and stationary work outs, lol! Everyone's feet are different so you want to make sure the shoe you run in is best for you. good luck and you will be ready by nov!
  • I saw some aritcles that may or may not be helpful to you, which talks about how people that excersise heavily may have higher potassium needs; and some signs of low potassium levels.
  • lesliefm
    lesliefm Posts: 20 Member
    Yes, to what everyone has said, and if you have leg cramps, eating a banana really does help.
  • poarche
    poarche Posts: 62 Member
    thanks everyone!!!
  • Hydration is also Key... Sounds silly but if you are not hydrated enough, you can start having anything from cramps to dizzy spells while working out. Drink, Drink and Drink some more.
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