Making meals for a big family, others in this boat?

I figured out recently even when I intend to make something else for myself I end up ALSO eating a bit of whatever I make for the rest of the family, i.e. made a piece of fish for myself tonight but still ended up eating some lasagna I had made for the family which put me over. I have an active husband, 5 boys and 3 girls. The age range is baby to teen with 5 big jocks who need a lot of food!

A bit of background, I lost 30 pounds in the last 2.5 years and then left MFP. Having gained back 10 pounds I came back to log and stay on track. I have lost 6 pounds being back and have 4 to go:)

My biggest challenge is having food in the house I do not want to eat because of the kids and how to make dinners for a family of 10 that don't break the bank but are healthy!

I would love ideas and suggestions. And if you have teens or others in the house how do you handle what to purchase and shared meals.:smile:


  • t1nk6
    t1nk6 Posts: 215
    i cook for 6 at least 3 times a day regular but can be cooking for around 13 a couple of times a week.. 3 of which are fussy eaters and 3 have food allergies and 2 on high calorie diets, so its like a resturant here every day , everyone eats different meals every meal time and desserts and yes i have to taste the food for flavouring etc.

    Since ive been dieting i MAKE the adults and teenagers taste the food instead not a fussy eater at all so everyone offers me what they are having when theres left overs. i MAKE them bin it or wrap and store it.

    i love making spagbol,pasta dishes, stew or roast dinners and adults alike love them and its easy to alter recipies to suit the whole family and friends.
  • jennafer32
    jennafer32 Posts: 40 Member
    I have three teens two are boys who eat everything & anything and of course so does my husband! Whatever I make for dinner (enchiladas, lasagna, spaghetti, etc) I modify mine and my daughters to a low carb version-minus the noodles/tortillas/ bread and replace with low carb tortillas, wraps, zucchini and always add a sald to the meal. It's worked so far and we've lost weight and boys are happy getting the carbs they need and cooking is not such a pain. It does take will power though.
    For snacks I just load up on fruit that's on sale, microwave popcorn and lots of peanut butter! That seem to keep them full til dinner.
    Add me i'd love to share recipe ideas :)