Hello, Im a 21 year old female 5'6" weighting 170. I just started insanity a couple of days ago and I've been trying to figure out how much i need to eat. Right now i eat 1200 calories a day. I drink about 5 to 6 cups of water a day . I don't feel tired (well obviously during and after the workout) or starving but I've read that i should be eating more calories. Can i keep it at 1200 or should i increase my intake a little? I want to lose weight.


  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    The nutrition guide or the link from chelledbrown are both good resources. 1200 is definitiely not enough on Insanity. I was eating around 3000 a day and losing fat. If you undereat that drastically (and if you are pushing on Insanity and only eating 1200, you are undereating significantly), then you aren't getting enough nutrition. You are likely to burn more muscle than you want and increase the chance that you are going to burn out. Definitely eat more.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    You definitely need to calculate your calories, according to the plan, or you will not have the energy or endurance to make it through the program. Believe me, you will still lose. I'm only 5'4", and weigh around 112-114, and I eat over 2000 calories a day most days...I still lost 2 more pounds doing that, and I wasn't even trying to lose. Insanity is an extremely intense program, especially in the 2nd month, and you need to refuel your body correctly, in order to stay healthy! You may feel okay right now, but by next week, you may notice a lot of fatigue, later on in the day. That happened to me, in the very beginning, and I had to increase my calories. Once I did that, I felt MUCH better. Good luck with the program! Feel free to send me a friend request, if you'd like. :)
  • Thanks guys I didnt have the actual Insanity dvd set I've been using Youtube and i found the nutrition guide! you guys are helpful :)
  • Most helpful thank you lol
  • Guys - im about to start Insanity, to help me drop some weight for the new basketball season. I keep reading that people are eating between 1,400 and 2,000 calories but in my Benedict equation I ended up with 3,400 calories a day (3,900 - 500 for weight loss). I'm 6,3, 216 pounds and 20 years old. Have I done something wrong or is this the correct calorie intake for someone of my size/exercise factor (1.7)

    Also I can't figure out how to post on a new thread, hence why im posting at the bottom of this one!
  • MsJossie
    MsJossie Posts: 12 Member
    Hello guys, I'm about to start Insanity on monday, i weigh 180.8lb and my goal weight is 127.9lb... I've seen infomercials on Shaun T Insanity and I'm really scared of starting and failing thats why i need motivation from u guys... please who is about to embark on dis journey? Pls I need a workout buddy. HELP!!!! :'(
    ((((( my Details: female, 22yrs, height: 5'3, CW: 180.8lb, GW: 127.9lb)))))
  • MsJossie
    MsJossie Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, Im a 21 year old female 5'6" weighting 170. I just started insanity a couple of days ago and I've been trying to figure out how much i need to eat. Right now i eat 1200 calories a day. I drink about 5 to 6 cups of water a day . I don't feel tired (well obviously during and after the workout) or starving but I've read that i should be eating more calories. Can i keep it at 1200 or should i increase my intake a little? I want to lose weight.

    I'm about to start Insanity too... and I'm wondering the same thing.
  • I am new to this forum, so I want to start off by saying, WHAT UP!!!!

    I am currently on my 4th week of Insanity, this is my second time doing it, however this is the beginning of a new life for me. I notice tons of women on her posting their weight and calories burned. But the rare times I do see a male posting the same information, he is never my size. I am 32standing at 6'0 tall and weighing in at 238 pounds. I am athletic, however, I just got off of disability and gained tons of weight. I began insanity at 250lbs. I am wondering, if a guy my size should be burning more than 650-800 calories each session. I average 773 calories burned (my HRM says so) since I started insanity. Is that good or am I not pushing hard enough?
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hello, Im a 21 year old female 5'6" weighting 170. I just started insanity a couple of days ago and I've been trying to figure out how much i need to eat. Right now i eat 1200 calories a day. I drink about 5 to 6 cups of water a day . I don't feel tired (well obviously during and after the workout) or starving but I've read that i should be eating more calories. Can i keep it at 1200 or should i increase my intake a little? I want to lose weight.

    my best recomendation is to follow the advice in the nutrition guide it came with, which will have you eating nearly twice as much calories.

    Don't expect this to make you lose weight faster

    Do expect this to give you more energy for your workouts and less reason to hate life lol
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I am new to this forum, so I want to start off by saying, WHAT UP!!!!

    I am currently on my 4th week of Insanity, this is my second time doing it, however this is the beginning of a new life for me. I notice tons of women on her posting their weight and calories burned. But the rare times I do see a male posting the same information, he is never my size. I am 32standing at 6'0 tall and weighing in at 238 pounds. I am athletic, however, I just got off of disability and gained tons of weight. I began insanity at 250lbs. I am wondering, if a guy my size should be burning more than 650-800 calories each session. I average 773 calories burned (my HRM says so) since I started insanity. Is that good or am I not pushing hard enough?
    thats a tough question. i noticed that the more in shape i got, the harder it was to hit the really high HRs.

    that alone is going to make the HRM calorie reading much lower.

    are you really burning less calories in reality? idk, seems like the answer should be no because most likely your doing a lot more then you were earlier. on the other hand, those intense/high HR workouts in the begining probably were producing a bigger after burn

    i think the best answer is, if you think you can push harder then push harder. I've seen a lot of people post that they can 'make it through the whole workout without taking extra breaks'. i think this is a sign that they are doing something WRONG, pacing themselves too much. EVERYONE in the video takes an unschedueled break (many) at some point.

    No one can flat out sprint for 20- 30 min even with the 30 second breaks here and there.

    for what its worth, i never went by my HRMs calories, i just used the calorie intake formula in the nutrition guide and never logged exercise on MFP.
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Insanity is INTENSE. You need more cals. Especially if you are not even NETTING 1200.

    I did 3/4 of Insanity. I started at 179 and after a month and a half (stopped because I had a trip to go on) I ended up at 167. I lost 15 inches and my body was the best it's ever been, especially my core. I felt amazing. But while I was doing the program I was still netting anywhere from 1400-1750 and I still had great results.

    Don't suffer and all but kill yourself. Up your cals a bit and you will still see results.

    * I am also 5'6 and our starting weights were only 9 pounds apart.