Chest pain after eating tuna

I started eating more tuna (canned, in water) to get in more lean protein. However, I have been finding that I get a dull chest pain afterward. It almost feels like the food is stuck in my esophagus, but no matter how much water I drink to make it go down, the feeling won't go away. Has anyone experienced this before? Does anyone know what may cause this?


  • tmontle
    tmontle Posts: 7 Member
    Happens to me too I have no idea why :(
  • Just_Jon
    Just_Jon Posts: 108 Member
    Maybe acid reflux? Try an antacid (e.g. Tums) and see if it helps. Also, could it be an allergy?
  • justwanderful
    justwanderful Posts: 142 Member
    Heartburn. I get the same feeling if I add onions to my tuna salad.
  • LannyM74
    LannyM74 Posts: 25 Member
    I get this if I eat anything too dry...crackers in particular.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    Heartburn, acid reflux. Take an antacid like TUMS. Or don't eat Tuna. Unless it's fresh, it is recommended that you only eat tuna once a week.
  • tmontle
    tmontle Posts: 7 Member
    no its different than heartburn...i think its an allergic reaction.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    It does sound like an allergic reaction. You should probably stop eating it because that's not likely to go away. You could try a different brand and see if that helps. Have you ever had a reaction to fin fish before? If you do insist on eating it you should have some liquid Benadryl on hand in case the swelling gets worse. I have a shellfish allergy and avoid shellfish but I keep an epipen in my purse in case of a major reaction and liquid Benadryl because it's easy to swallow if your throat is closing up and works fairly quickly. My reactions have only gotten worse whenever I've been exposed so please be careful.
  • chichitao
    chichitao Posts: 5 Member
    It sounds like an allergic reaction. I get it too from oily fish. I used to be much more allergic as a kid and would be in extreme pain eating any kind of seafood, now it only seems to be specific ones and the pain is a lot milder now. Clams bother me a lot (but I still love clam chowder), but I can eat all other shellfish. Some types of salmon also gives me problems.

    You'll just have to play around with different types and see what works and doesn't for you (have you tried canned salmon?). Sorry you are experiencing this as it is not fun. The pain usually goes away for me after about 1-2hrs, and it is definitely not heartburn.
  • ErikTande
    ErikTande Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2016
    Same problem here, moderate to extreme chest pain after eating canned tuna. It's definitely NOT heartburn.

    Here's the kicker, it only started the past few years or so. I was eating canned tuna (solid white albacore) after EVERY run in 2008-2009 and never had an issue. I avoid it altogether now, the pain in my chest is too much to take.
  • chastity0921
    chastity0921 Posts: 209 Member
    It could be an allergic reaction OR too much methylmercury. If you are eating albacore, possibly try light tuna? I would stick to the low mercury fish such as salmon or tilapia. Unfortunately, mercury stays in our systems for a long time after we eat it, so you may be eating too much. I would talk to the doctor. Maybe get him to check you for allergies as well as your levels of mercury?