Hashismoto's disease

Hi Y'all
yesterday i had a call from my doctor telling me the results of my blood work i been diagnosed with hashismoto's disease i been trying to get my self together because i did not expect it i been working out and eating clean for the last 6 mo and i been able to lose 7lbs (just 7lbs) and its frustrating now with the news i'm feeling really down because i think no matter what i do i'll never being able to lose weight :frown:
i was wondering if someone here has the same disease and if so if can share their experience with me.


  • MPB68
    MPB68 Posts: 3 Member
    I was recently diagnosis end with the same thing and from what my doctor said eating gluten-free may be really important. Also, because the thyroid is basically attacking itself the levels of your meds need to be closely monitored to make sure you aren't getting too much. If your dr. Didn't talk to you about all of this find one, or a nutritionist. Who will. I'm stills truffling with all of it myself. Hope that helps a little
  • I'm in the same boat- diagnosed in March of this year. Weight loss is slow going, definitely possible though, especially once you find your ideal medication/ dose.

    There are a lot of good resources out there for info (patient advocate Mary Shomon generally has good info). There is also a hypothyroid/ hyperthyroid group here on mfp with some very supportive members.

    Hope you feel better as soon as possible.
  • Kryn_n
    Kryn_n Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks so much ladies!! im checkin gluten free recipes. i hope i can get in the right direction soon.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I am hypothyroid also have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia and still have lost 115 lbs. It has taken me 3 yrs to do it, but it is doable, if you have any questions let me know......hugs
  • bmskid
    bmskid Posts: 153 Member
    I was diagnosed when I was 12, and by that time my thyroid had been completely killed. I'm 27 now, and have quite a lot of trouble maintaining a "normal" range for blood work, but I've still managed okay. I think exercise is especially helpful in losing with the condition. My weight has fluctuated a lot over my life, and (anything after 13) is directly related to eating irresponsibly and not exercising. It is my own fault, not the fault of the disease. I've finally decided to make it to the end this time, and I'm about 51 pounds down in about 9 months. I think that's about 1 pound per week, which isn't too shabby considering!

    I recommend taking seriously the suggestion to take your medicine on an empty stomach, as certain foods cause your body to absorb it differently.

    Also, do NOT use it as an excuse. You will still see results (obviously since you've had some results despite the condition) if you do the work, it will just take longer than you'd like. You'll have to try to be patient.

    I hope you don't feel too down about it. It isn't the worst, and after awhile, you'll get the hang of what "normal" feels like so you'll know the difference when you might need to have it checked.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    There are A LOT of people on here with Hashi's. Try the "Hypothyroidism" group. There are a lot of knowledgable people that have done a lot of research and have a lot of great info. A couple things have made a big difference for me (when I stick to it!):

    Gluten Free - I FEEL better. I dont know that it helps with weight loss but it helps me feel "normal", I have less stomach issues, less pain, less fatigue, no bloating, etc.

    Low Carb - Not NO carb! My carbs (when I am behaving) come from fruit, mostly berries and lower sugar fruits, veggies, quinoa, etc. I try (key word there) to stay away from refined starches, sugars, etc. I also try to stay away from Gluten Free goodies because they are loaded with sugars and other types of starches. This has always been my biggest catalyst for losing weight. I have a horrible sweet tooth and it's really hard to stick to for me.

    When I must have a treat, I have found that the sugar is the lesser of two evils but still.. if I eat too much sugar/starch, I feel like hell and the weight loss comes to a screeching halt.

    Hashi's is an auto-immune disease so keeping yourself well is very important. Don't skip meals, be sure to drink tons of water, take a good multi-vitamin. Some people have had success with taking increased doses of Vitamin D and other supplements.

    The Hypothyroid Group on here is great. Some other sites are the FB group page - Hashimotos Thyroiditis Support Group, and Stop the Thyroid Madness.

    Hang in there and good luck!
  • Kryn_n
    Kryn_n Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks so much to each one of you i really felt bad and i promised my self not giving up no matter what but with you sharing your own experiences it made me feel a lot better :smooched: