Weight loss: 80% diet and 20% exercise?

I've been hearing lately that most weight loss is usually in diet. I'm wondering what you guys think about that? I'm beginning to think this may be true. I have been active my whole life and work out nearly every day. As soon as my diet starts to change is when I see the weight loss. Basically, is the key clean eating? A low-sodium low-sugar, and hardly any processed foods going to contribute more to weight loss than just more exercise? I have to say I feel like it might. When I snack on celery rather than pretzels I can tell a difference.


  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I believe that it is. Also, drinking a lot of water and getting enough rest is a HUGE part of that equation. It may be that 80/20 thing you mentioned, but I'd go a little further and say it's 50% mental, 30% diet, and 20% exercise. What do you think? Maybe it's more mental than that, actually because we are the ones who choose to do this and stick with it!!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    I believe that it is. Also, drinking a lot of water and getting enough rest is a HUGE part of that equation. It may be that 80/20 thing you mentioned, but I'd go a little further and say it's 50% mental, 30% diet, and 20% exercise. What do you think? Maybe it's more mental than that, actually because we are the ones who choose to do this and stick with it!!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Oops did not mean to post twice!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    100% true.
    I can work out 6 days a week and burn 4-500 calories per session, but if I eat whatever I want, I'll gain weight.
    When I am really really really focused on my diet, I can lose about a pound a week.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    It's definately 80% Diet, 10% motivation, 10% exercise!!!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    my personal uneducated opinion is that it could easily be a percentage mix of whatever fits your lifestyle best. if you're an active person, stepping up the exercise might allow you to indulge now and again while still losing weight. (this has been my experience anyways)
    however, if you literally have zero time for exercise or are physically unable, then you may be able to follow a pretty strict diet and squeeze in 15 minutes of activity a few times a week and drop pounds.
    i've done the former and it's worked for me thus far! but for the best results, i'd say concentrating on both diet AND exercise and allowing yourself an occasional rest day will increase your chance of success.

    edit - i'd also like to mention that goal-setting and mental preparedness is the key. diet and exercise are just tools we use to achieve this goal.
  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    I really think it depends on the person. I think a heavy person who eats fast food and fried foods could lose weight most easily by changing their diet. For me, however, I eat very healthy in the first place. Exercise is key for me - there's not really a whole lot for me to change in my diet. Always little tweaks, yes, but for the most part, getting active is what will take weight off for me.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I agree! You just need to find what works for your body. Gotta find the right amount of calories to consume and burn..it's not an easy thing to do so I agree it's just as much mental!
  • Ngolden1
    Ngolden1 Posts: 58 Member
    Not only is this 100% true, but I think the split could be more like 90% diet and 10% exercise. I exercised for months and didn't lose weight until I changed my diet. I have also had periods of time where I lost weight with no exercise at all, but a very strict diet. It comes down to calories. You can eat processed salty foods and still lose weight with low calories. Unless you work out like a professional athlete - exercise does not have that big of an impact. Although, I do believe once you get to a low body fat, exercise helps give you that toned look (and is obviously good for health).
  • SouthernBell86
    SouthernBell86 Posts: 275 Member
    Hmm, well I think that as far as your body is concerned you need to fit water into the equation. Maybe give 33.3% to diet, 33.3% to exercise and 33.3% to water.

    You're right that if you are only exercising, you probably aren't burning enough calories to combat the high amount of calories the average American can consume in a day. If you burn 500 calories exercising, but eat more than 3,000 calories you probably aren't going to lose weight.

    If you are only dieting and not exercising I think you may lose a little weight, but I don't think you'll be able to get it all off, keep it off or possibly even stay on the diet. I think a lot of dieters find that the daily exercise helps keep them motivated to eat right. Exercise gives you those lovely endorphins and helps clear your mind of a lot of stress, which is what caused a lot of us to overeat in the past. Not to mention when you exercise you can eat more, which definitely also helps on a diet.

    And water? Well, if you're not drinking enough water your body will hold on to as much of it as it can, and there is a lot of water stored in fat cells.

    So I think its really about getting all those things going properly. Don't give up on any of them :)
  • Lindsay7360
    Bump - I like this thred!
  • cskalaj
    cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
    I think it's true. I find when I work out, I allow myself more calories and end up going over 9 times out of 10 thinking I've earned them before logging them. Also, think about how many calories you could potentially consume in a small amount of time as compared to how many you can burn in the same amount of time. Some restaurants serve meals you can eat in less than 30 minutes that have thousands of calories. You'd have to be on an elliptical machine for about an 5-hour stretch to make that up!
  • stringcheeze
    Yes! Eat the right thing and weight loss will take care of itself without hours spent in the gym.

    "Calories in - Calories out" is crap math. "A calorie is a calorie" may obey the laws of thermodynamics, but is complete garbage in a system like the human body.

    Studies have been done (and I can get references if you want them) that have shown people losing ample amounts of weight on 2,000 calories of animal meat and fat. Yes, that's 50% calories from meat, 50% from fat. Yet give those same people 1200 calories (usually based on the typical low-fat, high carb diet) and they're lucky if they lose 5 lbs.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I recently read that for losing weight that diet does have a huge percentage in how much you lose, but exercise is more affective in keeping the weight off. I will try and find the article again and post it :)
  • redhotsmacker
    redhotsmacker Posts: 227 Member
    I'm in total agreement with that statement! Just by changing your diet you can still lose weight. Exercise is helpful in making the process faster!
  • Bolton1983
    Bolton1983 Posts: 12 Member
    I lost most of my weight eating mcdonalds and drinking beer and smoking ciggarettes.

    I know that doesnt sound healthy, but i was motivated, i ate small portions and watched calories,..

    I didnt exercise once and had the best body i had in almost my entire life.

    its an odd story but i assure you, its true, everythign would say when i was losing weight, that its not healthy.

    My point is,, what works for you, works for you, and not everybody.

    So for you it could be 80 diet and 20% food, who knows...try differnt things out and see what works best for you.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hey There:
    I know that what I eat/don't eat is the key for My wt. loss. I have lost over 75 lbs. in the last 12 months and I just (a month ago) incorporated any type of "exercise routine" in My Life. Eating lower calories is the key to weight loss, later I began to monitor My sodium intake (This brought a whole new dimension to My Health...no water retention, weight stabilized, no more puffiness in My hands, feet and ankles, blood pressure stabilized, hair in top of My head began to grow longer...and this is just the stuff I can see/measure!). I have reduced My sugar intake but that is difficult when you add fruit to the eating plan, I think it is more important where the "sugar" comes from. When sugar come from fruit (fructose) or dairy (lactose) blood sugar stays more normalized, as such it does not release insulin fast into your system causing blood sugar spikes and holding on to carbs (causing wt gain.) So for Me the key is knowing where My "sugar" comes from, allowing for the "good" sugar and limiting the "bad" sugar. For Me, changing My Habits, thus changing My Lifestyle has come in "sections," I have not tried to make changes all at once for fear that would overwhelm Me and cause frustration (and I would quit)...it's a process. I'm glad I found MFP because the tools here have been fantastic in allowing Me to see what I am doing and to notice trends (good and bad) to continue them or stop them before they get out of hand. So best to you in whatever you do.

    I'd like to add that exercise definitely has its place in My Life now but NOT for wt. loss. It is so important for Me Spiritually and Emotionally; also, I have arthritis and it has improved My range of motion, balance and endurance, and reduced pain. NOW, I would not give up exercise and stretching...but its not a wt. loss device, any benefits from it relative to wt. loss is a Blessing.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    The key is always diet. I don't treat exercise as a weight loss tool. I treat exercise as a "get healthy" tool. When it comes to weight loss, it really does boil down to a simple equation: calories out > calories in. While it is nice to know you can be a little less strict when you're exercising, coming to understand "food as fuel" is important. The opposite, "Food as a treat for ________" -- even if the blank is "exercise" -- can be a setup for potential weight regain later.

    So, yes, I exercise while I am losing weight. I find the endorphin-rush from exercising improves my mood greatly, which is key to me feeling good about myself and my life, which in turn motivates me to keep eating well and losing weight.
  • chelsealjames
    chelsealjames Posts: 92 Member
    Wow!! Thanks everyone!! Yeah I have always worked out and not lost those last 10 lbs. So I'm going to change my diet to a clean, low-sodium and low-sugar diet (which is where my problem seems to be). I love this site! It has changed my whole perception of health/fitness/diet/weight loss
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    73lbs lost with about 98% diet & 2% exercise. I believe it! :tongue: