Healthy weight loss 70 lbs

Hi I'm Toy,
I'm 32 years old and my starting weight was 202. On my 5'3 frame, that is a massive amount of weight. I decided to make a lifestyle change in mid July. It hasn't been easy but it is getting easier every week. I've currently lost 9 lbs. If anyone wants to join in and motivate , swap recipes, and/or general fitness and wellness tips, I'm glad to have you.

SW July 15, 2013 202.8
CW September 4, 2013 193.6


  • Clemsonmom
    Clemsonmom Posts: 92 Member
    Please add me. I would love to have someone to work together with on this journey. Someone who would help me and I can help them.
  • I absolut will. I'm glad to have you for this journey.
  • You can add me too. I'm starting out the in the same place you are at 202 and my goal is at least 50, maybe more depending .....

    I'd be glad to give support ande to get it.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    id love to watch you succeed at your goal. im 37 years old, still have 101 pounds to bust out of. I'm very motivated and dedicated! I think I could offer great support as well as use support myself.
  • fhargis0002
    fhargis0002 Posts: 113 Member
    I am 5'2, 24 yrs old. I have lost 55 lbs although my tracker only reflects 16. I started at 220 and am at 165. My goal is 130 right now, but will probably go lower once I get there as I am so small and 130 is the heavier side of my healthy weight.
  • What have you been doing to lose the weight?
  • Tcox614 Glad you are going to be a part of the journey to become the best you possible. :bigsmile:
  • Qtgonewild that's Great!!! I'm sure you have great advice since you are already well on your way to reaching your goals.
  • Feel free to add me! I'm 24 and currently 215.5. I'm also 5'3 and looking to loose about 70 lbs., but I'll set a more specific goal as I get closer.
  • Fhargis You are doing really well. Keep up the great work. :flowerforyou:
  • Aiyanashanay I started off slowly. I made a plan to start walking. I didn't focus on a speed or a distance initially my first goal was to get out there twice a week. My first time out I only made it 3/4 mile and it took me 21 min. I've stuck with it and I'm not able to do 3.5miles and keep a pace of about 17.5 min a mile.

    For my nutrition, I'm focusing on making better choices. Again, I started slow. My first goal was to make good breakfast choices andto keep it under 400 calories. That was my 2 week focus. After that I added reforming my snacks to under 200. It doesn't feel like a big change a first but it makes a impact. I hope this helps.
  • Nikki you have been added. Making the decision to start is more important than a goal structure. Many people choose to make changes without setting a number to reach. There is nothing wrong with the way you are choosing to start.
  • EforEffort
    EforEffort Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I'm 30, and am right where you are -- same height and weight
    I'm one week into eating better and plan to start waking now that it's cooling off

    Would love to get support from others and offer encouragement to you, too

    I'm attempting to blog my journey at too
  • LbCrusher
    LbCrusher Posts: 2 Member
    I'm also 200+lbs. and only 5'1/2". I've struggled with my weight for quite some time now. After having to have knee surgery, due to carrying around so much weight, I finally decided to get serious about my weight loss. I use MFP because it helps me be accountable for what I eat. I lost 8 lbs. before joining and 18 total. I would like to lose about 85 lbs. total. Feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • lhutchinson46
    lhutchinson46 Posts: 4 Member
    I would like to be added also. I have been at this for about a week but haven't lost anything yet. I do really good until later in the evening and then I can't stop the cravings. I haven't started exercising yet which I know would make a big difference. I hope I can get some good motivation and advice here.
