No time to exercise?

Obviously eating healthy isn't the only way to lose weight (which I need to start working on), but lately I've been getting pretty busy with schoolwork and I can't seem to find the time to go out and jog. I've definitely gained weight since summer with my lack of activity so does anyone have any advice about what I should do with this?
My weight loss is not because of appearance although that is also a part, but I am currently overweight for my height and it is starting to cause me back problems and I need to do something about it.


  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    This was a quote I saw on a triathlon email list I belong to. The writer is a trainer, and obviously it is geared towards triathlon, but i find it can be applied across the board.
    "It is rare that I walk down the street and FIND money. In fact, I don't think in any aspect of my life, I have ever FOUND Money. I have to make every penny I get. I was recently having a conversation with one of my athletes and the athlete was saying "FINDING time for workouts is harder than the actual workouts". Well, first of all, she was totally correct. The chance of FINDING time is pretty well ZERO. The only way the time becomes available is when we make the time. Then the workout becomes the easy part. But MAKING time for anything is as hard as making MONEY, at least it is for most working age groupers, especially if they have young I said this: ...We need to make time, like we make money, so take FIND out of your vocabulary and you'll have an entirely different approach to time management, because when people waste your time, you'll feel the exact same way as people pissing away your money. Seriously, change the vocabulary and you'll see how it changes your approach to making time :-) As the biggest challenge for most age groupers is to get to the start line of workouts, I thought that I'd share this mindset. Talk to any of the guys who seemingly have "more time to train" and it does not happen by magic. Most are really efficient time managers and do more with the 168 hours we all get in a week than the guy who they are beating who probably has better genetics but is just more disorganized."

    (This is referring to the kind of athletes who fit in anywhere from 2-6 hours of training in a given day)
  • Bryy312
    Bryy312 Posts: 2 Member
    HIIT cardio such as sprinting (YOUR top speed) is perfect for getting the heart pumping for the entire workout and hours afterwards. Start with this sample and tailor it to your specific needs:

    Atleast 4 times a week.

    -30sec jog

    -15sec sprint

    -repeat for 10~15mins

    (Increase total workout time as the weeks go on.)

    -Raise in testosterone
    -Raise in Metabolism/ fat burning potential
    -Heart works harder for longer period of time even after the workout, which helps fat burn!

    I highly suggest taking an ice bath/very COLD shower afterward. Your muscles will soothe, and your body will be forced into an endothermic-like state which burns calories. Your unwanted fat will burn right off.

    Do this regime for 2 weeks and I guarantee you results!
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    what about Tabata workouts? there are lots on youtube. you could do a 5 minute break in studying to do a few minutes of intervals, breaks up the studying and probably helps you study better to mix some physical activity in.

    It's hard to strike a balance, but keeping healthy and active will only improve your academic performance.

    Flash cards...if you get the answer wrong 5 burpees. get a study buddy who will quiz you and keep you accountable.

    Just my thoughts :) it's hard to fit in all the stuff when u are a student, I don't miss it.
  • You're right! There are tons of exercise videos on Youtube so I could spare a 5-10 minute break every now and then to get moving. One of my friend's, who's also looking to losing weight, told me the best way to stay active is to limit how much you sit down. Although it'll be pretty hard to read a textbook while walking from one end of the house to the next, there are plenty of things I could be doing in those few minutes!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Spend a day logging your time like you log your food. I made a chart, broken into 10 minute increments, and recorded my activity for an average day. I was SHOCKED at the amount of time I was wasting!

    Once I saw where my time was going, I was able to organize my life better. It's all about priorities!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Get up an hour earlier - problem solved
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Agreed with everything from 3DR's quote in the first response. It's not about finding time, it's about making time. Maybe you get an hour less sleep. Maybe an hour less of TV or casual reading. Maybe an hour less with your friends. Maybe skip a meal and have a workout instead. If you're a single mom with little kids and no access to baby sitting, it may be next to impossible. But if you're a young person in school, come on, stop with the no time talk
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    "It's time to be dedicated"
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    MAKE sure as hell won't find you.

    Get off here and DO something.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    The only advice I really have is MAKE TIME. It's what you have to do if you want it bad enough. That is all.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    If it's a priority, you'll find time.

    Do you watch TV? If you do, stop. There, time!
  • Jackson4590
    Jackson4590 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm certainly not judging you. I have coworkers who "never have time" yet when someone wants to go to happy hour they are there. When someone wants to go to the mall they will go. Then they complain about not getting in shape because they don't have time. You have to make time. Nothing in a normal routine is so important it can't wait an hour until you are done with your exercise.

    Get some free weights while you watch TV, try a push up routine while you watch TV (I went from being able to do 30 push ups to 66 in a row just by giving it 15 minutes/week!). Do jumping jacks, etc. No exercise is silly.
  • If you want it bad enough you'll make time.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    weight is like 80% diet and 20% fitness

    working out makes you feel better and helps you look better- but the weight you gained can be controlled purely through your diet.

    I also agree- you make time- you don't "find it"

    I work 3 jobs- well 3.5 jobs. And I leave at 7/730 and often don't come home until 1130 at night. It is what it is. I still have time to work out- mostly because it's just THAT important to me.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    As everyone already said- you don't find time, you make it. If it's important to you skip a tv program or wake up earlier. Leave for class 20 minutes earlier and take a longer route to your class. There's other ways to work out besides running too- go to the rec center your school provides, look up free workouts on youtube, buy a couple of dvds (i like jillian michaels) and do them in your room.

    There's a quote on pinterest I've seen a few times that always gets me to work out- "someone busier than you is working out right now". If you want it, make the time :)
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    If you have time to post on the internet you have time to exercise....
  • Pinkranger626
    Pinkranger626 Posts: 460 Member
    Something I used to do when I was in college was to study while exercising. I would make my flashcards and bring them to the gym and get on the elliptical or the stationary bike (I found the treadmill to not work so well while studying lol) Run through the flashcards over and over again while you sweat away. I kept them in a baggie so i wouldn't drop them on the floor... although I did have a couple mishaps anyways.

    You can even make it a game for yourself- each answer you get wrong you have to increase the resistance by 5. If you get 5 in a row right you can reduce the resistance 2 clicks. If you have a friend that is studying for the same test you can get on machines next to each other and quiz each other. You can even play the same game and challenge each other.

    Another things that I used to do was to get into my workout clothes and set a timer, I would work on the project: papers, studying,etc for a set amount of time. When the timer went off I would go out for my run. I would set a time limit for my run ( 2 miles in 30 minutes including showering/changing) and then get back at it. Sometimes it actually helped me get out of a rut I had gotten into.

    You could also do the timer thing and have it set for every 20-30 minutes and every time if goes off you have to get up and do 10 reps of an exercise (burpees, pushups, jumping jacks etc.)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    If you have time to post on the internet you have time to exercise....

    ^^^^ :laugh:

    If you want something badly enough you'll make the time, if you don't you'll make excuses.
  • kenyainez
    kenyainez Posts: 222 Member
    Not to echo everyone else here but they're all on point. I have this talk with several of my friends who exclaim they don't have time to workout. How is it that they don't have 30-60 minutes to dedicate to their fitness but they have 3.5 hours to watch a football game on Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday (college)? I'm not saying that's you, but I get a good idea of their lifestyle and help them to fit the time in. Me, personally, I get up an hour earlier to get my workout in. Reason being is because its an uninhibited time of day where nobody needs me and no impromptu events are occurring. I was a student who attended school both day and night and worked in between. My only option then was waking up earlier and it still works for me now.

    I would suggest that you sit down and assess your day and other variances that may come with it. See where you can fit your workout in on each day and stick to that. Once you do that, you can find the tools necessary to help you reach your goal; be it the gym, youtube videos, or short workouts like Focus T25 (25 minutes a day, five days a week).

    Make it happen! Best wishes to you and your efforts!
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    If you have time to post on here, you have time to exercise! Exercise doesn't have to be a huge deal - there are plenty of short HIIT exercises that will help you lose weight as long as your calories are in check.

    Try DailyHiit on youtube, or Zuzka Light's channel for some really intense short workouts. No more excuses!
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I don't have the time to go out to run either, but I do have time to do other, smaller things. Like whenever I'm at the bottom of the stairs I will do ten jumping jacks, or before I get up I will do ten sit ups. I take the stairs instead of the lift, and get off the bus sooner than I usually would have done. I also have an exercise bike that I can use while I'm working, and I walk on the spot while I'm cooking at the hob.

    Only little things, but they add up, and it's more than I ever did before.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It's been mentioned above, but not loudly enough:

    You don't have to exercise to lose weight.

    So if you REALLY dont have the time, then just concentrate on eating properly.

    That said, 30 Day Shred takes, what, 20 minutes?
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Next time you start to say, ‘I don’t have time to _______.’ Replace that sentence with, ‘________ is not a priority to me right now.

    Just sayin'.
  • Greywalk
    Greywalk Posts: 193 Member
    My time came out of my sleep time (not a good idea) and now my running time comes from two time sets (one is daughter at soccer practice) the second is early morning in the dawn hours (sun has not cut the horizon). You only need 30 minutes for most runs. But for busy, I work full time, am a full time grad strudent, taxi driver for two active children, and play soccer as a hobby. Using time is normally the issue. Best wishes on re-looking at how time is spent.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I work full time, have a newborn that only sleeps a few hours at a time throughout the night, and a 5 and 7 year old that I have to shuttle to activities and help with their homework. Plus I have a house to clean, laundry to clean, and food to prepare. I still find time to workout. Are you busier than that?
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    I got a full time job, a part time job, Grad school, and a 3yr old. I dont want to hear excuses.....

    I have complete P90x, Insanity, and on T25 right now..(this year)
  • crackur
    crackur Posts: 473 Member
    Next time you start to say, ‘I don’t have time to _______.’ Replace that sentence with, ‘________ is not a priority to me right now.

    Just sayin'.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    You don't find time, you make time to workout. Being a single full time dad I thought the same thing. You'll never find it, you have to make it. You'll figure it out. Good luck.
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