Thank you Dominos Pizza

amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Now I know that Dominos isn't going to really help me in the weight loss category, but we are having it for lunch at work and I will have a slice. Pizza is always hard for me to figure calories on, too much adding. So I went to dominos website and they have an awesome tool that will count the calories from a pizza you build! Hand tossed with pepporoni and mushroom is 210 calories for one slice!


  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I'll second that thanks! Sounds crazy, but I would probably eat out more if these places would post the nutrition info so I can track.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    That's awesome! We're going to a Burrito place for dinner with my brother and his wife and I can't find nutritional info ANYWHERE on it...their website doesn't show any nutritional facts and MFP doesn't have it in the database. I think I'll be begging to go somewhere else so I can at least know how much exercise I need to get in before we go. I can imagine pretty much anywhere we go will be over the 750 cals I have remaining.
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    Well, majority seems to rule. Here in Texas it's not as common that they have nutritional information at restaurants because it's not even a law here. And are they doing the right thing without a law? Apparently, not. (They always claim just give us a chance....but they've had so many already!)

    I'd like to see more nutritional information available so I don't have to study the websites before I go. (Which I do)

    However, that's great that you're able to calculate your pizza properly from their info. :) And yeah, I found the same thing on a Mr. Gattis website regarding their pizza. I just don't think much of chain pizza.
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Wow, I just had a "no wonder I'm fat" moments...A slice of thin crust pepperoni pizza with extra cheese is 390 cals! And then those little chocolate cake things are 350 each...I used to be able to eat half a medium pizza and both little chocolate cakes. Yikes!!!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I love pizza and you can find some pizza for less cals. When I read about people eating 500 cal a slice pizza I think where do you go and get your pizza from!?!!

    The big italy from pizza hut only has 180cals (pepperoni) for one slice!
    (just got to make sure to drink water cause sodium is high).
  • It's awesome you were able to find that! I LOVE pizza, but never get to eat it besides MAYBE the rare bday party for the kiddos. I will definitely find that tool useful....thanks SO much for sharing!!
  • Now I know that Dominos isn't going to really help me in the weight loss category, but we are having it for lunch at work and I will have a slice. Pizza is always hard for me to figure calories on, too much adding. So I went to dominos website and they have an awesome tool that will count the calories from a pizza you build! Hand tossed with pepporoni and mushroom is 210 calories for one slice!
    That's a great thing however, I have issue with what they call "a slice" is it 1/16 or 1/18 of the pizza....the serving size is i just about a bite so I stick with things that are actually going to fill me up not merely tease me, and cause me to over-eat!
  • I'll second that thanks! Sounds crazy, but I would probably eat out more if these places would post the nutrition info so I can track.

    Definitely agree. I wish restaurants would realize there is a whole community of people in the world avoiding them like the plague just because I don't know what the calories are. If I knew, even if they were bad I could work it out. I go to Calf. Pizza Kitchen a few times every now and then and its the easiest thing ever because all of their food is listed. If its a toss-up on where to eat, I always go with where the calories are listed. This is the reason the only gourmet coffee I've had is Starbucks.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Now I know that Dominos isn't going to really help me in the weight loss category, but we are having it for lunch at work and I will have a slice. Pizza is always hard for me to figure calories on, too much adding. So I went to dominos website and they have an awesome tool that will count the calories from a pizza you build! Hand tossed with pepporoni and mushroom is 210 calories for one slice!
    That's a great thing however, I have issue with what they call "a slice" is it 1/16 or 1/18 of the pizza....the serving size is i just about a bite so I stick with things that are actually going to fill me up not merely tease me, and cause me to over-eat!

    I limit myself to 2 slices unless it's a cheat day I'll have one more but whenever I do eat pizza I make sure I eat salad. Usually I would eat this first before the pizza so sometimes i only have 1slice or 1 slice and a half
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    Oh great....the not-so-helpful ad that showed up on top when I read this thread was for "free cheesesticks at Papa John's"! Ahhhh
  • I went to visit my friends in NY and Wendy's had all of the calories listed on the board for each item. yes it is helpful, but sometimes ignorance is bliss! Now I feel awful for all of the times I went there thinking it was a slightly healthier alternative! (Keyword being slightly)! lol
  • Mesmereyes
    Mesmereyes Posts: 83 Member
    Wow! Thanks for posting this. I just ordered pizza for lunch for the company and before I ate 1 slice of the Veggie Pizza with chicken, I was trying to figure just how much sodium I would be able to cut out if I scraped off all the toppings and threw away the crust! :) Maybe I can no.... heading to the website...thanks!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I can't eat dairy, so i always order my pizza cheese free...usually i get mushroom and green pepper with no cheese...wonder how many calories per slice that is, because i can eat half the pizza to myself! I can't find anything on the Pizza 73 website, so i understand now how irritating it is that resturants aren't upfront about their nutritional value.
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    The site bums me because I used to tear up a pizza, even two slices now seems like 1.5 too many.
  • I'm completely with you. Pizza is my # favorite food and I'm not eating bread products anymore.. I tried to make little zucchini pizzas but its just not the same. Sigh. LOL

    So the good thing is since I'm not hungry, I'm not craving pizza. But I still remember how much I love it :)
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Wow I didn't know about this! Almost makes me scared to go and chek out the calories in the WHOLE pizza I managed to consume last week :( I know slap my wrists now!!

    I will deffinately have a look at this in the future though - might put me off being such a piggy! :)
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    Watch out for the deception from our friend the pizza maker. Trust me, I can eat me some pizza, give me a day and I can down a whole pie for breakfast, lunch and dinner :-)

    But, they just list the calories, which is good for them since it doesn't seem like that much. I did some calculations from this site

    which lists all of the info and got this...

    Calories for (1/8 pizza) from quick calculator site: 300

    Calories for (1/8 pizza) from thier total guide: 301.25 (not much difference)

    Calories from Fat (1/8 pizza) from total guide: 108.75

    *12.25 grams of Fat with 5.125 grams of that fat being Saturated Fat.

    Info is hand tossed, new pizza sauce, regular cheese and pepperoni topping.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I was so excited you mentioned this website until I went there and there is no option for NO CHEESE or light-cheese WHY???? They have regular, double and triple – ugh that’s disgusting! We’re a cheese hating household and only eat it very, very lightly on bought pizza NEVER on homemade pizza or any other dinner but unfortunately that calculation is never available anywhere. Even the new egg white Subway breakfast sandwiches include cheese, why can’t that be an option?

    Oh well, the new "better tasting" Dominos recipe hasn’t come to Canada yet so I haven’t had it in years since I didn’t like it last. I eat Pizza Pizza and its <200 cals a slice (4WW points) even less the way we order it sans cheese.
  • Not sure what people are familiar with as far as web sites, but when I did WW, a big site for me was dotties weight loss zone, or There are a TON of restaurants listed on this site, and I mean a ton, and it is broken down by restaurant and then food items. For example, I copied a line from Aunt Annies Pretzels:

    Almond Pretzel (400 cal/8 g fat/2 g fiber/72 g carbs)

    Not sure if this helps, but it may. Good luck.:laugh:
  • Not sure what people are familiar with as far as web sites, but when I did WW, a big site for me was dotties weight loss zone, or There are a TON of restaurants listed on this site, and I mean a ton, and it is broken down by restaurant and then food items. For example, I copied a line from Aunt Annies Pretzels:

    Almond Pretzel (400 cal/8 g fat/2 g fiber/72 g carbs)

    Not sure if this helps, but it may. Good luck.:laugh:

    Woah-ho!! Thanks for sharing that website...I spent about 2 hours this morning looking it over with my jaw laying on the floor!! Such an eye-opener!!
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