Tell me what I am doing wrong

Since 8th July I have lost 11 pounds in total. Yes its a steady loss but I have lost nothing in the last two weeks, despite cutting down my daily calories.

So could you wonderful people take a look at what I am doing and make some suggestions to me, would appreciate any help in kick starting the weight loss.


  • ScottF83
    ScottF83 Posts: 233 Member
    My personal opinion from what I've read and heard in my time...

    You've stated that you have 140 lbs to lose, so obviously that implies that you are fairly overweight. The first 10-20 lbs will drop very quickly from a change in diet (to a healthy, lower calorie world).

    From that point, you are in the 'hard slog' and it will just take time, patience, clean eating and regular exercise to keep it slowly coming off - roughly 2lbs a week is a good target.

    Don't keep lowering your calories to try and fight this natural progression as your body will fight it and start to go into starvation mode, water retention, all that fun and games. Just keep to the MFP recommended calories, keep drinking lots of water and keep eating little but often to keep your metabolism BURNING! :)
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    you said nothing about excercise, you have to do more then just your daily routine of housework (that means more then just mucking out horses). Also, why cut your calories down if it was working just fine?
  • sdeepe
    sdeepe Posts: 3 Member
    I cannot lose weight unless I do regular cardio exercise. Are you exercising ? I get into slumps where I lose nothing and it is very disheartening. Eventually the needle on the scale starts to go down again. I started my weight loss at about the same time as you did. I do 180 minutes a week of working out on an elliptical at work. I think the toning up is just as important as the weight lost. It makes me feel so much more pulled together than dieting alone.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    You're probably just at a plateau ... Give it time
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I don't see that you are doing anything wrong. I don't think there is a wrong. For me personally I would eat more fresh and less processed food. More veggies, if you can stand them. You could just be slowing down from the great loss to start. The only other idea I have is to check your measures. Good Luck!
  • daftthoughts
    I don't see any logs in your diary for water. Are you drinking any water at all? I don't see you logging any kind of drink whatsoever.

    If you haven't already, drink 8 cups/2 liters of water a day. If you drink coffee and tea, try to drink it without sugar or sweeteners (it takes getting used to, but as someone who spent all her life only wanting her coffee and tea super sweet, I don't even miss it anymore now). If you're going to add sweeteners to your diet, use honey - it has more calories, but the body can process is much, much better than refined sugar in the sense that refined sugar is turned and stored as fat much more quickly.

    Other than that, you're doing good on your calories intake and meeting your goals, so just keep going. :) Your body's not a machine, it has its ups and downs. It's the long-term downward trend you should focus on.
  • Sabochan
    Sabochan Posts: 37 Member
    You're consistently going over on your sugar levels, and they're not entirely from natural sugars. Most of what I saw in your diary was from processed, refined sugar. It's fine to eat (in moderation) but you're having it almost every day.

    In my case, I was in a similar situation. Once I lowered the amount of refined sugars I was eating, I started to see a steady loss.

    (Have you worked out your TDEE?)
  • bslaf
    bslaf Posts: 249 Member
    you seem to be going over in sugar by a lot, also try and get in some more lean protein and keep up a workout routine and stick with it
  • ArtemisRuns
    ArtemisRuns Posts: 251 Member
    You are not doing anything wrong.

    Unfortunately, weight loss takes time and it is not a linear process. Be patient. The difference between those who succeed int he long run and those who do not is endurance, determination, and patience. Hang in there, keep up the hard work and the weight will continue to come off.

  • BeckyMBisMe
    BeckyMBisMe Posts: 215 Member
    I would switch out the fruit juices for an actual piece of the fruit. It has less cals per volume ingested and it would be more filling. Also your system has to actually work to digest it. Also you may want to consider less processed and more natural products over all. And like the others said water, cardio, and strength training. But just don't give up, you CAN do it!
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    You can take a look at my diary. As far as you doing anything "wrong" no, personally there is no wrong just adjustments you have to make.
    From the looks of your diary I dont see any water or liquid intake and some of the same foods. Give your body variety and take up walking if you can. Its a great and easy exercise.
    But definitely log your water. H2O is very important....
    Good Luck "OP" :flowerforyou: