Doing this alone.

Okay, I really need some advice. How do ya'll find the strength to do things by yourself? Right now, I feel ashamed that I'm struggling with doing things on my own like how "should be able to." What did you guys do to get rid of the "need" to always have company to do things?

For instance, I didn't go for a walk yesterday because my husband didn't want to. It was a perfect day; I could have gone out if I wanted to. But I've been making steps and been doing this on my own, such as going to Critical Mass and Slow Roll, other group bike outings.

But, I still have this gnawing feeling of loneliness inside. Maybe I'm crazy, but any input would be appreciated.


  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    Hello from Chicago. Same problem here. I followed someone's suggestion of "friending" successful people, look at their food diaries and learn from it. I noticed that all of them eat at a caloric deficit and are active. No magic, just plenty of hard work and consistency and I'm sure glory from losing a ton of weight! :flowerforyou:
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I know how you feel about not wanting to do things alone. I have the same issue and it's because I'm lonely. I'm working on it and getting better at it, but when it comes right down to it, the crux of the matter is that I don't like feeling alone. I've gone through a lot to learn to hold myself in better esteem, to love myself and to feel more comfortable alone, and things are much better than they used to be, but for some reason, it's still hard to motivate myself to exercise alone. I don't know why.

    I don't know your story, but if there's something deeper that's chewing at you emotionally, you will likely need to address that first. I've read several places lately that 10-15 minutes of meditation a day can make a huge difference in emotional happiness. Maybe add that to your day and see if it helps you find motivation? Hey... maybe I should do that too (huh... I knew there was a reason I responded to these posts... sometimes I come up w my own answers).

    Anyway, I'm just getting back into this after being away for a while. I am in a relationship that is better than any I've ever been in, but my BF just deployed to Afghanistan, so I'm back on the lonely boat. Things in life are good otherwise, so I'm trying to do this on my own while he's gone b/c I know that I really truly do need to do it on my own for it to last.

    Feel free to friend me if you want!
    Best of luck to you.
  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    How about listening to an audio book when you walk? You need to be alone for that. Think of it as "me time".

    The only person you should be getting fit for is you, ergo the only person you need there is you. Empower yourself to do this without "help".

    If it's still a struggle, then try to start a walking group in your neighbourhood.
  • stacyhaddenham
    stacyhaddenham Posts: 211 Member
    While my spouse and I are on this journey together, her physical limitations means that I often do things like taking a walk or going to the gym alone. I look forward to the time when she can go with me but in the mean time I use the opportunity for a little "me time". I plug in my head phones and tell her I will be back in an hour.
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    I've always needed support myself, not only for dieting but for many other activities in my life, and blamed my lack of results on the fact that the people around me would not support and help me. I'm probably a *much more extreme* case than most, so please don't feel I'm judging or blaming you.

    When I hit what I felt was "rock bottom" I came to the realization that expecting other people to help me out was bound to disappoint me over and over again, because expecting other people to organize their lives around ME was very unrealistic and frankly quite wrong. This is my life, my journey, my issues, and my need for constant support and reassurance is actually driving people away because they don't need these extra responsibilities. So I slowly started to take control of things. Face my issues alone, taking baby steps. At first it felt very lonely, but after a while, when I started getting results, loneliness became a strong sense of power! Not only that I've proven to me and everyone else that I can do what I set my mind to do, but I did it on my own!

    A nice side-effect was that people actually started wanting to help and tag along! Partly because THEY were inspired by me and wanted to do the same, and partly because I did not give off this "needy" vibe that made them uncomfortable.

    My mom always tried to push me to be self-reliant, and as independent as humanly possible. Oh was she right!...
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    It's simple for me, really. I finally got to a mental place where I wanted to change for me and me only. Once I realized I was doing this for myself without anyone else telling me I should, everything fell into place.
  • That's totally me! I figured out that it's because I just don't like walking. It hurts my legs, because I'm heavy and my muscles aren't very strong. Then, I ignore the little voice that says, "Yes, but that's exactly why you should be walking," because exercise is supposed to be fun, and that just isn't fun right now! Therefore, I have made a playlist with only really upbeat songs that make me feel invincible. I have ones that tell me how cool I am and how cute I am and then I turn it up and just dance and dance like nobody's watching! (because they aren' I check my pulse after every song to be sure that I'm in the right zone (not too fast, not too slow), and the next day, I hop on the scale, and it goes down just a little more. Woo Hoo!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you're looking for more friends and support. I know I am! :)
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    ????????????? GIRLFRIEND !!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE MY WALK TIME !!!!!!!! It is the time I have for myself and I make plans, dreams, solve world peace !!! Whatever........ You need to make this YOUR time -- time for YOU . My iPod also helps as well!! Get one of those and load it with your favorite music and just let yourself goooooooooooooooooo
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member

    You can meet like minded people. This is NOT a dating site but in my area they have all kinds of walking, biking & hiking groups.
  • MsStang02
    MsStang02 Posts: 147 Member
    I used to be the same way. I hated doing ANYTHING alone. And I hated trying to exercise alone the most. I felt if I did not have a buddy that I would not have the will power to do it. That I needed that other person to push me when I did not want to continue.
    However, as time has passed, I am able to do EVERYTHING alone, and I am perfectly happy with it. Even exercise. I go out for a nice long walk in my neighborhood, or at the beach. I have found some great "at home" DVD's that I love, and I do them alone. For some it is totally a mental thing. I know it was for me. But now I enjoy the alone time. I am able to focus on ME, and not have to worry about anyone else. I can do good for myself and my body, and it helps to zap and stress or anxiety that I might be feeling at the time. I can end my workout feeling awesome and know I accomplished something amazing. Even if it is ONLY a short 15 minute walk. At least I wasn't sitting on the couch stuffing my face :bigsmile:
    You'll get there. Just take it slow, and don't get discouraged too much. In time, you'll learn to appreciate it. :drinker:
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    As a single mom, I feel you.... I sometimes take the little one to the park and play for my activity but it's just not the same. I have started up again, hot & heavy. Going to the gym and doing the treadmill (my iphone keeps me company, lots of music) or am now doing Zumba classes. That helps keep me motivated.

    You need to find that magic thing that helps motivate you, maybe like me it's music, or maybe a good book (I can only read when I'm doing the exercise bike), maybe use a solitary walk as your way to unwind from the day.

    Best of luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • MelissaSel
    MelissaSel Posts: 86 Member
    I am 45 and have been single most of my life (though I have/do/am dating). I live alone and sometimes it gets lonely. But I'm accustomed to doing things alone. If I want to go to a movie I can go alone. Out to dinner at a nice restaurant? Yep... I am perfectly fine going alone. Out to a bar? Um... that depends. As for exercising? I go to the Y, put on my MP3 player, which I ONLY listen to when I'm working out.

    Throughout the years I had to overcome the loneliness and so I look at things different. I LOVE peace and solitude. Consider it "ME" time. When you are alone that's your chance to be selfish... and it's okay! It's all a mindset! Give it a try!
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Don't think of it as a sad thing.

    This is YOUR time.

    YOU walk because it lets you clear your mind or gather your thoughts.

    No one has to be there for YOU to want to do anything.

    YOU can do this!
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Maybe it's because I'm old and have 5 kids and work full time, but i LOVE getting out for a run by myself. I actually don't *usually* enjoy running with anyone else. I don't have any advice other than to look at the goal you are trying to achieve and decide if it's worth the effort of walking/exercising by yourself to get there. If you don't want the goal badly enough, you'll use any distraction to keep you from attaining it. Including lonliness.

    Go out there and get busy getting healthier!!
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    If you are relying on someone else to support you to get to where you need to be it won't happen. That is way to much pressure for someone. You need to get to a place where it is just for you and you challenge yourself. That way you can't say well I didn't want to walk with myself so I won't go. You'll have to admit it is all on you. Then you'll start seeing results!
  • Geojerm
    Geojerm Posts: 291 Member
    ????????????? GIRLFRIEND !!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE MY WALK TIME !!!!!!!! It is the time I have for myself and I make plans, dreams, solve world peace !!! Whatever........ You need to make this YOUR time -- time for YOU . My iPod also helps as well!! Get one of those and load it with your favorite music and just let yourself goooooooooooooooooo

    ^ this

    I love the ME time !! find something you ENJOY !
  • Rkthach
    Rkthach Posts: 33 Member
    It is hard. My fiance doesn't need to lose anything and the worst is getting up an hour earlier than he does to workout by myself. That's why I turned to MFP. There are tons of us on here in the same boat. It's hard to explain to someone who's not going through the same thing as you about your struggles. Feel free to add me (and others) for daily support!
  • mrsjoyw
    mrsjoyw Posts: 80 Member
    For me it's a personality thing. I'm a true introvert so I LOVE being alone most of the time LOL! I recently took the Briggs-Myers personality test and it was spot on for me. I get recharged by being alone and then I'm ready to socialize again. When I spend too much time with a group of people it wears me out. Extroverts are complete opposite, they get recharged from the energy of other people. I dont care for group exercise classes but I love to work out alone. I've found that for the past 6 months, this is the first time I've been on a consistant path of working out because I go alone after work. When I was enrolled in a class I dreaded going because I just spent 9 hours on a job with people and now I'm going to a one hour class with MORE people!?!? Bleck! Now I hit the gym 3-4 days a week, HAPPILY by myself.

    Some folks need the buddy system to keep them accountable but I have my own goals I'm trying to reach so that is my inspiration. Especially when you write them down it really brings them to life and not just goals in my head.

    So I'd say learn to enjoy some time alone, it's not that bad. You shouldnt feel that its wrong to want company but find a balance. Sometimes "me" time is a good thing!
  • shaynes14
    shaynes14 Posts: 106 Member
    I am a lot like you in that regard too. My journey has had it's up's and downs...this is my second time on here. My first was very successful and my husband started with me, but then he dropped out. But I was determined to keep going. One of the things I started seeing on tv after trying to get in shape were these commercials with wounded warriors. It dawned on me that many would give anything to be able to walk and be active as they once were, and I was choosing not to use what I had. Taking it a step further, I realized if I didn't do something myself soon, I would end up regretting it. I watch older people who chose not to take care of themselves and have ended up in chairs or on canes before they really should. They can't go out and hike to see things. I think both sets of people have regrets. So I am thankful I can get off my couch and go do something. My walk or run today is building my future, and I am grateful my legs can carry me!
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    You need to enjoy your's about you. You can listen to the music YOU like, listen to that book YOU want to read, release some stress YOU have, enjoy the route YOU want to take and go at the speed YOU want to. You must have a reason to go exercise alone and unless you find your inner reason for wanting that for yourself it will be awkward but do it anyway for a while so you can find out how empowering it is to get out there and do it for YOU and not for someone else. As a matter of fact you might find that it's your alone time and you might become protective of that time and not want anyone else intruding on it...ya never know what dreams and aspirations you might discover when you get out there and find some quiet time for yourself; it's very liberating :)
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Any chance you have one of these furry little critters?

    Ok, so you probably won't take a cat on a walk, but what about a dog? I've become much more interested in routine, sustained walks now that I've got a pooch who wants to go with me.
  • ikrissyt
    ikrissyt Posts: 28 Member
    That's totally me! I figured out that it's because I just don't like walking. It hurts my legs, because I'm heavy and my muscles aren't very strong. Then, I ignore the little voice that says, "Yes, but that's exactly why you should be walking," because exercise is supposed to be fun, and that just isn't fun right now! Therefore, I have made a playlist with only really upbeat songs that make me feel invincible. I have ones that tell me how cool I am and how cute I am and then I turn it up and just dance and dance like nobody's watching! (because they aren' I check my pulse after every song to be sure that I'm in the right zone (not too fast, not too slow), and the next day, I hop on the scale, and it goes down just a little more. Woo Hoo!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you're looking for more friends and support. I know I am! :)

    This motivated me today. I really don't feel like going for a walk because today I'm kind-of sore. But you're so right, that's why I should be walking, because I'm out of shape and want to get to the point where being active is fun and not excruciating!
    The playlist idea is a great one too - I've slowly been building one of my own. Could use some recommendations though!
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    You can meet like minded people. This is NOT a dating site but in my area they have all kinds of walking, biking & hiking groups.
    Hi DONNAAKAMAGMID. Thanks for the site "MEETUP.COM." I just checked it out and joined a fitness/nutrition group around my area -- northwest side of Chicago. Will let you know how it goes. First meeting is Sept 18 at 7pm. Hoping it'll be a good experience.
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    ...How do ya'll find the strength to do things by yourself? ...

    I found this in pages of responses for the topic MPF FITSPIRATION! Hope you find it as helpful as I did.