Lexapro and weight loss



  • kkzmom11
    kkzmom11 Posts: 220 Member
    i have been on lexapro. i definitely haven't lost weight on it, but i haven't really noticed weight gain. (tho it would explain A LOT).
  • gabrielpm
    gabrielpm Posts: 7
    I've been on a bunch of SSRIs, Lexapro being the latest. I never really noticed any appetite change due to any.

    I think that it's safe to say that if these do impact your weight, it's through your appetite, which is something you struggle with anyway. So ymmv.

    That being said, I do feel great on Lexapro. It's doing so many great things for my mental health that even if I were to feel extra hungry from it (and I don't), it would still be worth it.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    I took Lexapro for about 2 years. I was 250 pounds when I started it, and I was 250 pounds when I stopped it.
  • I just saw this post and I wondering how it all worked out for you taking the Lexapro at 5mg. I am debating whether to take the pill, but I am concerned about weight gain
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Interesting - my GYN suggested to me that if I take Lexipro it would help to even out my moods (because of hormonal changes) and that most of his patients on it have lost the middle age weight gain while taking it. He explained it to me that it helps the brain to handle the stress that you are dealing with the brain doesn't send out that whatever it is that makes you hold on to weight in your mid-section. He told me I could go on and off of it with no problem (I'm taking a low dose) so I could start it about two weeks before my period and then stop it once I started and continue to do that each month, or I could just take it every day whatever worked better for me. I decided to stop it once I started because it made me feel a little sluggish and not my normal bouncy and active self. But it definitely helped with dealing with the stressers in my life. I should start it back again this week but the only thing I hate is that it does give me headaches when I first start, they get better after a few days. I took mine at night and would sleep hard so I couldn't imagine taking them in the day.

    I would be interested to know what people who take Lexipro think of my drs. recommendations. I will say my appetite was not as big on the Lexipro so I wasn't eating as much, and I didn't want to drink on it. Normally I have a glass or two, sometimes three glass of wine, or a few beers 4 or 5 nights a week after work and taking the meds, the alcohol did not appeal to me at all.

    I don't think I've taken it long enough to see one way or the other about weight gain or loss.
  • josette06
    josette06 Posts: 119 Member
    I started Celexa back in 2011. At the time I was 125lbs and fit. I had just lost 5lbs from exercising and was the smallest I had been in years. Once I started it I became lethargic and didn't want to do anything but eat. I gained 40 pounds since then. Currently I am on Effexor and things have finally steadied out. I am finally losing some weight, but I keep up with the constant struggle to want to binge. As for lexapro, it varies from person to person. I was told that Celexa makes people gain a lot more than what others do, even though it is a good prescription. Best of luck to you.
  • I lost weight while on Lexapro because I stopped eating when I was bored. I wasn't overweight but I lost 20 lbs in like two months. My mom told my therapist I was anorexic, which I wasn't... I just stopped eating all the time. It will affect your mood, which could contribute to weight loss or gain.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I found that the headaches were killer and I don't normally get headaches, and it made me tired even when I took it in the evening I was more tired than usual. So I stopped it because I couldn't handle no energy and killer headaches.
  • I take 20mg of lexapro daily. if you watch what you eat and exercise on a somewhat regular basis, you will loose weight.
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I was on 20mg of Lexapro for a few months (just recently stopped; was on Zoloft before that) and I never saw any connection with Lexapro and my weight. As long as I ate right and worked out regularly, I still lost weight.
  • runfree78
    runfree78 Posts: 25 Member
    Interesting - my GYN suggested to me that if I take Lexipro it would help to even out my moods (because of hormonal changes) and that most of his patients on it have lost the middle age weight gain while taking it. He explained it to me that it helps the brain to handle the stress that you are dealing with the brain doesn't send out that whatever it is that makes you hold on to weight in your mid-section. He told me I could go on and off of it with no problem (I'm taking a low dose) so I could start it about two weeks before my period and then stop it once I started and continue to do that each month, or I could just take it every day whatever worked better for me. I decided to stop it once I started because it made me feel a little sluggish and not my normal bouncy and active self. But it definitely helped with dealing with the stressers in my life. I should start it back again this week but the only thing I hate is that it does give me headaches when I first start, they get better after a few days. I took mine at night and would sleep hard so I couldn't imagine taking them in the day.

    I would be interested to know what people who take Lexipro think of my drs. recommendations. I will say my appetite was not as big on the Lexipro so I wasn't eating as much, and I didn't want to drink on it. Normally I have a glass or two, sometimes three glass of wine, or a few beers 4 or 5 nights a week after work and taking the meds, the alcohol did not appeal to me at all.

    I don't think I've taken it long enough to see one way or the other about weight gain or loss.

    That's insane. SSRIs don't work like that. You'd think a DOCTOR would know that, but obgyn's don't seem to have one clue about drugs other than those relating to your female issues.

    If you feel "better" within a few days, that is most likely a psychological effect and not the medication. Here's what their own literature states:

    How long does it take for Lexapro® to work?

    Sleep, energy, or appetite may show some improvement within the first 1-2 weeks. Improvement in these physical symptoms can be an important early signal that the medication is working. Depressed mood and lack of interest in activities may need up to 6-8 weeks to fully improve.

    So you "may show" SOME improvement in the first 1-2 weeks. Then you go off it, and start all over again a week later???? There wouldn't be enough build up to be useful...

    I worked for a LONG TIME as a counselor to people who are trying to come off of benzos and SSRI/SNRIs. I urge anyone who considers these drugs to do so VERY MINDFULLY and with adequate research and understanding of the pros and cons, and a very solid plan for growth through therapy as well as a blueprint for coming off the drugs after a therapeutic period of time.
  • bellaa_x0
    bellaa_x0 Posts: 1,062 Member
    i have been on lexapro for about 3 years now (20mg) and i actually lost 30lbs during my first 6 months of taking it - granted this was not some miraculous weight loss as i was exercising and trying to shed the pounds. lexapro has been pretty weight-neutral for me.. given that i was diagnosed with PCOS i'm attributing my weight issue over the past year, year and a half, to that, not my use of lexapro.
  • I would just like to tell you my story with lexapro. I have been off it now for a month and I am still suffering terrible withdrawals. I was prescribed 10mg after seeing someone once about my issues. Now I look back it seems a bit ridiculous. Anyway they upped the dosage to 20mg and it definitely did work. But what I didn't notice were the side effects I was having. Well I did notice but didn't put the pieces together. My side effects were chronic sinusitis which led to chronic fatigue, increased appetite which led to me gaining 15kg and a complete lack of care for anything which isn't good for anyone.

    I would also like to add that I used to be a drug addict and the withdrawals from lexapro have been far worse than any drug I've ever taken. There is no magic pill to fix anything it is merely a mask but the side effects are worse than the original issue. Plus when you're ready it is so hard to get off them and a battle that does not have to be fought.

    Every one is different but that is my experience and thoughts after being on lexapro for a year. I regret it more than anything and I have made some terrible choice in life. I hope you will consider an alternative as I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I am right now.
  • Wildflower0106
    Wildflower0106 Posts: 247 Member
    I had horrible side effects the worst being that it made my depression and anxiety WORSE not better. I also had problems with mood swings and extreme fatigue. Basically it made me bat *kitten* crazy lol. Coming off the lexapro was horrible. I was physically ill and in bed for a week, I also had uncontrolable panic attacks. Weight gain was minimal but I was so sick I barely ate. Effexor and wellbutrin caused bad side effects also.

    Since I was having so much trouble with meds I decided get to the root of the problem and I went to a counselor. It took a lot of work but I have been off meds completely for two years and I have been doing very well. Lexapro, effexor, and the like were just temporary fix for some deep issues. Looking back I think I wanted meds to work so that I didn't actually have to face the real issue.
  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
    I was prescribed Lexapro a few years back, and it made me gain weight. I probably packed on around 25 pounds. I expressed my concern with the doctor, but he wouldn't do anything about it. Said that I should exercise more. Um hello!! I didn't weigh this much before the medicine. I'm still trying to lose all that weight.
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm so glad I didn't stay on it for long. I thought it was weird my dr told me I could go off and on because I always heard the opposite. But I thought maybe because it was such a low dose. I think dr's are too quick to prescribe those types of meds and they don't think about the side effects it has on some people. I was just so desparte to lose weight that I was reaching for anything to make me lose - but couldn't handle the piercing headaches.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    I thought it was weird my dr told me I could go off and on because I always heard the opposite.

    It's just not safe. Your gyny doctor should know better than to discuss medical issues which are outside of his speciality, let alone prescribe!
  • shaedreams
    shaedreams Posts: 23 Member
    I have been on Lexapro for 4 years 10 milligrams and although I agree that I haven't gained an extreme amount of weight, it's definitely harder to lose. Please message me if you would like some ideas though.
  • Rjpop
    Rjpop Posts: 1
    I took Lexapro for just over two weeks and lost 10 pounds...I started to ween myself off and my Doc said to just stop it! I had taken it years before with no side effects but this time was terrible. Rapid weight loss, headaches, dizzy, always tired and I had no appetite. I've been off it for one day and still lost one pound overnight. Always had a slight weight problem (about 15 - 20 pounds heavy) but losing weight this quickly is scary and unhealthy. Anyone else experience this type of weight loss?
  • Bharrell414
    Bharrell414 Posts: 11 Member
    I took Lexapro years ago and struggled with a few of the side effects, one being increased headaches. I recently started taking them again and now I'm dealing with different side effects. I have actually lost all sense of an appetite to the point that I either forget to eat or don't feel like it. I'm not sure if this is just my body adjusting to the new meds. Has this happened to anyone?