How much is hubby's 12 min walks helping?

How much is my hubby's 12 min walks really helping? I have been after him for a long time to start exercising and over the past few weeks hes has been walking 10 to 15 minutes or riding bikes for about the same after dinner. I am really stoked about this but is this really helping him? He tells me not to push him or he's going to quit. I'm scared he's going to quit anyway if he doesn't get some kind of result whether it be weight loss or feeling better or sleeping better or something!

Update: I do not nag him. I don't try to make him do more than he wants to do. I do go with him and support him in every way. I was just curious about the benefits of it.


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    It's great that he is walking, but if he isn't eating at a deficit, there won't be any results (weight loss wise). What kind of results is he after? And leave the man alone, he's doing great, don't nag. :)
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    Yes! It's better than nothing!
    Hopefully he'll start feeling energized and gradually increase his time. I would be happy and encouraging so he keeps with it.
    Do you walk with him? Maybe if you do it together he'll go further.
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    I go with him every time.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    Of course it's helping. Leave the guy be. It sounds like he is on the verge of getting fed up with being nagged.
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Something is always better than nothing. Just be thankful, be supportive, & if he does quit, remember that no one can "make" and/or nag anyone to get healthy. We can give them all the tools & be supportive, but ultimately they're the ones that make the choices on their activities & what they put in their mouths. Although I will say that if you cook meals for him, you can always cook healthy meals. When I started losing weight, I realized that all that southern frying was adding LOTS of calories. I started cooking healthier, and my husband enjoyed the meals, & didn't even consider them "diet" meals. Also, before he'd start reaching for the Oreos, I'd try to bring out some fruit on a plate. Before he'd grab the Pringles, I'd offer to make him some popcorn. Lots of times if you provide healthier choices & put it on a plate in front of them, they'll eat it instead of the unhealthy, rather than just grab the junk food.
  • here2bme
    here2bme Posts: 63 Member
    BTW...I do not nag him or try to make him go further or faster because He told me from his first walk not to. I love him more than that. I just wanted to know how much it was helping.
  • sakuragreenlily
    sakuragreenlily Posts: 334 Member
    It will definitely help! Small changes are more manageable and are more likely to be long lasting. Once 12 minutes gets easy for him he'll most likely want to start challenging himself in other ways... Leave him be and let him go at his own pace.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    How much is my hubby's 12 min walks really helping? I have been after him for a long time to start exercising and over the past few weeks hes has been walking 10 to 15 minutes or riding bikes for about the same after dinner. I am really stoked about this but is this really helping him? He tells me not to push him or he's going to quit. I'm scared he's going to quit anyway if he doesn't get some kind of result whether it be weight loss or feeling better or sleeping better or something!

    He's out and moving so like he said, don't push him. 10 to 15 minutes now could turn into 45 to 60 minutes in a couple of months. It sounds like he will definately quit if you push him. Best thing to do is support him. Are you at least offering to walk WITH him for those 10-15 minutes??
  • SlimSumday
    SlimSumday Posts: 379 Member
    It's a start. Perhaps if you have destinations to go to it will help, such as a park or even a certain tree the first day and another farther marker the next day or week.

    Slow and steady wins the race. :smile:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Every little bit helps! I would be THRILLED if my Hubs started going for short walks with me.

    Though, as someone else said, it may not help him much with weight loss if he's not also changing his eating habits. He might be burning 100-200 calories (depending on how fast/far you're going in that time) which isn't much in the grand scheme of weight loss, even if you're going 7 days a week.

    I'm glad you're not nagging him about it. Give him time (like months) to get used to the routine and see if he decides you two can go a little further or faster. And if not, maybe give the gentle nudge yourself.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    BTW...I do not nag him or try to make him go further or faster because He told me from his first walk not to. I love him more than that. I just wanted to know how much it was helping.

    No, but you seem way overly concerned about the man's walk. Give him some time and space.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It's better than hitting the Lazy Boy and falling asleep which is what my husband does. Your hubby is gaining some minimal health benefit from his walks but more importantly he may be building a habit that will lead to more exercise and feeling better about himself.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Sounds like a good habit to me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,668 Member
    How much is my hubby's 12 min walks really helping? I have been after him for a long time to start exercising and over the past few weeks hes has been walking 10 to 15 minutes or riding bikes for about the same after dinner. I am really stoked about this but is this really helping him? He tells me not to push him or he's going to quit. I'm scared he's going to quit anyway if he doesn't get some kind of result whether it be weight loss or feeling better or sleeping better or something!
    Shouldn't it be up to him to decide if it's helping or not? If he feels better about it and is starting to enjoy it, then it's helping.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Every little bit helps. Hopefully 12 minutes will turn into 20 minutes will turn into 30 minutes, but every little bit helps. Don't nag him, encourage his, and as this 12 minutes gets easier hopefully that will encourage him to take it to the next level.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    it's helping his health more than 12 minutes of sitting on the couch. when he is ready to walk further, he will. if he never does, he is still walking over an hour a week more than he used to.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    How much is it helping? Well that depends. If he weighs a lot, then that 12 minutes burns a lot more than your 12 minutes does. And even if it doesn't, so what? He's off the couch, that's great.
  • djshari
    djshari Posts: 513 Member
    What exactly are you so worried about? You asked him to be active and he is daily - so what's the problem? Maybe it's not the recommended 30 minutes a day but do you watch him all day? I'm just not sure what the issue is here other than trying to be controlling.