Weight loss: 80% diet and 20% exercise?



  • runnerBee
    bump, Thanks for all the helpful information.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    This is true, and more and more studies have been coming out to back this up. (Except the media mis-reports the findings, but that's an entirely different topic.)

    I have been active for most of my adult life, and continued to gain weight. It wasn't until I started counting calories that I began to lose ANY weight.

    My wife has lost 40 lbs, and the only excersise she does is three times a week when we walk to down to the gas station in town.

    Just play with the food an excersise journal on this site and do the math if you don't beleive me. Figure out how long you would have to workout to burn the calories from the bowl of ice cream you just had.

    I excersise because I like to excersise...it's a quality of life thing.

    But no matter how much you excersise...you can't out excersise a bad diet. (You could, but you wouldn't be doing anything else)
  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    I think it's more important to look at the combination. The formula is more simple than 80% diet and 20% exercise. It's just calories in and calories out. If you work out and 500 calories a day, but are eating more than that - then you're not going to lose weight. You have to do both, I think. It's not more one than the other - it's both equally. There are going to be days that you don't exercise - and there are going to be days that you overeat. But trying to maintain the balance of both exercise and diet is the key, I think, to healthy weight loss.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Re: MMarcordes Response

    I don't think that is correct info...We all have a Basil/resting caloric burn. Basically, the calories your body burns doing NOTHING in order to just survive (this is usually 1400+ calories depending on your size.) ANY ACTIVITY theoretically will be extra energy/calories burned...meaning you can eat that MUCH MORE than your Basil. If we ate ONLY what we burned via ACTIVITY to maintain our weight we all would die of mal-nutrition. If you completed your Profile accurately when you joined the site, it will tell you your Basil caloric intake(based on your wt., ht., age and activity level) that intake "theoretically" would allow you to just maintain your weight...if you want to lose wt, then you eat below that Basil Caloric Intake, you may add extra workouts/activity to assist. Check the goal page.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    If you are only dieting and not exercising I think you may lose a little weight, but I don't think you'll be able to get it all off, keep it off or possibly even stay on the diet. I think a lot of dieters find that the daily exercise helps keep them motivated to eat right.
    My wife has lost 40 lbs, and the only excersise she does is three times a week when we walk to down to the gas station in town.

    Since both these quotes have to do with me, I just put them together!:happy:

    My hubby is right. For the most part I only get in 3 walks a week.
    :tongue: OFF TOPIC WARNING! I have my activity level set to "sedentary" currently, and my life is ANYTHING but that! But I opted not to change it just yet because it is working for me. When it stops working, then I'll adjust again. BACK ON TOPIC!:tongue:

    I do not eat a super restricted diet. I DO watch my sodium, but that is because lower sodium makes me FEEL better. I don't eat "clean" by any stretch of the imagination! I like my ice cream, chocolate, pizza, burgers, etc. and I EAT THEM! I just don't eat them like I used to. I go for the ice cream with ingredients I can pronounce (for the most part, I LOVE Skinny Cow though!). I limit my pizza intake to either homemade, or only 2 slices (a single serving), and I make sure that I balance it out with lots of veggies and fruit (the potassium in those help your body process the sodium better). Burgers are all homemade with 98% lean beef. (I did actually have a McD's burger the other day and thought I might puke!) All my sweets are in moderation. I measure out one serving, enter it in my diary, and then eat ONLY that. Does it take self control? Oh yeah! Is it difficult sometimes? Oh my yes! But is it worth it to weigh LESS than I did as a freshman in high school? YES!!!

    As far as the exercise goes, I probably COULD find time to sneak in a little more, but it would probably be to the detriment of something else. I could get up earlier in the mornings, but I already run short on sleep most days. I could sneak in some Wii Fit while the kids watch their cartoons (Free Step on there clicks a beat on the wiimote, so you can turn the TV back to the regular shows and just step to whatever is on!) Only problem is that I try to keep the kids off the TV very much while the weather is nice. I could take a walk at lunch time instead of eating, but I get to be a HUGE B...bear when I don't eat at regular intervals. So for me, right now, exercise isn't something I've set aside time to do. I speedwalk down the halls in my school when I walk the equivalent of 2 blocks from my band room, to the other music room and back. I march and play with my students during class rather than sit on the sidelines with a bullhorn. I stand 50 out of every 55 minutes of class. None of this burns a LOT of calories, but it is ALL more active than I was BEFORE I started.

    Do I think exercise has a place in everyone's lives? ABSOLUTELY! It's place in my life is just not at a gym, or in a weight room. It's place is with my students and my children.

    Diet will affect your weight MUCH more than exercise will. I don't know if the percentages are 80/20, but I know for me, it has essentially been 99/1.

    The key is finding the balance that works for you. I'll stick with mine until it stops working, and then I'll adjust. That's how I've lost 42 pounds. By doing what works until it doesn't and then trying new ideas until one works.

    Good luck with finding what will work for those last 10 pounds. (I have 3 more to go until I hit the top of my "range," so I know just how hard they can be!):flowerforyou:

    Sorry for the long post!:blushing:
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    Nice thread. BUMP!
  • runrgrrl
    runrgrrl Posts: 37 Member
    absoutely agree...I am a long distance runner that trains up to 6 days a week and log 45-55 miles per week when i am in full training and when i am not training i still log about 30-40 miles a week....I CANNOT EAT WHATEVER I WANT. I can stop running and watch my diet THEN and only then do i really see weight loss.

    I wholeheartedly believe, its what we eat 80% and 20% exercise!!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i agree too.

    diet/eating plan is for weight loss, exercise is for toning and endorphins. :)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    I am a total exercise fan. I typically work out six days a week. But I'd go so far as to say weight loss is 100 percent diet. You need to fuel your body for what you do, whether you exercise or not. Too much fuel = too much weight. One perk of working out is that I get to eat more food! :bigsmile:
  • mrsdero
    I think its fairly true. I agree with everyone who says its all about your goals and what works best for you. If you are looking for straight weight loss 100% true. If you are someone who is looking for any kind of definition or fitness change then I think the percentages change.
  • freido90
    freido90 Posts: 4
    What ever the numbers are I would say diet is always the greater percentage. Most people didn't consider that rest is a huge factor in health too. Think of it, you work out for around 7 hours/week out of 168hours... the rest of that time you're resting and working on your diet.
    I would say it's

    50% diet (includes clean food and water)
    30% resting
    20% exercise.
  • Pearlyladybug
    Pearlyladybug Posts: 882 Member
    Yes, but i do think anyone's bodies are different.
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    I think your diet will determine your weight loss...but exercise will give your body the shape you want after you lose the extra weight.
  • LillyBoots
    LillyBoots Posts: 114 Member
    I think your diet will determine your weight loss...but exercise will give your body the shape you want after you lose the extra weight.

    I'm inclined to agree with this. We all know you can be slim with out being fit and toned. I have yet to take up any formal exercise but I'm losing weight.