new phone - new start

Sschilleci Posts: 1
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
i got a new phone yesterday that has all the bells and whistles and i found this app. it kind of came at the perfect time as i am heavier than i've been in a long time and only a couple of pounds from my all-time high. i'm not all that big, but i feel unhealthy and i'm uncomfortable with how i look. i've already started tracking my calories and i'm realizing quickly that i have been horribly inaccurate when guessing the amount of calories in my food. i've been lazy and i'm trying to break those bad habbits, so any encouragement is appreciated. Thanks!


  • MMarcordes
    MMarcordes Posts: 58 Member
    Good luck, to you!!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    good luck and welcome to MFP
  • sjholl
    sjholl Posts: 2 Member
    I found this app on my droid first. I love it. I can go anywhere and enter what I eat on the spot instead of waiting until I get back to my office or until I get home. It's the best weight loss tool ever!
  • Rugbychick16
    Rugbychick16 Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome! I started out exactly where you are, and I really think this website is life changer, as well as a real eye opener! Good luck to you, and say hello to great new things!! :flowerforyou:
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    Good luck! I haven't used the site on a phone but was thinking of doing so - it seems so convenient to be able to log wherever you are. I also want to say that the fact that you can add foods to the database is an AMAZING part of this site - I still get a kick any time I go to a restaurant or buy something from the store and someone has already loaded in the EXACT stats - no more need to estimate for me!
  • I got my boyfriends Iphone, and since I've gotten it i have had no excuses on slacking. Except for sinus issues, but other than that it's kept me very very motivated. i log in everyday! I tried using an ordinary diary to write down what i eat and feel, but it only lasted like a day. With this app, I have had no excuses to not log in my food and exercise. The phone and the App is the best thing that I've gotten in a while because it's helping me better myself in so many ways!

    I can see why they say that you have better success when you log in what you eat and how much exercise you do. Every time i see how much exercise I've done, i feel motivated to do more. I'm obese, and so grateful for this chance and tools to better myself! I'm a lazy person by nature, but this has changed me. I put on my earphones and while i clean house i make it into an exercise, when i'm not doing that i'm dancing to the music or using my workout vids. I get bored easily too, so i make use of the exercise apps like Yoga and the other cardio stuff as well. My boyfriend has gotten me some DVDs like Jillian's 30 day shred and turbo jam and so on to help me too. I get to do something different everyday and that's important to me.

    The modern phones are a blessing, I'm very grateful for this phone. YAY FOR SMART PHONES and THE GREAT APPS!!!!!!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,546 Member
    Good luck. I found the app on my droid and it has truly changed my life. I always knew I needed to keep a food diary but all the ones I tried before were such a pain. This one is great since it has such a large database and when I found the website, I was thrilledwith the recipe calculator and he boards.
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