Carbs and counting them

I went to my doctor today and took my food log. The foods I eat are very consistent. I do tend to go over 1200 calories. But I workout a lot and know I need more than 1200 calories when I might burn more than 1200 in a day. But when he was looking over my food log he found my carbs where high and I should cut them down now that my weight is stabilizing. How important is this? I don't eat lots of pasta or bread. My carbs are coming from eating ONE smart one entrée. Which I guess I probably should cut out. But I have been eating them because their quick and in my calorie count. But I did not realize that they were packed with carbs. So my questions is if I am burning lots of calories working out don't I need some carbs? Or not?


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    what's your goal?

    That's more important than almost anything else and it's going to be really hard to answer that question without knowing what your goal is.

    carbs aren't bad- and if they are only coming from one dish- plus regular veggies- you're fine.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Depends on why your doctor recommend you cut down on them....I think that's a question for him rather than a weight loss forum.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I agree with the others that there might be something about you that we don't know that would make him recommend that. But I will say that I successfully lost weight averaging around 250 grams of carbs per day / around 50% of calories from carbs per day.
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    I'm also very successful eating loads of them (70+%).
    I do count my carbs. I count them to make sure I get enough of them in my body every single day :-)
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    As you will soon hear...a calorie is a calorie and weight loss (or gain) is about calories in and calories out.

    My question to you is are you happy with the way things are going? Are you satisfied with your diet and weight loss? Do you think that "changing things up" may help and not hinder your progress? Is there any reason not to follow his advice?
  • schueler007
    schueler007 Posts: 8 Member
    My goal is to lose 33 pounds to get back to my pre-weight of 140 prior to my hip surgeries. Before my surgeries I use to workout between two and three hours a day to be stress and relax.Burning about 1500 + calories a day doing cardio and my weight regimen. Right now my weight loss has stabilized and my doctor thinks I should try to cutting my carbs to no more than 40 grams a day as that may upstart the weight loss. It wasn't that he thinks I eat a lot of carbs and he does think I need them for my workouts. He just felt I should try to cut something to make my body try to start losing again. If that makes sense. My body fat isn't to bad. Because before the hip surgeries I was in probably the best shape of my life so my muscle tone is still there but is in need of some repairing. And it is sometimes hard for me to workout as hard as I use . I also have to be careful how much weight lifting I do with my legs. So this could be part of my problem. As my body is use to my old workout habits The last time I had a weight issues was when I had my two sons. I would lose all my baby weight then for some reason I would gain 30 to 40 pounds like over night. I was working out 2 hours a day and walking 8 to 10 miles, and watching what I ate. Nothing would come off. I consulted my doctor and they put me on weight loss medicine and the weight came off. He thought hormones where the issue. This time the medicine is working but not as fast. And my concern is I am having another hip surgery in 3 weeks and I don't want to gain any of the weight back that I have worked so hard to get off. Plus I am not use to having 30 extra pounds on me and it is really affecting my joints and my back. Also my hip doctor absolutely does not me to gain weight with my hip issues. My biggest concern with cutting what little carbs I do eat is I won't have have enough energy to sustain them or help my muscles recover from my workout. Like I said most my carbs are coming from one meal such as a smart one entrée which can have 46 grams of carbs. Losing weight really a hard journey this time around. I couldn't wait until I could start working out again and getting my life back. As I have been down for almost two years with surgeries. But for some reason working out again is not relaxing, and a de-stressor as it use to be. Now I find it daunting for some reason but it could be due to all my pain that I have been dealing with. The bright side of it is I am happy to have lost 12 pounds so far. And being on here really is helping me to monitor what I am eating. So I guess I am just looking for some support and ideals as what could help me jump start my weight loss again. And with the workouts I do should I be real concerned about the carbs? I am going to cut back on the carbs like the doctor suggested but any other ideals would be greatly appreciated. Hope this gives a little more insight as to my goal.
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    Unless you have a medical reason (diabetes, insulin resistance) I don't know why he would recommend not eating carbs. I am Insulin Resistance with PCOS and am on a low carb diet.

    Almost all of my carbs come from fruits and veggies, maybe he means processed carbs? Also, I stick to a strick 7 protein to 15 carb ratio that doesn't exceed 30 carbs at any meal.

    I have tons of energy and run almost daily.
  • schueler007
    schueler007 Posts: 8 Member
    I am happy to have lost 12 pounds. Not happy my weight is stabilizing. As I have another hip replacement in three weeks. And I will down for awhile. I started at 185 and I am now 173.I would like to be back to my pre-surgery weight of 140. My goal was to lose most of my weight or hopefully half of what I wanted to lose before my surgery. So if I try to lose half by the 26 of September I have another 10.5 pounds to go. That means between 3 to 4 pounds a week. Not sure if I can make that happen. I am shooting for 2 pounds a week in the next three weeks. I will be pretty close to my goal and I tend to lose weight when I am having to be on pain medication.
  • schueler007
    schueler007 Posts: 8 Member
    The other issue is I am on Cymbalta for my muscle pain and some depression caused by my pain issues. Depression medicines always make me gain weight. The first depression medicine I was put on made me gain the weight I have now. I had to quit taking it because I can not gain weight with my hips. I have agreed to try this Cymbalta for a short time. It is suppose to not make you gain weight. But with the Cymbalta the doctor has me on weight loss medicine to counter act me gaining anymore weight. I am losing weight but it is slowwwwly coming off.