Is it possible to lose 4lbs in 7 days?

To start, this isn't to start a crash diet, but it would really boost me if I could get at LEAST 3-4lbs off in the next week.

I am 25, 5'5'' and weight 152lbs right now, my weight seems to be fluctuating and I only started the pill a week ago after being off them for 7 months. I usually weight 147lbs and it is scaring me because I do not want to go near that (11st) mark!

I am at home most of the day, and have a sedentery lifestyle as an artist, so I am working online a lot, the only exercise I generally get is walking my dogs.

My worst craving is chocolate, I could literally eat bars upon bars of it, but am willing to give it up for a while just to get these really niggling pounds off!

I don't drink, smoke, don't eat red meat or have salt on any food. I drink lots of water as I don't drink anything else.

Is there anything I can do to get 3-4lbs off in the next 7 days? I am so desperate to move these few pounds quickly so I can get onto a proper diet regime, but I want motivation and those few pounds I know would do that.

Kind Regards,


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    why not just get into a proper diet regime? Why do you feel the need to lose weight in an unhealthy fasion before starting a healthy and proper diet regime? What makes you think that you can go down the road of doing things in an unhealthy fasion and then just flip a switch and start a proper diet regimen? Also, no...really you can't drop 4 lbs of actual fat in a week. You can only oxidize so much fat in a 24 hour period and thus only so much fat in a week. When you see big losses, the vast majority of those losses are just water, not fat and don't make a hill of beans difference considering you can fluctuate water weight a good 2-5 Lbs day to's just an illusion.

    Just eat proper and get on with it.
  • TheGirlsATimeBomb
    TheGirlsATimeBomb Posts: 434 Member
    Cut off a hand?

    If you eat less than usual and workout more than usual, yes, the weight will probably come off in a week. However, it may come back the following week if you up your calories back to where they were.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    That is a unhealthy attitude for finding motivation...fixating on a specific number instead of the health benefits. You don't need to lose weight to start a healthy routine or to find motivation. Just start, feel motivated by the fact you are moving forward.

    A very helpful link for you...

    You have to think sustainable and healthy.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    Only vacation weight comes off that fast- like when you pack on 5 pounds in a week of vacation and then take it off the next week when you go hardcore back to your healthy lifestyle.
  • Roopoo2
    Try the Fat Smash Diet 9 day detox part of the book/ diet, I lost like 3-4lbs in the first few days, and a total of 7lbs for the whole detox period. It is mostly water weight, but some of it is weight weight. I think you can find the food lists online. good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • itsscottwilder
    People fast for a week all the time. Usually for spiritual reasons instead of fitness ones.

    There's nothing wrong with a short term fast.
  • threshkreen
    threshkreen Posts: 79 Member
    While I believe it is wisest to lose weight slowly and healthfully and in a manner you can old trainer of mine once gave me this cutting diet:

    First four days. At EVERY meal eat tilapia, raw spinach and one small red potato. You can have one additional snack protein shake each day.
    Last three days: Cut out the protein shake, but do everything else.

    No butter, no salad dressing...just what I have written. By the end of the week you honestly don't care if you ever have another piece of tilapia...but you will lose a fair amount of water weight. Note: water weight....I think I put back on everything I lost the next day after my photo shoot (sounds glamorous, but I was just finishing up a Body for Life thingy) just driving home and having lunch. It is brutal, and the only way towards the end of the week I could even gag it down was to mix everything up in one big hash.

    I don't know if it is safe for everyone so make sure you are healthy and stop if it makes you feel lousy. I was lucky my trainer was a Physicians Assistant and he would check on me every day.

    My real advice...stop panicing and try the healthy way of approaching your weight.
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    you could follow a lower-carb diet for a while where you replace all your grains, sugars, and starches with vegetables. olive oil and lean proteins. I just started eating low carb myself and lost about 5 pounds in the last few days. I know that it is water weight, but my waist is smaller so who cares. I think eating too much sugar and bread causes bloating/ inflamation, and it is very motivating to cut down on the water retention.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Yes, its absolutely possible and can be done.

    Yes, you should try to do it the "healthy way", but since you're not asking if you can lose 18 lbs in one week, I think its safe to say you can do it with calorie restriction...just not a good idea to use methods like that on a regular basis.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's more than possible. I did it just the other day. I used to do it every month. But it's just water weight. You are not going to lose 4 lbs of fat in 7 days unless you have liposuction.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Don't worry about the number on the scale. Worry about your health... My first week, I was 425 pounds I lost about 15 pounds... Eating right and moving more you will see the changes. Don't worry about it or you will slow your progress. Just get on board with getting healthy and the scale will take care of itself! Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • SwitzEngine
    SwitzEngine Posts: 3,418 Member
    Best is to do a diet and some workout. You have to loose 12000 calories! What's your daily intake? I guess around 1500. so 7*1500-12000=-1500. Meaning that when u don't eat at all u still have to do exercise for 1500 cal. Give you a few days more time and do exercise to burn those cal. Good luck
  • dennymac76
    dennymac76 Posts: 6 Member
    I joined the 90 day challenge with Visalus on Saturday and already lost 5 pounds so yes!!