First week on the HCG diet!!!



  • Wow! How quick we are to judge! I just had a posting conversation regarding my weight loss method and I was crucified. PEOPLE: It doesn't matter what you are doing to lose weight (as long as you are under a dr's care), different methods work for different people. So you choose to eat nothing but vegies and protein and may lose at x amount of speed. The next person may choose appetite suppresants and lose y number of lbs and then z may choose HCG. DO NOT JUDGE!
    This site is meant for positive reinforcement and support in our journey's, not to ridicule. I have heard so much tonight. For example, "I lose weight the healthy way" "I don't use medicine to lose weight" "I eat right and exercize, that is the only way to go"
    Do you see where I am going with this! And all I posted was "Is anyone out there using Phen to help with their weight loss?" Just support each other. If it is about eating right, then talk about the foods you are eating. If it is about the emotional downfalls of dieting then talk about ways to get you our of that rut! Don't be the judge. I take Phentermien and I have just as much right to be here as anyone else. Whether HCG (which I've tried), Diet alone, Phen, ALI, etc!
  • I started the diet 2 weeks ago and am down 12 lbs, my skin looks and feels better, I am not starving as most people thing you would be on a VLCD. I hit the gym 3 days a week for 30 mins with a trainer and the results are amazing. I understand people are skeptic they need to do the research before putting something down that others truly believe in. For some this diet is life changing and is saving peoples lives. Being obese is the number one leader in heart disease and has killed more people then this diet could.

    Its a personal choice to make and I made it and am thankful for it. Not all MD's know the details or have done the research so just because one says its bad doesnt mean they are right they may just be misinformed.

    Good luck to all on there weight loss journey. I know I am happy and thats what matters.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    eak, I was wondering if your trainer knows you are doing this HCG diet? And if so, has he/she modified your training because of it?

    Thanks for any info.
  • Great job! :wink:
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Wow, I just can't be more shocked at those that wrote how this couldn't have happened. Seems it DID happen! ALL extreme diets have risks that's simply how they work, it's how ppl are able to drop weight so quickly by taking those extreme risks.

    Someone brand new to the site shares she just lost a close friend and all you are focusing on is defending your diet. Not even any respect given.:noway: Why so much defense over a diet? Seems if someone truly believes what they are doing is right for them, there would be no reason in the world to be defensive about it. Why would it need to be defended???????

    Please, can you simply let her be, she only buried her friend such a short time ago why even PM her asking for details, that just seems so wrong on so many levels:noway:

    We all have our thoughts on eating healthy and seems some prefer dieting, there seem to be two camps on MFP, dieters and non-dieters, I don't know that either camp will ever agree. We all find our way at some point...hopefully sooner than later. I stopped dieting when I came here. Some still diet on the site, so be it, but get someone back to 'dieting' when they finally gave it up? It makes no sense at all.....:frown:

    I don't see anyone saying that it couldn't have happened... in fact, most of us agreed that there is a risk in taking anything foreign into your body.

    And many of us offered our condolences.

    Seems that if I feel that I'm doing what's right for my body, I SHOULDN'T have to feel defensive. But I do. Why? Because other people might think you're not doing what's right. And they attack it. So of course, the immediate reaction is to defend yourself. That's why we defend our diets. Because we're being pushed on it. Otherwise, we wouldn't say a thing.

    Of course it's unlikely that either camp will ever agree... But I have to admit, I haven't seen any of the HCGer's criticizing or attacking people who are "not dieting". But there are definitley a few people that can't seem to resist the opportunity to jump all over the HCGer's every chance they get!

    Why don't we just all agree to disagree, and leave each other alone if we can't be supportive and encouraging? If we can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Easy as that.
  • I can't think of a way to put this more delicately, but if no additional information about this 'possibly HCG related death" is not available, then the only option is to disregard it as heresay.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I can't think of a way to put this more delicately, but if no additional information about this 'possibly HCG related death" is not available, then the only option is to disregard it as heresay.
    You just said what I was thinking.
  • HCG is the same hormone our bodies increase during pregnancy. HCG is also used in fertility treatments (invitro, etc) and the amount given on the HCG diet is far less than the amounts used for other HGC uses. The FDA will not ban HCG, but it also won't approve its use for dieting. It's been used for years for fertility with minimal side effects.

    Also HCG is not in birth control. Birth control is made up of Progeterone and estrogen. So there is no correlation between deaths of those on hormonal birth control and those using HCG.

    Some people take Phen and other diet pills while on the HCG diet. It might be that these other aides increase the risks of using HCG. That's why it's important to talk to a physican.
  • Sorry - I didn't mean to suggest there was HCG in hormonal birth control pills, only to compare the use of each as a hormone therapy. Birth control has a known risk of blood clots.
  • MoMmErSoF3
    MoMmErSoF3 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. I wanted to say that i am also on the HCG Diet. I am on round 2. I love this diet, but this is my last round, I should be reaching my goal weight with this diet. When i got done with the diet the first time, i didnt follow protocal. I ended the diet at 138.2. for the first week i did follow it pretty much like i should have, But then i started losing control. My own fault. The most i was up from my end weight was 2-4 lbs which IMO, for a fast paced diet, thats pretty darn good! i was off the diet for 10 weeks. I didnt eat completely healthy, i still ate out at resturants and ate that nice big juicy cheeseburger and some fries, i was having fried foods(but not fastfood) So 2-4 lbs and not eating exactly healthy, seems great in my book. 2 days before I started my gorge for round 2, i was at 144. again, my own fault, i was eating terrible. i was also drinking pop, eating pizza, large helpings of spagetti, perhaps maybe those 2 end pounds were just undigested food in my stomach. Anyway. When i started Round 2, i started at 150.4(because of the 2 gorge days, i gained 6.4 lbs) but i lost that with in 2 days.
    Today i am on day 9 of round 2 and i am down 11.6 lbs. I have 13.8 lbs to go til my goal wieght. Bash people on this diet and say they will gain it all back. And i agree, if they dont follow the diet correctly at the end and arent leading a healthy eating and active lifestyle then yes, i could see them gaining it back...But for those who want to follow the diet as planned, good for you! It is my plan this time around :)
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