New to MFP---SO CAL Area

Hi to MFP. I have done low carb, high protein, low calorie, high name it. I keep hitting plateaus and just stop. Then I get frustrated and stop taking care of myself or doing what I know I should be. My biggest challenge is actually eating. I very rarely have ever eaten breakfast in my entire life, I also don't eat unless I am hungry. So that may be one meal a day...I need good tips and tricks and help and advice. Thanks!!


  • ina_j
    ina_j Posts: 18
    Hi Candace!

    Welcome to MFP!!

    I've signed up to MFP years ago but only just getting back on it this week.
    Like you I've also done all those diets and I keep stoppinng and gaining all the weight back.

    Even though I've only started 4 days ago I am already starting to see results. The main thing is to eat a balanced diet.. Do try to eat breakfast, even though it's just small.. Maybe start with a piece of fruit for breakfast. I find that if I skip breakfast my body crashes and then I crave more foods and end up overeating.

    Good luck!
  • candaceclark74
    Thank you! The breakfast thing I know is going to be a good way to start. I just have to really push myself to eat even a little something in the morning. We can do this!!! LOL I am super excited to get started. Even looking at trying to find FITBIT or Nike Fuel Band and try that to keep track of walking
  • ina_j
    ina_j Posts: 18
    Yeah we can do it!! I am trying to lose as much weight in the next 6 weeks before my holiday to the US (California). I'm worried that I will put on the weight back but hopefully if I can persist and change my habits I can at least maintain my weight during my holiday.
  • JillianRachel68
    I've been using this app and I love it.
    Thought it would be nice to be part of the "community" too
  • fitgal122
    Hello!!!! Im from Orange County :) Happy that u joined! Eating throughout the day is very important for your blood glucose levels and your metabolism. Once you start eating at normal times in the day than you will get hungier. Ill friend u ;)