
Allie1982 Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm thinking of starting the C25K program and I'm just wondering if anyone has tried it? Would you care to share your experiences?

I'm 28 years old, and I've never been a runner. I used to walk 2 - 3 miles at least three times a week. I used to enjoy my walks, but lately, I've slacked off and I'm looking for something new. A friend of mine suggested running so I'm looking into it!


  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I started C25K back in February this year, having never been a runner before. At that point, it was a struggle for me to do the 60 and 90 second run intervals. But, the program builds you up so gradually that before you know it, you're running 3, then 6, then 10, then 20 minutes at a go. It does get easier, especially with this program. I'd highly recommend it. I started out on the treadmill, then I moved it to outdoors when the weather improved -- I now LOVE running outdoors. Oh, and I just ran my first race (4 miles) this past Saturday, with a finish time of 48:37... so, C25K definitely works! Best wishes. :)
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I've been on week 5 day 3 for a few weeks now. I will tell you to look into barefoot running, or at least the theory behind it. It helped me a ton. Running used to give me shin splints, sore knees and heel pain before I looked into this.

    I've only been stuck on week 5 because I started a new strength training program and I'm having a hard time finding days to C25K program and still get the required rest. However, I found HIIT has kept me from going backwards. I've found running on a treadmill is easier than street running, but street running is more fun and pushing a jogging stroller is hard as heck. Look into podcasts for C25K that has music you enjoy. I found I did much better doing it with a podcast that plays hip hop. Lastly, don't worry about it, if you have to do the same weeks a couple of times. You'll get there eventually.
  • I posted a similar topic in the General weight loss and diet forum. I'll be starting this next week!
  • It is an amazing program. I started it in July and could barely run for one minute straight. I just finished week 7 Day 1 and ran for 25 minutes straight and could have gone longer. It is amazing how it builds your body up. A few months ago I would have laughed if you said that I could EVER run for 25 minutes straight. Now I am almost done the program.
    Good luck!!
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    I have a similar story. Walked a lot and wasn't a runner. I finished the program a couple of months ago and I still run at least 5k three times a week. I'm participating in my second organized 5k this weekend. Good luck to you!
  • Thanks everyone! I'm going to go for it!! I have heard mainly positive things about it. My friend is going to go with me for support. (She is already a "runner" and is the one who encouraged me to try it)
  • One more question:

    It says to space out your runs so that you can get plenty of rest. I go to Zumba classes twice a week. Should I continue that, or do I need to rest on those nights?

    Thanks :)
  • We are a lot alike Allie! I go to Zumba 2 days as well.
    I am going to continue going since it's not a high impact workout if you don't jump around too much. Plus it's a totally different exercise.
    I'm starting today!!!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    I was a walker, in reasonable shape and started C25K roughly 3 months ago, I just finished it last week. I didn't think I would actually make it to being able to run 5k, I just followed the weekly schedule, taking one day at a time.

    You doubt yourself, one minute seems forever but you push on and keep going. I remember running 5 minutes at a time and thinking there is no way I'm going to be able to do this! I could barely run 5 minutes, let along 30 minutes straight! However, soon before you know it you are tackling 20 minute runs, then 25 minutes, then 28 minutes..

    I finished C25K last week, on Friday technically and ran my first 5k on Sunday for the Run for the Cure. It is such an amazing feeling of accomplishment!

    I started off running outdoors and then had to switch to the treadmill for rainy days or days that were too muggy/hot. Run outdoors if you can. It's so much more therapeutic and less boring. Plus it's more challenging with the hills and loops and whatnot. Good luck with C25k! Having a friend to encourage you along the way will only make it easier.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    One more question:

    It says to space out your runs so that you can get plenty of rest. I go to Zumba classes twice a week. Should I continue that, or do I need to rest on those nights?

    Thanks :)

    I forgot to add this in my original post. I ran Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I would usually exercise at the gym with other cardio or do a workout video Tuesday and Thursday. So I don't think you would need to take your regular Zumba classes off. But, everyone is different. If you feel like you need to rest then don't go. Just play it by ear and listen to your body!
  • Start W1D1 yesterday and I feel great! Did it with an ipod download from ithinspire. Great music.. .can't wait to have this as an accomplishment under my small belt!!!!
  • Definitely stick with both! Unless you feel totally wiped, you should be ok. I do Zumba Monday, Wednesday and Saturday and run Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday - sometimes I have to miss a day of stuff here or there to rest or because things come up, but you can definitely do both!

    And coming from someone who started C25k struggling to finish the first week, I can now run a complete 5k and my last race I finished with a time of 33:06, so it's not too shabby! stick with it! :) And be sure to have some great music to keep you going!
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