How to stop eating for no reason?

I'm 5"4, 118 pounds and I exercise regularly (running, resistant, workout videos such as Brazil Butt Lift and random YouTube workouts). I know I am a good weight, although I do want to lose a couple of pounds and build some muscle.

My problem is that I love food. I don't regularly buy processed foods (my diet is mostly of fruits, veggies, and eggs/fish/chicken. I am sensitive to wheat and dairy so generally I stay away from them).

I eat out of boredom/stress/anxiety and just for the sake of putting something in my mouth. I have been able to maintain my weight, but this is not helping me reach my ultimate goal and it makes me feel stupid and unhappy.

How do you guys overcome this? Will having a protein shake for one of my meals help? How do I control leaving food in the fridge?

Thanks all!


  • rfihn
    rfihn Posts: 35 Member
    I've been replacing all or part of my breakfast with a protein shake and I haven't found any difference in my food cravings come mid afternoon. I don't know how to advise you to stop snacking, as that is a huge problem for me as well :tongue: The only thing I can think of is to snack on veggies that really fill you up like snap peas and carrots but you already mentioned your diet mainly consists of veggies and other healthy things.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Well, if it truly is boredom/stress/anxiety then you need to learn to deal with it in a way other than eating. For me, it is the gym, taking a walk, a bath, listening to music, or playing a video game, etc.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    If you eat just to eat, then adding a protein shake will probably not help because you're not hungry, you're bored. To overcome boredom, do something like reading, journaling (this will also help with stress), playing a game or doing something active. Find other ways to destress too - take up the piano or guitar, or just listen to music and dance in your living room.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If you are maintaining your weight, maybe you actually need the food you are eating. You don't say whether you are going over your calorie goal or not.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I'm 5"4, 118 pounds and I exercise regularly (running, resistant, workout videos such as Brazil Butt Lift and random YouTube workouts). I know I am a good weight, although I do want to lose a couple of pounds and build some muscle.

    My problem is that I love food. I don't regularly buy processed foods (my diet is mostly of fruits, veggies, and eggs/fish/chicken. I am sensitive to wheat and dairy so generally I stay away from them).

    I eat out of boredom/stress/anxiety and just for the sake of putting something in my mouth. I have been able to maintain my weight, but this is not helping me reach my ultimate goal and it makes me feel stupid and unhappy.

    How do you guys overcome this? Will having a protein shake for one of my meals help? How do I control leaving food in the fridge?

    Thanks all!

    What is your ultimate goal, by the way? 5'4" and 118lbs is pretty small. Maybe you need to reevaluate?
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    I think it's something a lot of people struggle with and there isn't really a solution. I know it's something I will struggle with for the rest of my life but I recognize that and am trying to find ways to cope.
    For me, I just think critically about what I'm eating. I often stop myself and think "why are you eating right not?" whenever I catch myself snacking. That being said, if I am thoroughly enjoying my food and it's worth the "splurge" then I continue to eat but I guess that would be eating for a "reason".
  • totallymeh
    I don't truly have a caloric goal. Sometimes I count the calories but I find it's something that I cannot keep up with on the long run.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I don't truly have a caloric goal. Sometimes I count the calories but I find it's something that I cannot keep up with on the long run.

    I meant your weight goal.
  • totallymeh
    About 115-116lb, although that doesn't take into consideration the muscle I want to build.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Ahhh, gotcha.

    Well, your question was about stress eating, so I'll just leave it at that. :)
  • faithdanyell
    faithdanyell Posts: 30 Member
    Go to therapy...
  • knitgirltiah
    I pack 80% of my food in a lunch cooler so I know i can graze all I want within my limits. I also have less choice and controlled portions. I eat pretty much what I want for dinner within remaining calories. I eat lots of raw veggies and protein to keep me from getting hungry. It's weird but all my eating is sort of mindless now but it works for me.
  • fitmusiclifeviola
    First off, I would note that the issue is complex. There is no simple solution, and certainly not a cookie cutter solution for everyone. The issue you label as anxiety/boredom related, so I would start addressing issues at the core/root of your anxiety. I used therapy, meditation, and a variety of rather compulsive interests (chess, tennis, to name a few) for that, and eventually found Mankind Project international which connected me with an awesome organization for supporting me in delving into my darker side. Woman Within is a great women's organization.
    Secondly, I would hope that you could put things in perspective. You're at 118, and your goal is <5lbs different. This is very small potatoes, medically speaking, and overall I hope you are grateful for how well you feel, and the goodness that you have. Life is fleeting, and developing gratitude is a big component of health.
    Life always has little things that aren't right, and getting pretty close is excellent. You might try volunteering.

    Hope this stranger can provide some help! Feel free to write me direct if you want to talk about it more.
  • eylia
    eylia Posts: 200 Member
    ^I have to eat small meals/snacks throughout the day due to my health, I try and pre plan a little, so I know exactly what I can go to when I feel I need/want something. They vary, I always keep some savoury, and fruit for sweets. I might have a corn thing (I am unable to eat wheat, so my bread equivalent) with some tuna and or salad on top, some veggie sticks and dip, frozen raspberries are great to suck on. There's nothing wrong with snacking so long as it isn't ALWAYS going to be a packet of chips or something.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I don't know that there's one answer to this, but if you've already recognized "when" you do it, you might want to look at your own "why." Why has food become the answer to these things for you?

    But, too, how about re-directing yourself? As in, "I am a little bored and eyeballing the fridge. I know I'm not hungry, so what can I do instead?" You don't need to beat yourself up, but recognize that this isn't a behavior that's benefiting you or helping you reach your goals....and then consciously make a decision to do something different.

    Play a game, ride a bike, pay a bill, call a friend, do a craft, read for a while to distract yourself.

    Answer a post on here to make yourself think of something (or someone) else or read success stories to motivate you to remember your own reasons for doing this.

    I personally think most food tastes gross after I brush my teeth, so maybe that would help.:tongue:

    A quick Google search pulled up a LOT of suggestions, so hopefully you can find some that work for you! Here are links to a couple of lists to get you started:
  • MsWallwoman
    I am also an emotional eater. The best thing and hardest is to figure out the underlying issues. While you are figuring that out, maybe try yummy gum. It helps me. I pop a piece of gum and then try to do something... Walk, clean, call a friend. I also chug a ton of water... It fills me up and I don't want to fill my face with food. Lol. Try the gum thing... I like the yummy strawberry shortcake gum. :)

    Good luck.