Losing weight from breasts :( Need motivation

Hi everyone- at a bit of a motivational low here, and hoping some of you nice people might help me out...
This summer I shifted to a high protien diet and cut out most sugar. I started lifting and strength training plus upped my cardio- and in many ways I'm feeling quite happy with what I've achieved.
However: vanity. I know its superficial, but a big motivation for me was that I wanted to (and still want to!) go from having a fairly average body to looking more athletic. I realise this is as much to do with changing your body fat index as it is with building muscle- so I changed my diet and the way I exercised to suit this.
Its been working, in a way. I have been losing fat- but as we all know, you can't choose where you lose it and frustratingly it has been coming off my chest. I already didn't have much there, but this change has been pretty mortifying, especially as (despite being relitively petite) the fat around my stomach is much more stubborn.
I really love working out, and the changes to my diet also have made a lot of difference to me in terms of general alertness/health/energy levels. In reality, due to the health benefits I don't want to change what I'm doing. However, the thought of how flat chested I'm going to be soon is really scaring me and already starting to make me feel very underconfident about my appearence in a way I haven't felt in a long time. I know this is essentially just whining, but I don't see why I need to choose between keeping my breasts and getting toned :(
Has anyone else here run into this dillemma? What did you decide to do? Should I just give up on getting toned? Or will my body proportions eventually even out ( because I'm feeling really doubtful right now...). And if I decide to put weight back on at some point... is there a risk it might never go back to my chest?
Please help :(


  • fayemal
    fayemal Posts: 20 Member
    I'm in the same position and I've come to the conclusion that even though I might end up with small cleavage, by the end of it all other parts of me are going to look fabulous (or I can try haha) - so it's swings and roundabouts. :glasses:

    Can't offer any advice other than that though!
  • Lifting weights may actually help build your pec muscles, which will help lift the girls and make them look bigger! Don't give up.

    Can't say I have your problem though, I am just WAITING for these to shrink so I can buy cheaper bras!
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    I was a B at my biggest, now I'm a AA...and I'm not even done losing weight yet. I've given up hope for my girls. I try to see it on the upside which is that if I forget to put my bra on before I go out it's not that big of a deal. :tongue: but once you start maintaining they might start to look a little fuller again. Thank god for padded push up bras is all I gotta say!!
  • I feel you. I've always been an "a" and to achieve the lean body I want will mean being completely flat chested. Something that I've found has helped me, is to make a mental note when I see a girl with very small breasts (think of the hottest celebrities! kiera knightly, many of the vs models, Kate Hudson...), 9 times out of ten their flatter chests don't stand out as much as I'd think. As far as worrying about pleasing your man, I've talked to many men who say its not so bad. Some men prefer it.
    Also, I'm thankful that I don't have the opposite problem: giant ones on a small frame. It would be a pain in the *kitten* for many reasons. (I've seen several funny/lighthearted posts on the benefits of small ones, they always make me feel a lot better!)

    All else fails, there's always implants if you want them bad enough.

    Hope this helps!
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    I don't see why I need to choose between keeping my breasts and getting toned :(

    Sorry, boobs mostly = fat, and you want to lose fat, and life isn't fair. Some people get boob jobs; others feel beautiful legs, arms, and silhouette are good enough compensation. (Not that a bounteous boobage isn't beautiful! Just a different look.)
    Has anyone else here run into this dillemma? What did you decide to do? Should I just give up on getting toned? Or will my body proportions eventually even out ( because I'm feeling really doubtful right now...). And if I decide to put weight back on at some point... is there a risk it might never go back to my chest?
    Please help :(

    I've never been hugely busty, so. But, my opinion is, many women look great at 18-23% body fat, with good muscle underneath. Some fat in the face keeps it young-looking; I reckon that on probably most women, that's likely to leave you with enough fat on the chest to minimize sagging; it's low enough to show some muscle definition. No six-pack, probably, but a nice line overall. Plus that's a comfortable % to keep year-round without going through phases, etc, and stay energized for activity.

    Femininity isn't just about the boobs, imo. Or the legs, arms or abs, for that matter. This is really just body sculpting, right? You have to live in yours, do what feels best to you.

    ps i like my itty bitties
  • I always figured that boobs are the first to go.... but on the bright side once you lose the weight they are the first to come back yeah :)
  • zombiesalad
    zombiesalad Posts: 123 Member
    i'm okay with having an itty bitty chest as long as the rest of me looks hot. :bigsmile:
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    r will my body proportions eventually even out ( because I'm feeling really doubtful right now...). And if I decide to put weight back on at some point... is there a risk it might never go back to my chest?

    proportions depend on how far you're willing to go with diet & strength. you'll always have your own frame, obv.

    boobs will come back with weight gain, but beware, they're shape shifters & depend on a lady's situation (pregnancy, time, hormones)
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Lifting weights may actually help build your pec muscles, which will help lift the girls and make them look bigger! Don't give up.

    I have had this problem....my boobs have gotten much smaller and were sagging in a way i didnt like. However, the more i lifted and worked on my chest, my pecs have gotten much bigger and in turn has helped with the boobs not looking so small and deflated. Im ok with that.....i figure i just traded boobs for biceps lol. I like them better anyway :)

    Just keep doing what you are doing!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Less heavy, better bra options and there will likely be less sagging as you age as well. Embrace it!
    Being fit is definitely better and if it honestly bothers you so much then you can at least create the illusion of them being large in clothes.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I had a little crisis about my boobs a couple of months ago. I was never large chested but I went down to a 34B, which when paired with a larger than average rib cage makes cleavage a physical impossibility. So I went out and bought myself some really pretty push-up bras and I started working on positive self-talk. I started making myself think about the positive changes I was seeing to my body. And actually I think part of the issue was just that I was too focused on it so I tried to stop thinking about it so much.

    I'd still love to have bigger boobs, but I definitely feel better than I did two months ago. Body image is a process. I think most of us struggle with these issues. I always thought that once I was thin I'd just always feel great about my body, and it was a shock when that didn't happen. Hang in there and be kind to yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Welcome to my world. I have no boobs left but I still have some fat around my waist. It's genetics. I'll have to buy boobs if I want some.
  • I am a double D and want desperately to lose from my boobs. All you girls out there with small busts be grateful. It kills me to jog and it is painful to do hard excercise with the size of boobs I have. I have to wear 2 bras to work out just to keep the girls in some sort of order. I seem to lose only from my bum, but of course it is not the place I want to lose from. Boobs are not all they are cracked up to be.
  • Just remember, in the boobs department, size does NOT affect performance or sensation! Size DOES NOT MATTER. If it matters to your partner, maybe that person is not for keeping around long. If it really matters to you, I have no help to offer, sorry.

    consider this the end of my $0.02.:)
  • LotusFlwr2013
    LotusFlwr2013 Posts: 217 Member
    Well I have double DD... hopefully when I am done with weight loss will end up back at a C like I was when I was in my twenties and if not I fully intend to get them reduced... I dislike large breasts for many reasons... back issues, the weight makes them sag faster, you look larger, men don't look at your face, no matter WHAT shirt you buy it shows them off, and you ALWAYS have to wear a bra... damn I would love to just walk around or even sleep without a bra...sorry honey if I could give you some of mine I would but they aren't all that... but if you are really interested my friend had fat injections done in her breasts and they maintained about half a cup larger over the last 3 years...
  • kalyrichmond
    kalyrichmond Posts: 18 Member
    You don't get to choose where the fat comes off or goes back on for that matter. The first place I loose is my chest and it is frustrating but that's life so I deal with it. I also tell myself once I have all the weight off and I am toned again, I'm getting a lift and probably will have to get something put in to fill them back out. So you just have to ask yourself what you're willing to do to look the way you want once you loose the weight.
  • hannamarie88
    hannamarie88 Posts: 231 Member
    I am a double D and want desperately to lose from my boobs. All you girls out there with small busts be grateful. It kills me to jog and it is painful to do hard excercise with the size of boobs I have. I have to wear 2 bras to work out just to keep the girls in some sort of order. I seem to lose only from my bum, but of course it is not the place I want to lose from. Boobs are not all they are cracked up to be.

    THIS. THIS. THISSSSS. So much this. Do not envy big boobs. Embrace your small boobs. You can wear button up shirts that aren't about to explode. You can run without chest pain. You can buy cute adorable cheap bras, not expensive bullet-proof vest like ones. You can go out without a bra occasionally. You can buy cute backless/strapless shirts and dresses and not have to wear an uncomfortable strapless bra cage.

    I understand that you have to learn to accept the body you are given. But I am 38DDD/40DD and I would be SO PLEASED if my chest started shrinking. Alas. Like amyschintler I am losing weight just about everywhere else. But, we can't choose.

    Learn to love yourself is the lesson to take away. I know it's hard. And I know I don't love myself yet like I should, but it's a lesson I'm learning.
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    I've recently been dealing with this too. At my largest about one year ago, I was a DD. When I first started losing weight I slowly dropped down to a D and stayed there for about 40lbs. And that was pretty good. Still a bit on the big side for someone of my age and frame, but it runs in the family, so whatever right?

    And then the last 10lbs happened.

    Suddenly I'm a (big) B and when I catch my reflection in a window I do a double take because there's a few inches missing from what I'm used to. I went from bigger than I wanted to smaller than I wanted. Guess I got my dad's boobs after all...

    But fitness wise, I find it doesn't hurt as much to exercise nowadays, but the smaller top makes me look even more bottom heavy. But I've recently started weight training to tone up the extra flab so I'm worried they're gonna go away all together. I've lived my whole life with breasts and as annoying as larger ones are, I'm gonna miss them a bit.
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    You can wear button up shirts that aren't about to explode. You can run without chest pain. You can buy cute adorable cheap bras, not expensive bullet-proof vest like ones. You can go out without a bra occasionally. You can buy cute backless/strapless shirts and dresses and not have to wear an uncomfortable strapless bra cage.
    I forgot to mention this. There is no such thing as a cute bra for DD and up.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member