Multivitamin weight loss?

So, question....Is my multivitamin the key I needed to start losing weight more quickly?

Several points:

1. Always been overweight, but gained 30lbs. due to "relationship weight"and birth control. Decided I needed to stop gaining....
2. Moved to work at a nonprofit with some Buddhist, who cook my lunches and dinners all week. All my meals are homemade and vegetarian, and often times vegan. After moving I stopped gaining weight. I started my fitness pal because I was eating too much. I averaged around 2,000 of yummy healthy food. But I've slowly been TRYING to be consistent (today is not a good example) and I've been lowering my intake weekly. I started at 1,500 but I always went over. So now it's at 1,200 and I always go over 300-500 anyway...because I'm not the type to starve myself.
3. I've been weightlifting for 4 months. I love it. I'm barely starting, I can deadlift just 80lbs. (won't lift more til I absolutely perfect my form). I also do cardio (cycling, walking) almost everyday. I walk a mile to work everyday. I don't always track my exercise here.
4. I got off birth control 3ish months ago.

With all of those things I was only losing about 1 lb. a month. I was frustrated but, hey, I was losing.

Which brings me to this....I've started to take a CVS multivitamin for two weeks so far. I've dropped down 3 lbs. in week. I'm scared of posting it here because I don't know what's up, what if I just gain it back magically? Is the vitamin regulating something? Or....what? Should I not ask questions and accept it? Also, this is my rest week from lifting....does that play a factor? Wuz up with bodies, eh?


  • rachvale
    rachvale Posts: 15 Member
    Bump it..
    How do I get y'alls opinions?!
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I personally don't think it was the multivitamins, but I'm also not a nutritionist. Plateaus are funny they can just leave without notice. I'm sure it is a combination of all the good decisions your making. I know vitamin defencancy can bog down your matobolism some but you say your diet consists of vegetarian options which would point that your not defiant as say a McDonald's every day eater. Not everybody losses at the same rate. I'm going real slow but like you said hey its going down. Just keep up the good work and your rewards will be constant.