Fruit is making me go over on my sugars

I have a bit of a dilemma. Donuts, pastries, cake, cookies, brownies....they are all my weakness...a total addiction. I eat fruit to keep me going off the deep end but it seems I'm over on my sugars every day due to this. Does anyone else experience the same thing? The fruit really does keep me from going totally AWOL. Just interested if others are having the same experience.


  • HeatherScottTN
    HeatherScottTN Posts: 65 Member
    yes, natural sugar is still sugar... so although you have more health benefits from the nutrition and fiber... we can't just substitute one addiction of junk sugar with too much fruit sugar... so... keep in mind... MODERATION...

    You may want to consider... biting the bullet and going fruit free... you will go through withdrawals... but then... you can slowly introduce a more controlled amount into your daily diet...

    Good Luck! It sure is not easy
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Going over on sugar isn't a bad thing I am vegan I go over in one meal lol If it is helping you kick unhealthier habits then great you will not get fat eating fruit ( if you don't believe me go google fruitarians yes they exist) make sure you do drink enough water when you eat a lot of fruit though all that fiber without water is not a happy tummy.
  • redbev306
    I totally felt the same... especially in the beginning. I have a crazy sweet tooth. but, I found that over time it got less & less(which I am so grateful for!). OBVIOUSLY fruit is the lesser of the two evils!! Now, I have gotten to the point where I don't feel like I NEED something sweet after every single other food I eat. Keep chugging along... it'll get easier. Just like "what about bob" Baby steps! (I hope you get that reference.... it used to be my favorite movie)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Unless you have been advised to do so by a doctor, there is no reason to track any sugar separate from carbohydrates.

    That said, the MFP setting is based on the American Heart Association's recommendations for "added sugars" but in the ultimate demonstration of derp, MFP goes right ahead and counts naturally occurring sugars in the same way it counts "added sugars," hence your frustration with fruit.

    So, long story short, and silly arguments aside, make sure you get sufficient protein (which MFP is way under recommending) and dietary fats, and so long as you hit those macros, and get enough fiber, and hit your calorie goals, the amount of sugar that leaves you won't be enough to worry about.

    So . . . I don't track my sugar separately from general carbs for this reason.

    ETA: The trick here is balance and moderation which shouldn't come as any surprise
  • lynnkieu
    lynnkieu Posts: 67 Member
    In my opinion, I don't think you should worry about it. It's fruit- it's good for you. And if it helps you fight your cravings against sweets that aren't good for you at all, then more power to ya'. I don't stress about my sugars getting in the red as long as my calories are where they should be.
  • GenF32
    GenF32 Posts: 184 Member
    Go entirely sugar free. I did it for 12 weeks last year and yes it was difficult but SO worth it. It really is true that when you withdraw from sugar entirely - that is fructose - including added sugars in bottled sauces, bread, etc, your body stops craving it eventually and you'll feel like a million bucks.

    Try it!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Going over on sugar isn't a bad thing I am vegan I go over in one meal lol If it is helping you kick unhealthier habits then great you will not get fat eating fruit ( if you don't believe me go google fruitarians yes they exist) make sure you do drink enough water when you eat a lot of fruit though all that fiber without water is not a happy tummy.

    Yes. Google Steve Jobs and pancreatic cancer while you are at it. Eating any food to the exclusion of a well balanced diet is not exactly a good idea.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    have you been checked for diabetes?
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Going over on sugar isn't a bad thing I am vegan I go over in one meal lol If it is helping you kick unhealthier habits then great you will not get fat eating fruit ( if you don't believe me go google fruitarians yes they exist) make sure you do drink enough water when you eat a lot of fruit though all that fiber without water is not a happy tummy.

    Yes. Google Steve Jobs and pancreatic cancer while you are at it. Eating any food to the exclusion of a well balanced diet is not exactly a good idea.

    Yup too much of a bad thing is def a bad thing but they go crazy over board with it I am just pointing out that's all they eat and a lot of it and are not fat

    ( note he also was know to have eating disorders)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Going over on sugar isn't a bad thing I am vegan I go over in one meal lol If it is helping you kick unhealthier habits then great you will not get fat eating fruit ( if you don't believe me go google fruitarians yes they exist) make sure you do drink enough water when you eat a lot of fruit though all that fiber without water is not a happy tummy.

    Yes. Google Steve Jobs and pancreatic cancer while you are at it. Eating any food to the exclusion of a well balanced diet is not exactly a good idea.

    Yup too much of a bad thing is def a bad thing but they go crazy over board with it I am just pointing out that's all they eat and a lot of it and are not fat

    ( note he also was know to have eating disorders)
    Personally I would define that diet, disordered eating.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Going over on sugar isn't a bad thing I am vegan I go over in one meal lol If it is helping you kick unhealthier habits then great you will not get fat eating fruit ( if you don't believe me go google fruitarians yes they exist) make sure you do drink enough water when you eat a lot of fruit though all that fiber without water is not a happy tummy.

    Yes. Google Steve Jobs and pancreatic cancer while you are at it. Eating any food to the exclusion of a well balanced diet is not exactly a good idea.

    Yup too much of a bad thing is def a bad thing but they go crazy over board with it I am just pointing out that's all they eat and a lot of it and are not fat

    If you are discussing such a diet in terms of demonstrating the principle of calories in versus calories out, which it, along with approaches such as the Twinkie diet, does demonstrate, it is still important to note that such an approach is not healthy. Nor does it exactly help with body recomposition.
  • wlbrown0766
    yep, type 2 here, but able to keep A1C at appropriate levels with diet and once daily Metformin. Doc says I'm at the point where if lose weight and keep it down, will probably be able to go off all meds, hence the motivation to make this work. I know I'm not a poster child for good diabetes eating habits but way better than before and getting better.
  • kathleenjoyful
    kathleenjoyful Posts: 210 Member
    I eat fruit, and always go over on sugar. Most days I will also eat a couple of squares of sugar free raw chocolate, and a frozen yoghurt that has a small amount of sugar in it. I had a glucose tolerance test recently that was normal. I used to binge on sugar and since calorie counting I have dramatically decreased the amount of sugar in my diet, so I'm not concerned about going over. I've never drunk soda. Personally I'd be miserable if I couldn't eat sweet foods.

    I've edited this post as I read that you do have diabetes. I think it would be worth speaking to a nutritionist about an appropriate amount of sugar in your diet, including from fruit, if you're monitoring your levels.

    If you are interested in going down the "quit sugar" path, the Australian Sarah Wilson has a tailored program and cook books that assist you. I find she's fairly sensible but she does advocate giving up fruit in the initial stages.
  • wlbrown0766
    I should also add that I don't go crazy on fruit, I would maybe three pieces a day but just those three pieces seem to knock my sugars out every day.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    yep, type 2 here, but able to keep A1C at appropriate levels with diet and once daily Metformin. Doc says I'm at the point where if lose weight and keep it down, will probably be able to go off all meds, hence the motivation to make this work. I know I'm not a poster child for good diabetes eating habits but way better than before and getting better.

    Two strong pieces of advice: (1) strictly follow your doctor's orders, and (2) get out of the general forums and join the "Eat, Train, Progress" group here. Success isn't going to come by chasing every silly diet fad out there, but it will come through applying a reasoned and science based approach along with a steady dose of discipline and moderation.

    Start by reading these:
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    yes, natural sugar is still sugar... so although you have more health benefits from the nutrition and fiber... we can't just substitute one addiction of junk sugar with too much fruit sugar... so... keep in mind... MODERATION...

    You may want to consider... biting the bullet and going fruit free. you will go through withdrawals... but then... you can slowly introduce a more controlled amount into your daily diet...

    Good Luck! It sure is not easy

    LOL NO

    OP: It sounds like fruits are helping you moderate your calorie intake. Unless you have other health issues (like diabetes), just make sure your macros are in line and enjoy your fruits.
  • wlbrown0766
    yep, type 2 here, but able to keep A1C at appropriate levels with diet and once daily Metformin. Doc says I'm at the point where if lose weight and keep it down, will probably be able to go off all meds, hence the motivation to make this work. I know I'm not a poster child for good diabetes eating habits but way better than before and getting better.

    Two strong pieces of advice: (1) strictly follow your doctor's orders, and (2) get out of the general forums and join the "Eat, Train, Progress" group here. Success isn't going to come by chasing every silly diet fad out there, but it will come through applying a reasoned and science based approach along with a steady dose of discipline and moderation.

    Start by reading these:
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    yep, type 2 here, but able to keep A1C at appropriate levels with diet and once daily Metformin. Doc says I'm at the point where if lose weight and keep it down, will probably be able to go off all meds, hence the motivation to make this work. I know I'm not a poster child for good diabetes eating habits but way better than before and getting better.

    Two strong pieces of advice: (1) strictly follow your doctor's orders, and (2) get out of the general forums and join the "Eat, Train, Progress" group here. Success isn't going to come by chasing every silly diet fad out there, but it will come through applying a reasoned and science based approach along with a steady dose of discipline and moderation.

    Start by reading these:

    Woops, we were posting at the same time and I didn't see your response here. Beach is totally right. ETP is a much better place to get reasoned, research based information for the long haul approach.
  • wlbrown0766
    yep, type 2 here, but able to keep A1C at appropriate levels with diet and once daily Metformin. Doc says I'm at the point where if lose weight and keep it down, will probably be able to go off all meds, hence the motivation to make this work. I know I'm not a poster child for good diabetes eating habits but way better than before and getting better.

    Two strong pieces of advice: (1) strictly follow your doctor's orders, and (2) get out of the general forums and join the "Eat, Train, Progress" group here. Success isn't going to come by chasing every silly diet fad out there, but it will come through applying a reasoned and science based approach along with a steady dose of discipline and moderation.

    Start by reading these:

    ok...just joined the group....thanks!
  • wlbrown0766
    yes, natural sugar is still sugar... so although you have more health benefits from the nutrition and fiber... we can't just substitute one addiction of junk sugar with too much fruit sugar... so... keep in mind... MODERATION...

    You may want to consider... biting the bullet and going fruit free. you will go through withdrawals... but then... you can slowly introduce a more controlled amount into your daily diet...

    Good Luck! It sure is not easy

    LOL NO

    OP: It sounds like fruits are helping you moderate your calorie intake. Unless you have other health issues (like diabetes), just make sure your macros are in line and enjoy your fruits.

    I've been reading some about 'Macros' but sounds like I need to research and learn