
mmannerino Posts: 7
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello Everyone :)

I would LOVE to know what motivates everyone to work out and eat healthy?
What is the one thing that motivates you most to workout and lose weight?
And how do you MAINTAIN this motivation?



  • I have several motivators at different times. My grandchildren are a big one, I want to see them grow up and be able to be there for them like my Grandmother was there for me. Another is to see my better half look at me in that way she does occasionally when she sees me. And as compettitive cyclist, to blow by some "youngster" on a hill climb as he is creeping up the climb. It makes me gratefull to be in shape to do that and it also shows him where he needs to be and that he CAN do this! Also it is good for the ego to get those occasional honks and hoots from ladies as they drive by while I am on the road training,
    CHRISTY :)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I spent two months off work because of my back problems. My husband worked full time then did all the house work and looked after me. Then I visited a surgeon to discuss disc fusion. Then I decided to fight the odds and take 50 pounds of pressure off my back to see if it would make a difference. So far 26 pounds has made a difference, and I hope the other 25 is the cure. I'm enjoying this and all the other benefits of shrinking.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    My sister has a kidney disorder, and she might need a transplant someday. If I don't lose the weight and I am a match, I can't give her my kidney because they won't take a donor organ from an obese person. I'm doing this for myself, but if my sister ever needs a kidney I want to be able to do that for her. So if I'm lacking motivation, that's what I think of.
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    What motivates me?
    *my grandchildren and being able to be active right alongside of them.
    *legs and knees that do not hurt
    *looking better
    *buying new, smaller, cooler clothes
    *feeling better
    *having more energy

    It's not always easy. Sometimes I just want a hot fudge sundae or feeling that I'm not losing fast enough, want to give up. The picture of me in mind in size 8 clothes is very motivating to me.

    Stay with it. We're here for one another.

  • My number one motivation is my one year old son. I want to be there to see him grow up and be right there along-side him...not watching from the sidelines cause I can't keep up. In order to keep up my motivation, I keep pictures of him and my husband everywhere. At my desk at work, my locker at work, my car, and all over my house...and especially on the refridgerator! lol. It sounds least to me...but it definately helps curb the cravings and makes me want to get off of my butt. :)
  • DeeZaster
    DeeZaster Posts: 18 Member
    nallen2405 Couldn't have said it better.. Mine is My son as well. Since becoming pregnant and having my son (18 months) I have gained a total of 40lbs that has done nothing but made itself comfortable.
    He is my inspiration and my motivation- without him, I probably wouldn't care how big I am!
    I am all on my own, so when he gets to the age where he wants to play ball, or go hiking- I want to be able to be there for him and experience it all with him. I am doing it to be healthier as well, no one likes the fat chick, but He is my main reason. It will also be nice when I get in shape to help him stay that way. I would die if My kid ends up being the fat kid & gets humiliated in school like I was. And being able to see warning signs, I will be able to know how to deal with them!
    Im all about baby steps, nothing drastic, so hopefully my new habits will be passed down and we will never have that problem!
    Man i love him! When I think of him, honestly, I just wanna get up and dance! He is my drive in life. I wake up fast, and cheerful because of him.. No more "5 more minutes" for me anymore! I get excited for what we will do that day and just really- kids are amazing. They dont even know the effect the have on us...

    PS nutshel: WAY TO GO! 26lbs so far! Wow you must feel absolutely amazing!!! Good for you! Keep it up! Thats so awesome to see!

  • my main motivation is first and formost taking care of me for my daughter if i'm not healthy she will follow behind me and pick up my unhealthy habits. heres the weird one lol i picked a song and its california girls and it talks about how they wear daisy dukes with bakinis on top. oddly enough it motivates me to want to lose that weight so that i can be my own type of california girl in a sense lol i hope this helps. but remember do it for you not anyone else. you have to want it to achieve it... GOOD LUCK
  • Reign
    Reign Posts: 87 Member
    My family and my health. I want to be around for a long time, to see my family grow.
  • Thanks Everyone!
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