Weight vs. Jean Size

I think we're all so conditioned to seeing that number drop on the scale - i know that I am! I want to see that number drop 15 lbs and then maybe another 5 - 10 depending on how I look, but what if that number never drops? I did take my measurements and I did take a couple pictures of how I look in a pair of jeans that are currently tight.

So, should I throw out the scale altogether? And just base my success on how my clothes are fitting and what the measuring tape says?

I'm only 130 lbs. When I met my husband, I was 126 lbs and a size 3. I'm currently a comfy size 9. That's why I say, what if I never actually lose much according to the scale. After I had my first baby and did WW to lose the weight, I did drop down to 113, but it didn't stick. I went back up to 128 and was a size 5. I would love to be somewhere between 105 - 115, but realistically, I just wanna wear size 3 jeans again.


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    There are a couple reasons. A size "3" is a juniors size. They are made for young girls with smaller hips... how old were you when you were wearing them? Were your bones done growing? Also, you've probably gained muscle while losing weight so you probably just have a bit more fat to lose to get smaller. I think it would be realistic to shoot for a 5 or 7 but maybe not a 3. You can try but I would just encourage you to get into a healthy weight and then tone up if you don't feel comfortable with your body.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Throw out the scale. Seriously.

    I weigh twenty five more pounds than a very good friend of mine. I wear two dress sizes smaller than she does. (we were bridesmaids and had to buy the exact same dress)

    Also, sizes are crazy. I have everywhere from a four to a twelve hanging in my closet right now, and they all fit.

    All hail the measuring tape! The measuring tape is our friend.:flowerforyou:
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    i didn't really think about jean sizes and size 3 in that aspect. I was 21 when I met my hubby, though, but I've had 2 kids the natural way, so i'm sure my hips are a bit wider than they were. i think what i want is to be able to wear all the cute jeans in my bottom drawer again... they do range in sizes.. even a size 2 from Old Navy in there. I feel hot when I can fit into those! But I will go off of what the tape measure says, I suppose, even though I'm sure I will be hopping on that scale at least 1x a week "just to see"
  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    AND you've have a baby! Don't forget that your hips will probably never be what they were before you were pregnant!
  • ppennington
    You have a mature body now. What's wrong with that?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Your question might generate some interesting responses.

    In my (often wavering) opinion... besides for your HEALTH, weight is most relevant for things like whether or not to sit in that chair (does it look sturdy enough???), amusement park rides, bungee jumping, whether or not you choose to ride in a nearly full elevator, and occupations requiring use of equipment like scaffolding, ladders, etc.

    Granted - that's a rather utilitarian perspective, but..... really. I wish I had adopted it earlier. When it comes to the realm of self esteem, social status, and oh, okay.... vanity: If you look and feel good, have self confidence and earn the respect of others with your charm and consideration, if you can wear the size clothing that you want to be wearing, you're good to go!

    In a nutshell, if you're not facing health risks and are not in danger of having things collapse when you step up or sit down, using weight as your primary indicator of satisfaction is a bit silly.

    *In the spirit of full disclosure, even though I think this *most of the time, I'll admit it does make me happy when the number drops. Darn cultural brainwashing. :laugh: