I realized I don't ever remember being my goal weight



  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I can remember being almost my goal weight and feeling fat. That was 25 years and two babies ago. I have to keep in mind that when (not if!) I reach my goal weight, I won't have the same body I did back then. Don't get me wrong, I know I'll look and feel great, but, alas, my 47 year old body will never look 22 again. :(

    But no matter...I won't be rocking any teeny tiny bikinis on the beach, but my 47 year old body is going to look GREAT in size 6 jeans!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I hear ya! I haven't been anywhere near my goal weight in 20+ years. Started gaining weight quickly my senior year of high school due to a myriad of factors and had some success here and there with diets through the years but I'd never gotten as close to goal as I am right now. It's pretty exciting!
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    I can remember it barely because it was when I was eighteen (I'm 35 now). I did a series of pictures at that time, and those images have haunted me for years as to how I should and want to look. In fact, I haven't allowed anyone to take a picture of me in over 5 or 6 years because I don't want to see how much different I look.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    I know I was my goal weight (128) at one point, because I was very underweight for most of high school (about 115-ish pounds) and looked/felt horrible. I used college as an excuse to gain weight/try to fix my disorded thinking and went from 115 to 160. So somewhere in there I hit 128 but don't remember it. This time I'm going to enjoy it :)
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I was at my goal two years ago and for most of my adult life, so I definitely remember it. What I don't remember is gaining the weight. It's like I went from a 6/8 to a 14 overnight. It took 18 months, so I know it was not overnight, but it seems like it was. I still don't understand how I could have gained 7 inches each on my waist and hips in that timeframe and not noticed.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    My goal weight would put me about a decade back, probably more. However, I won't actually fit into the same clothes as back then, because my body composition has changed. It will be a completely new territory for me as well.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I think there are a few people here that don't remember their goal weight.. me included.. I have been bigger since middle school so it is hard to judge how that will reflect to the weight I want to be now.
  • EsqDreams
    EsqDreams Posts: 8 Member
    Reading your post, the same is true for me. I don't remember my goal weight either. Maybe because when I was that weight, I never got on a scale and people related to me in a way that my weight was never an issue! :frown:
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    It's funny, a friend and I were just talking about this. I haven't weighed this little since I was in middle school. I can remember as a freshman in high school wearing a size 14/16 (now I am in a 6/8 almost half of what I was).

    I can remember going to friends houses for slumber parties and they would all be trying each others clothes on and I couldn't because I was too big. Well now I could, lol.
  • FitCanuckChick
    FitCanuckChick Posts: 240 Member
    It's funny, a friend and I were just talking about this. I haven't weighed this little since I was in middle school. I can remember as a freshman in high school wearing a size 14/16 (now I am in a 6/8 almost half of what I was).

    I can remember going to friends houses for slumber parties and they would all be trying each others clothes on and I couldn't because I was too big. Well now I could, lol.

    Guess what - I bet most of them wouldn't be able to try on YOUR clothes now :)

    I was always the biggest in my class - I surpassed my weight before I even started weighing myself when I was a kid (I'm thinking 12 or so). Now, alot of the kids that were "skinny minnies" in school - they have the beer bellies and are overweight. I find being the healthiest you now totally surpasses what it would have felt like at 16.
  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    The last weight I really remember is where I'm at now, and I still have 20+lbs to go to get to my goal weight, which I have no knowledge of.

    I only ever remember being/feeling fat... even when struggled with anorexia a bit in HS/early college. The only way I can see my body is with a belly hangover and plenty of extra on my upper thighs... I still have no vision of what these last 20 or so lbs will do to change that.
  • krmullig
    krmullig Posts: 43 Member
    It's a crazy feeling! I actually had a similar feeling not that long ago. I'm still not at my GW but that's because I've adjusted it down twice. I was able to lose way more than I thought I could!!! Currently, I am 14lbs lighter than I remember myself ever being in high school. Even when I was a 6th grader I was still 15+ lbs heavier and probably 4 inches shorter! It's definitely an amazing feeling and I'm glad you're on the journey to get to your "moment"!

    It's also nice now because I don't find myself comparing my body to others now. I don't feel like I have to hide my body anymore and it's a fabulous feeling!!!
  • ColleenRep
    ColleenRep Posts: 12 Member
    Same with me!! I don't remember the in between. I remember I was 125-130 when I was 18-19 and then the next thing I remember I was 150 at 21. But I didn't own a scale at the time. Now I am a freak about weighing myself everyday! lol
  • AprilMae1975
    My current goal weight is 150 but once I get there I might just want to go lower. I was 130 when I got pregnant at 19 and weighed 150 when I had my daughter. Five years later when I got pregnant with my son I weighed 145. After a very unhappy marriage and nasty divorce I got up to 205. After my divorce, being single and finally meeting Mr. Right I got down to 168 which I thought I looked GREAT!!! Well fast forward nine years of being truly happy and but having my gall bladder out and a hysterectomy and I was at my highest weight ever 212. I actually might have been more but I stopped weighing myself. I have no idea what 150 will look like on me. I am excited, scared and determined all at the same time. Who knows maybe I will get to that pre-pregnancy high school weight of 130!!
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Like many people on here, I've alway been overweight for as long as I can remember, so all through high school and what I can remember of primary school but I never used to weigh myself, just knew I was fat. So I've never been a healthy weight nor so when I finally reach my GW it will be like a new person has been born, not that ive never seen, nor thought I would ever see.

    When I finally reach my goal im not sure how I will look or how I will reacted when I get there beacause ive never been there. Its going to be a massive phyiscal and psycological shock to me, I can't wait!