Acne and Isotretinoin (Roaccutane)

I've no idea where to post this so well...

I've been on isotretinoin for a week. Today I had a weird small rash on my chest and I was wondering if anyone had this as a side effect (I'll call my dermatologist anyways, I'm just wondering how worried should I be). I don't know if my rash is related to the drug because spring started and it could be polen related but I do have nosebleed as a side effect so I just don't know.

Also if you used isotretinoin how was your expierence :)


  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member

    Nobody has acne or has taken accutane??
  • LearnFromTheRed
    LearnFromTheRed Posts: 294 Member
    I've taken it: it got rid of most of my acne, but it made me so depressed I nearly did something stupid. I hope they've warned you about the mental health side-effects because they are very, very damaging.
  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member
    I've taken it: it got rid of most of my acne, but it made me so depressed I nearly did something stupid. I hope they've warned you about the mental health side-effects because they are very, very damaging.

    Thank you for sharing. Doctor didn't warn me but I'm an internet searcher so I've read all the possible mental side effects. Since I have had depression in the past I know how to recognize it and I have no intention of ever feeling like that again, so I have my eyes open to symptoms.

    I hope you got a good recovery, I know how awful mental illness can be.
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I used roaccutane, it was a last resort as nothing else was working, and it went really well. I hardly got any side effects apart from nose bleeds and slightly dry skin, but even then, it was only very slightly dry.

    It's a dangerous drug and I have mixed feelings about it, because without I wouldn't have been able to leave the house! The nose bleeds are normal and as for the rash, I'm not too sure, perhaps consult your dermatologist but I don't think it's anything serious.

    I hope your time on roaccutane is as mild as possible and that you don't experience any severe side effects! If you're getting cracked nose/lips/dry skin, try the Hemp body butter and lip balm from the Body Shop. It's the only thing that worked for me.

    Good luck, sweetie! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I'm also prone to depression but roaccutane didn't cause me to become depressed - I think I was just happy that my skin was clear!
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    I'm two months in.

    I'm so dry that I felt the skin inside my nose split on Wednesday as I was munching a cucumber... UGH!

    I've also had some issues with a couple spots on my hands having pigment changes (they got dark and scaly, it was guh-ross.) But some coconut oil really helped- better than the steroid cream they prescribed, anyway!

    I would definitely say call about the rash, it is pretty likely it's bc of the accutane.

    As far as the nosebleed, you could be like me and just have really dry skin inside your nose. Again with the coconut oil- I have a little jar that I mixed some of that oil with about 10-15 drops of tea tree oil, and I try to remember to use a q-tip to cover the insides of my nostrils with it each night. When I remember to do it, it really helps.

    It's doing a good job for my acne, I have had exactly two zits on my face since starting, and both were nothing compared with what I used to have to deal with.

    For a while, I was definitely experiencing a little bit of depression- basically I would cry at the drop of a hat. Did some research, and came across something called rhodiola root. It's a plant native to somewhere around the Baltics/Scandanavia, and the root of it has been shown, loosely, to have depression-relieving effects. Started adding a tsp of that to my morning breakfast shake, and I'm no longer a crybaby! I know this most likely wouldn't help in a situation where suicidal ideation is already going on, but it sure is helping me deal with having to pick my nose with a damn q-tip all the time.

    I found the best spot to get my rhodiola root (ground) was online. Amazon has it, and a few other websites have it too. You said you're a resourceful girl, so if you want some I know you'll find it!

    Hope this helps, Happy Friday :-)

    ETA- more stuff about rhodiola.
  • mjoshua87
    I took it for 10month and my last two I was weened off slowly not to relaps. I had success, no mental health issues. The dry skin and itchy dry nose was the worst I got so ya since it is a strong drug it doesnt hurt to check with your doc about it to be sure . Might need some moisturing lotion .

    :) Goodluck
  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member
    Thank you for sharing!

    I'm excited and I hope I dont have that much side effects.... My rash disappeard overnight and doctor said it was probably because I forgot to put on sunscreen on my chest and my skin is more sensitive now and I shouldn't worry unless it was a big rash.

    Keep sharing your stories!! they are as exciting as weightloss stories for all of us who have acne :)
  • pgymjp
    pgymjp Posts: 4 Member
    Be very careful with Accutane. I took it in my early 20s and the depression side effects are very real. Don't even think about getting pregnant as it causes severe birth defects (like unsustainable for life defects). Also, make sure you are getting your blood drawn every month to keep an eye on your liver. Keep on your doctor about your colon, too. I'm not kidding. Accutane has a risk of causing ulcerative colitis, which can become a life time ailment. Keep a roll of lip balm with you at all times because your lips will dry out like nothing you'd ever imagine.

    All that said, Accutane cleared up my cystic acne when nothing else would. My face hurt every day and it was awful to look at. Thankfully, I don't have much scarring. So, it works, but be very, very careful. Good luck.
  • ganzelly
    ganzelly Posts: 302 Member
    I was on accutane when I was 15 ( so about 18 years ago) and it helped, I didn't have the depression side effects that some people have. I was a bit depressed before I started accutane because of my severe acne and nothing helped. So just having something start to help clear it up made me happier. But the dry skin issue... Holy crap. It was bad when I was actively taking accutane but it didn't stop being a problem until about 12 years later. I was constantly putting the best options in my hands, face, around my eyes, I had a cream for 2nd degree burns to put on my lips. I still use eye drops and I'm addicted to Chapstick and can't stand not having lotion on my hands. I apply constantly now. I think it became an obsession and I haven't gotten over it yet. But, my face had been mostly clear ever since, just a pimple here and there. I get facials and they tell me how nice my skin looks. So it does work but needs to be a last resort, which it was for me. Be careful, wear sunscreen and good luck. Hopefully it works for you, it did for me.
  • TheRagnarok
    I had a few side effects on it. Aside from less acne, I didn't have to wash my hair every day due to less sebum. Bad ones were cracked skin on the inside of my nose, extremely dry skin and my lips were peeling so much I could take it off in strips!
  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member
    Thank you for all your comments and advices!!