T25 Focus (Alpha) Challenge Group!

Hey everybody,

I am on day 2 of T25 Focus, Alpha Phase. I tried to join a challenge group for T25 with one of the beachbody coaches but I am not allowed because I won't do Shakeology (I am allergic to a few of the ingredients). I am really bummed out by this because I truly enjoy working the same program with a group of people.

Who else is doing or has done T25? Who would like to join a challenge group with me?? I am open to starting over from day 1. I think as a group we could come up with some rules but I think basic guidelines (which I took from my BB coach) should be that you have to do it every day, you have to eat properly (no binging, no starving), and you have to participate. My BB coach has a facebook page for challenge groups, I think we should have one too so we can keep track of each other on it. We can update our status daily and share our food logs if we want. Before and after pictures are a must!

Is anybody interested? Doesn't matter which phase - alpha, beta, gamma, you pick!


  • MandyG4557
    MandyG4557 Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Danica145,

    I would love to joing a challenge group for T25.
    I will be starting September 9/13!

    I will be doing ALPA then BETA...

    Message me if you want.