What finally did it for you?



  • kpressley392
    kpressley392 Posts: 11 Member
    My story is like most - tired of carrying around an extra 70 lbs all the time, tired of looking bad, but what pushed me "over the edge" was outgrowing my "fat" clothes! I have been determined to save my "skinny clothes," which still reside in my closet, while my "fat clothes" hang on my Fitness Flier :angry:

    It had gotten to the point that I had to be selective of which clothes I chose, only the ones with elastic waist - so that was it :explode:

    I am not too lazy to exercise, but I am too lazy to count calories, so I thought Weight Watchers - could not afford it. So then I went to Google and found MFP - YEAH!!! :tongue:

    Too many smileys, sorry, can't help myself :laugh:
  • bearski79
    bearski79 Posts: 10 Member
    I've been overweight since i was 13, and have gone on many diets in the past. At the start of August i was going in for day surgery to have my wisdom teeth out when the doctor came in and told me she wasn't comfortable knocking me out in a day surgery and wanted me at a hospital. When i asked why she explained a person of my size was more likely to run into problems while under. Not the thing you want to hear while getting ready for surgery.

    So it was cancelled, and as i walked out of the place embarrassed, having to call my wife and explain to pick me up early, i decided to try and make a real effort to change.
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    the first time for me was back in 2002/2003 when i reached 189 ibs....i told myself i would never reach the 200 ib mark and i HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT IN MY LIFE....since that time i lost all the way down to 150s...then when i stopped going to weight loss support group meetings i gradually gained ALL BUT 9 ibs back throughout the years.

    the biggest loser show has always been an inspiration for me....in the season's past i would start really good and then stop....this time my weight loss journey is going to stick...THIS TIME i'm sticking all the way til at least the finale of this season...the reason being is if i stick to it by january 1, 2011, i'm going to reward myself with the POWER 90 program. I REALLY want the p90x program but i heard that if you try the POWER 90 program first it will be a lot easier...so i'm finishing this year off with jillian michaels and the biggest loser exercise vids...next year i'm starting year off with TONY HORTON...the first 6 months
  • curvykent
    curvykent Posts: 140 Member
    I've been very overweight for 8 or 9 years but my big wake up moment was my miscarriage. I found out on new year's '10 that they couldn't find a heartbeat. I was 20 weeks pregnant. I had names picked out, I was feeling "connected" to my baby and then I went in for my first ultra sound and was told I had a blighted ovum. I should have had an ultra sound at 7 weeks but the sonographer explained to me that the more a woman weighs the longer they make them wait for an ultrasound (crappy medical care, another wonderful side effect about being too overweight- I was uninsurable and was going to the county hospital). Right in front of my husband who at most weighs 165, the doctor says for women over 200 pounds it's harder to find the baby so we typically wait until 19-22 weeks. Not only was I crushed by the devastating news of there being no baby inside me but to top it off they explain to me that I am getting treated different because I am fat.
    I waited for my body to miscarry and then immediately started to exercise and diet. I cut out processed food and watched my portions, walked three times a week and started to see results. I joined WW for a bit but left, then found MFP. I am now doing yoga 2x a week, walking 3x a week, and active on the weekends. I eat whole foods, high protein, low carb and I am seeing the weight fall off. I love this site. It's a saving grace for me.
  • ceredonia
    Last New Years was my tipping point of getting frustrated with myself. I'm not greatly overweight, but the pounds I have greatly love to hang out in a muffin top and around my thighs and hips. After New Years, I was looking at pictures and I was just horrified at how they came out.

    This is how I normally look (taken June 2010, tanktop luckily hiding my muffintop, I know its there, haha. I'm in the pink on the right)


    So seeing my pictures turn out like this made me really upset. And I really liked the dress when I bought it! Having my hair up was a horrible choice anyway, as I found out.


    So I joined a gym with my roommate in February, found kickboxing classes that I LOVE, and eventually found Jillian Michaels last month, after slacking off and not going to the gym for 3 months. I found MFP and finally, I can put my obsessive tendencies to good use and count my calories :D
  • KarenJean81
    KarenJean81 Posts: 117 Member
    I think it is something that has been pushing at me for 10 years as I tried and failed and tried and failed and failed and failed over and over again,

    What really disturbed me into try harder and into focusing harder on longevity without ceasing---is a picture I saw of myself at the beach this summer. For the first time in my life I actually looked at myself and said "that's disgusting".

    And it hurt. And I know I can't indulge in self pity any longer. I have to seek real solutions this time. That's what did it for me.

    Mine was a picture also. It's funny, I have plenty pictures from the same time frame, but in this one, I could see the weight in my face and no longer pretend it was a bad angle. I hardly recognized me.
  • losergirl78
    Over this last summer I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was 197/112. They started monitoring me and found that was average. I was told I was in stroke range. I'm 32 years old and a single parent and thatcomment scared me so I started eating better and going to the gym. Along the way I found MFP to help out.

    I have been eating healthy and working out for 3 months now and I have only lost 5 pounds, so I made another appt to see what my doctor thought. I felt the same old feeling of hoplessness and this isn't working so why should I try . She found out that I am a diabetic. Now I realize I'm in this for life, there is no more yo-yo dieting, no more magic weightloss pill, no more fad dieting. I'm not dieting, I'm just changing my life.
  • Doordie
    Doordie Posts: 51
    Wow I am amazed at all the stories. They are so inspiration. It's amazing what takes us to the verge. I think it helps to remember when the doubt, frustration or distractions start to creep in.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    What finally did it for me....

    1st reason.....waking up and wishing I hadn't. I had another hospital appointment and I knew I would have to get on the scales. I had no idea what i was going to wear because basically everything just looks like I've thrown it on. I very nearly didn't do my face because as I saw it when my body looks the way it does why bother prettying up the face. Gulp, yes I was, am this low about my weight.

    2nd reason...same day as above, my youngest took a photo of the cat but I was caught unaware in the background. I freaked out demanding that he delete it...how dare he, don't ever take a photo of me again blah blah. I then took myself to bed to bawl my eyes out and made the decision there and then that I couldn't go on like this, its not fair on my kids, my health is the reason for the gain but the gain is the reason for my health worsening even further. It was lay down and die or fight. I chose fight

    And yes, I apologised to my son