can someone please help me?

ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I am not new to this site or to weight loss per se. I struggle BIG time with finding the right amount of calories I need. I am all about the numbers and was hoping someone could help me. For some reason, it is just not clicking for me.

179 pounds
Social Worker so mainly desk work with some very light activity through out the day
Exercise: Goal is to do 5 days a week of moderate exercise..elliptical, swimming, biking, running.. I have a heart rate monitor and average calorie burn for me is between 300-600 calories per workout.

I had a metabolism test done and my official RBMR (resting BMR) is 1,250

according to paperwork you multiply your BMR by activity level
Desk job 1.2
light activity through day and exercise 1-3 per week 1.3-1.4
moderate activity exercise 3-5 week 1.5-1.6
very active 6-7 per week 1.7-1.8

So, based on these numbers for example.. 1250*1.5 for light exercise 3-5 days per week would give me 1,875 for TDEE

Now, the big many calories should I eat? If I ate 1300 a day and worked out 3-5 days a week that would give me a deficit of 575 calories which would equal roughly 4025 calories per week..estimate weight loss per week is 1.5 pounds if I am lucky!

any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate! I just cannot grasp my head around the concept and I am scared of eating too little calories but also afraid I will eat too much...eeekkssss help!!!!!!!!!


  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    If you actually stick to doing that amount of exercise, your calculations are basically spot on! I'd personally start out around 1,500 calories (that's roughly 20% cut from your TDEE) and if you're not losing, reduce slightly.

    Make sure to give yourself enough time to adjust to a particular routine before deciding it doesn't work. At least a month with a consistent activity level and calorie intake. If you need to increase or reduce either exercise or food intake, you'll know in 30 days.

    You're on the right track to get started, good luck!
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks..I worked really hard for 2 years and lost 40 pounds..I was running 3 days a week 4 miles and elliptical,swimming, walking, the other 2 days a week. I am a VERY SLOW loser and could never balance my calories right..
  • Try not to stress. Remember that you're trying to adjust a new diet into your life so it is a lifestyle change. Take little steps at a time. Don't buy food you would never eat for sake of the diet. Cut back on your portions and cut the bad stuff out little by little. Soda, chips, unnecessary carbs like bagels or pastries at the office. Quinoa is a good substitute because it is high in protein but has the texture of grain. Swap mayo for a cholesterol free one like Veganaise. Try crackers from Kashi. They're filling and you can eat a lot more. I really like soda but had to cut back so I get seltzer water and squeeze in a water-enhancer. Even if you're eating healthy, it's still important to cut back on how much you're eating. Cutting it back little by little will help you adjust. Give your body time to get used to the changes too.

    As far as exercising, I would include 2 days where you go above your zone 3. Try Jillian Michaels. She's great. And a pedometer to keep track of your steps. Park far away, go for evening walks. Keep a gym bag packed for after work. You can do it! I am going through it too.
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    What do they consider moderate exercise.. is 500-600 calories burned per workout moderate?
  • I would say 500-600 is high, but I'm not a professional. Have you had a metabolic assessment done? If you did, it should tell you what zones are best for you.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    edit - just noticed your test results.

    Do you have any metabolic issues for such a low RMR? PCOS, thyroid etc?
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