Binge Eating Disorder



  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I think the mentality is largely similar though, and revolves around food playing an emotional role in life rather than being fuel for living. As long as one has this emotional relationship with food whereby you eat (or restrict) for comfort, the binging will ultimately continue.

    This! There are so many people who cannot fathom the idea of food being a source of pleasure.
    For those who've had success, did you just eliminate certain foods from your diet or did you eventually learn to have normal portions?

    I have eliminated, or rather substituted certain foods for most of the meals I eat during the weak.

    My problem is that once I allow myself to indulge in some pleasurable food, I will eat until satisfied. So it is best just not to put myself in those kinds of tempting situations. So I pack my food for the work day and it is usually two bratwurst or Italian sausages (one for breakfast, one for lunch) and two apples.

    When I get home I am usually pretty hungry so I have a couple of tablespoons of natural peanut butter with honey mixed in.

    Then for dinner we usually have some kind of meat and a vegetable.

    But if we go out for dinner, I usually just eat what I want until I'm full.

    On occasion (every 3 months?) I will go to the grocery store and get some Ben and Jerry's ice cream and eat the whole container (like 1400 calories?) About twice a month we go to Dairy Queen and I'll have a blizzard or usually a dipped cone.
  • abelle2
    abelle2 Posts: 9 Member
    I just want to say "thanks" to everyone on this thread. I binge. A lot. This is the closest I've come to admitting it out loud. This is day 1 for me. I signed on feeling sad and humiliated and mad at myself for letting it happen. But after reading every word of what you all posted, I'm feeling something new... empowered. Here's to happy and fit days ahead for all of us. Cheers!
  • That's true too. I was diagnosed with depression. It turns out every time I binged, my brain would be flooded with rush of serotonin and dopamine. I was put temporarily on Prozac that helped me stabilize my brain chemicals and found other ways to cope instead of food. I got off the medication and haven't had a big binge since then. The only times I've binged since coming off was because of a too restrictive calorie deficit, once that was taken care of it was all good :)
  • I have BED, which caused me to gain 100 pounds in a year. It was so bad that all I would think about was food, when I could eat next, what I was going to eat and I was planning it in my head all day long and it is horrible because you cannot stop yourself. I would stop at multiple fast food places because i was scared they would think im eating too much. And after you feel so awful and feel like a failure. It's a horrible disorder and I hope things get better.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    Awww - sorry you're feeling down.

    If it's just every once in a while, it's fine - everyone does it! Really. Everyone. It won't make a difference in the long run because it's just one day. Don't be too hard on yourself, you're doing great - you'll get there!

    I have now built a couple of 'free' days a month into my plan where I eat EVERYTHING I desire. Yes, it's usually chocolate -based. :-)Usually around 4,000, 5,000 calories in the day.

    If it's controlling you, though, really affecting your life, making you miserable... definitely see your GP.

    Good luck honey! xxx