60 Lbs , Need Motivational buddies.

I have roughly 60 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight of 160 . I am currently at my heaviest I have ever been , 217 . I need friends / motivational buddies who are attempting the same goals as I . Or anyone , who thinks they have advice . (:


  • NicoleCooney92
    NicoleCooney92 Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome. Friend request sent. BTW love your user name!
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    I started at 213 - working my way to 140. Feel free to add me
  • puggiefan
    puggiefan Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I just started this one more time. Well I start tomorrow. I need motivation also since I have a 125 lbs to lose. Plus I have all my lower spine fused. Would love to have you as a motivational buddy. :happy:
  • ArcyF
    ArcyF Posts: 23 Member
    We're on the same boat! You can add me, if you like, I am quite new to this site and would love some friends to help me stay motivated as well :)
  • MandyLion76
    MandyLion76 Posts: 45 Member
    Love your user name!
    Request sent.
    This site is wonderful! The diary tool is amazing and has become my best friend!
    You're already making great choices, you're here! Keep up the good work!
  • Yeah i know the feeling lol. Pretty much the same goals as yourself, not fun carrying all the weight around, it makes EVERYTHING 10 times harder haha.
  • Strength2Succeed
    Strength2Succeed Posts: 126 Member
    Hey There I am not too far off your goal, I am looking to get 80lbs off and also looking for support! If you would like to cheer each other on feel free to add me! Best wishes on your lifestyle change!!
  • Lo0n3y
    Lo0n3y Posts: 68 Member
    You can do anything u put ur hand to
  • This is my first forum post, I have been around on here before but never got serious about losing weight until I got my divorce and ballooned to what I am now 276. I stepped on the scale and i was blown away that im the heaviest ive ever been. I'm 5'8 and want to be 150 at least. So I need to lose over 100 pounds!
  • YzzyBella
    YzzyBella Posts: 12 Member

    I started at 225 and I'm looking to lose around the same amount if not more.

    Request sent :)
  • Just stated. Need to lose 60 also