Starting boxing


My journey with MFP is well on its way. Eating clean (most of the time) have cheat days here and there, excercising quite a bit, and have gone from fulltime smoking and drinking to not drinking during the week and have swapped my cigarettes for an electronic cigarette.

Yesterday I was walking home from work and have passed this boxing gym the last few weeks whilst walking home. I would love to train as a boxer and become ultra fit.

The only thing is this gym looks very professional and I have never boxed before.

Should i go in and sign up and just start or should I not reach this high ?

Anybody out there with experience of going from little excercise to going into full time excercise (boxing)?

Thanks :)


  • LiamWS
    I think most gyms would welcome you, they usually have a strict code to ensure that no one feels judged and if they don't, it's probably not worth your while. Give them a google, see if there is an email and tell them your concern. I had the same issue when joining, I got in touch, mentioned I had no experience nor a very good fitness level and they were very helpful and eased my worrying by ensuring I would be welcomed at any level. I think most (serious) trainers are just happy to have someone show interest. Good luck!
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Go in.... you'll probably find someone who makes you feel really good about the decision. You'll love it.

    I had to become a Boxercise instructor to get any boxing instruction, no gyms round here. My favourite workout is on my heavy bag :)
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    Boxing (and any hard-sparring combat sport) is an unbelievable workout, go for it!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    One of the drawbacks of pro gyms IMO, is that some of the instructors aren't very patient with novices, especially adults. Many expect that a novice adult should already know the basics and if they aren't say very coordinated, give up on them quite quickly or just try to get done with them ASAP so they can work with someone who is much more proficient at whatever sport it is they are instructing.
    But I wouldn't deter you from trying. Maybe get a session or 2 out of it and see if the instructor you get is someone you think you can actually learn from.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition