CKO Kickboxing- thoughts?

lhermo Posts: 23 Member
Hi all,

I'm looking to switch gyms in my area (my gym's maintenance is really going downhill and I want to give something new a try) and noticed that a CKO Kickboxing gym recently opened up near me. Have any of you tried this? I think it would be a fun and effective way to get fit, but I wanted to get some other opinions before I commit for at least three months. Also, do you know if their facilities have other gym equipment, like weights and treadmills, or is it just for the kickboxing class? I think I'd like it for a while but I tend to get bored and need my treadmill time every now and then! :)

Basically, want to get your overall thoughts! Is it worth paying a little bit more than what I am now at my mediocre gym?


  • clickclackmoooo
    I go to the one in San Diego. I just started going about 6 weeks ago and usually go about 4-5 times per week for an hour class. So far I've dropped 8 pounds of fat.

    I don't think the weight will continue to come off that easily forever but I can say that I gave up my LA Fitness membership for this one. The price is about double to triple what I was paying before but I also never had the motivation to go to the gym before. However, now I get really excited to workout and the workouts and trainers at CKO are really good. Each class usually consists of ten min of warm up and wind down and then 4 "rounds" going after the heavy bag with intermittent exercises like burpees, quick feet, squats, and planks. The instructors switch it up all the time and we even do medicine balls and throw other things into the mix quite often.

    I really like going here. They also allow you to use the gym when you are not taking classes. I think what they have depends on the gym but ours includes a weight area with various exercise mats and equipment as well.

    I did the three month option but once it ends I am going to sign up for the full year. It's just a fun and tough workout and the trainers are very motivating. I recommend.
  • cehinton
    I am actually a competitor to CKO as I have a kickboxing gym in town near a CKO facility, and I even sell a Kickboxing At Home workout on the internet, so you can take this as unbiased information:
    CKO is good. If you're looking to get in shape and burn a bunch of calories, it will definitely do that for you.
    It is usually a pretty energetic, lively, and motivating workout, so I think you'd like it. Depending on the instructor, you can really be pushed past what you're comfortable with, so make sure you pace yourself as well as you can.

    You probably are not going to really learn any true fighting techniques, but that's ok for what most people want out of it. But you'll be throwing some punches, kicks, and knees and stuff, so you kind of are learning, but just don't expect your technique to be corrected or improved upon. If you are looking for a very vigorous cardio workout, you'll definitely get it! (And I don't think you'll need the treadmill at all, so I wouldn't even give that part any consideration)

    The one in my town is really excellent, and I'm sure the other cities probably have high expectations for their franchise owners and instructors too, so I don't think you could go wrong really. You'll lose weight, get great cardio, tone your whole body, and hopefully have fun, so I say go for it!