Question about Aspartame

I need some help. I know that Aspartame is not good for you. I was a very big soda addict before I started my weight loss journey. I have myself down to 1 diet soda a day at dinner time. My doctor told me that was fine since I was only having the one. I can not drink just straight water I never have so in order for me to get my water intake where it needs to be I have been putting Crystal Light in my water. I probably drink 12 glasses of this a day. I just realized that there is Aspartame in Crystal Light. So that's no good. Is there another product out there that works like Crystal Light and does not contain Aspartame? I know I can use fresh fruit and mint but, to me it really does not help that much. If someone could please help me with this so I keep my water intake where it needs to be I would be very greatful! What are some tricks that you all use?


  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    Water has no flavor. Just drink it...
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    I love these:

    They are really good and I believe they are sweetened with stevia? You'll have to do the research on them, but they're about as natural as you can get with a powder for water.
  • ostrichagain
    ostrichagain Posts: 271 Member
    Maybe it's the water source? The water where I grew up was nearly chewable and I didn't drink much of it. Have you tried filtering your water? Maybe try adding a little juice to your water and gradually decrease the amount of juice so you can adjust. I would recommend green, white or herbal tea (you can brew it cold too) but it sounds like you want it sweet.

    Maybe fitting in some smoothies? You'll still get your fiber, nutrients, calories and some water. Or eat a lot of fruits and vegis that naturally have a lot of water already in them (watermelon, tomatoes, grapes, tomatoes). Do you like milk? My kids drink tons of milk and not much actual tap water at this point.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Aspartame is not the devil, drink the Crystal Light (or diet soda).
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Try to look for all-natural products, but it's best to opt for flavorings that aren't sweet because all zero-calorie sweeteners will make you crave more sweets. Hint waters are flavored and not sweet, but if you need sweetness, opt for LifeWater or VitaminWater, which have natural sweeteners.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    If you want to maintain good oral hygiene, it is recommended to avoid fizzy drinks, as these are not kind on the tooth enamel. Alcohol, fizzy water, and pop, are best avoided.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Aspartame is not the devil, drink the Crystal Light (or diet soda).

    Do you seriously not get sick of posting this? OP is asking for NON-Aspertame suggestions.

    OP--I agree with trying filtered water! Depending on your source ( chlorinated, well, etc.) water can taste pretty nasty. I like filtered water icy cold ( but no ice) with a wedge of lime. It tastes good! Lemon i find is just bitter to me. I have also tried and really like liquid chlorophyll--with mint. It taste like mint ice tea to me! And....good for you for reading the label and kicking the artificial habit to the curb!
  • BelleVegan77
    BelleVegan77 Posts: 70 Member
    Water! You can spice it up so many ways! Pass the soda and crystal light. Try a lemon twist it is SO good or a lot of my friends really like cucumber water. They say make it cold and slice them into it and it is delicious. My sister likes to cut her water with unsweetned fruit juice and that works for her. Carbonated drinks often leech calcium from your bones :P and artificle sweetner is so bad for you. You can do it!
  • sarahellenx
    Aspartame is only bad for you in large quantities cos it can cause laxative effects - if you're not feeling these effects, you don't need to worry about it
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Yes aspartame is devil as well as other sweeteners. It doesn't have calories and won't make you gain a bunch of weight but it will give you some cancer. Drink lots of water, just chug it in the morning and keep drinking all day long. You will get used to it and it will get easier. After a couple months your body will lose its dependence for the sweetened taste.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    There is a school of thought that artificial sweeteners cause the body to crave more sweets.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,659 Member
    Yes aspartame is devil as well as other sweeteners. It doesn't have calories and won't make you gain a bunch of weight but it will give you some cancer.
    Seeing it as the devil is fine by opinion. Saying that is causes cancer is irresponsible especially if it's just opinion on a public forum.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bound4beauty
    bound4beauty Posts: 274 Member
    Yes aspartame is devil as well as other sweeteners. It doesn't have calories and won't make you gain a bunch of weight but it will give you some cancer. Drink lots of water, just chug it in the morning and keep drinking all day long. You will get used to it and it will get easier. After a couple months your body will lose its dependence for the sweetened taste.

    Would you please site your scientific, peer reviewed studies that back up that claim?
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Yes aspartame is devil as well as other sweeteners. It doesn't have calories and won't make you gain a bunch of weight but it will give you some cancer. Drink lots of water, just chug it in the morning and keep drinking all day long. You will get used to it and it will get easier. After a couple months your body will lose its dependence for the sweetened taste.

    Would you please site your scientific, peer reviewed studies that back up that claim?

    OH for pete's sake! This again? Do you all not tire of hearing the same thing over and over? (both sides...) Quit hijacking.

    It would be really great to see what suggestions the OP can get for her actual question/concern! Any takers for that?
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Yes aspartame is devil as well as other sweeteners. It doesn't have calories and won't make you gain a bunch of weight but it will give you some cancer. Drink lots of water, just chug it in the morning and keep drinking all day long. You will get used to it and it will get easier. After a couple months your body will lose its dependence for the sweetened taste.

    Would you please site your scientific, peer reviewed studies that back up that claim?

    OH for pete's sake! This again? Do you all not tire of hearing the same thing over and over? (both sides...) Quit hijacking.

    It would be really great to see what suggestions the OP can get for her actual question/concern! Any takers for that?

    The suggestion is she doesn't need to quit drinking her crystal light with her water because the amount of aspartame she would have to consume before it becomes an issues is WAY MORE than she will ever digest just drinking 12 glasses of water a day.......
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member
    Yes aspartame is devil as well as other sweeteners. It doesn't have calories and won't make you gain a bunch of weight but it will give you some cancer. Drink lots of water, just chug it in the morning and keep drinking all day long. You will get used to it and it will get easier. After a couple months your body will lose its dependence for the sweetened taste.

    Would you please site your scientific, peer reviewed studies that back up that claim?

    OH for pete's sake! This again? Do you all not tire of hearing the same thing over and over? (both sides...) Quit hijacking.

    It would be really great to see what suggestions the OP can get for her actual question/concern! Any takers for that?

    The suggestion is she doesn't need to quit drinking her crystal light with her water because the amount of aspartame she would have to consume before it becomes an issues is WAY MORE than she will ever digest just drinking 12 glasses of water a day.......

    That is not a suggestion--that is an opinion. And of course a valid opinion--to which you are entitled. Derailing yet another thread is another issue. There are those that will never concur with the opposing view when it comes to aspartame and the like. Make a suggestion, stay on topic. For example: OP have you tried drinking a glass of ice water first thing in the morning? It really wakes me up more than a shower--and your taste buds may be more receptive to the "taste" or lack thereof first thing??
  • ehorn625
    Aspartame is not the devil, drink the Crystal Light (or diet soda).
    This-I drink wylers light and use sweet n low in my coffee/tea and I ain't dead yet!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Yes aspartame is devil as well as other sweeteners. It doesn't have calories and won't make you gain a bunch of weight but it will give you some cancer. Drink lots of water, just chug it in the morning and keep drinking all day long. You will get used to it and it will get easier. After a couple months your body will lose its dependence for the sweetened taste.

    Would you please site your scientific, peer reviewed studies that back up that claim?

    OH for pete's sake! This again? Do you all not tire of hearing the same thing over and over? (both sides...) Quit hijacking.

    It would be really great to see what suggestions the OP can get for her actual question/concern! Any takers for that?

    The suggestion is she doesn't need to quit drinking her crystal light with her water because the amount of aspartame she would have to consume before it becomes an issues is WAY MORE than she will ever digest just drinking 12 glasses of water a day.......

    That is not a suggestion--that is an opinion. And of course a valid opinion--to which you are entitled. Derailing yet another thread is another issue. There are those that will never concur with the opposing view when it comes to aspartame and the like. Make a suggestion, stay on topic. For example: OP have you tried drinking a glass of ice water first thing in the morning? It really wakes me up more than a shower--and your taste buds may be more receptive to the "taste" or lack thereof first thing??

    This is not my opinion and is the reason some of us believe in the science and have read the peer reviewed studies and have based our decision off the science and not just conjecture.....
  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Im kind of in the same boat. I drink those fizzy waters, diet green tea, flavored water diet soda. But Im trying to get away from the aspartame. The BEST thing Ive found is good earth original tea. It doesnt have any sweetener, yet its naturally sweet. I make it in the coffee pot ( take off the little tags attached to the string- not the bags lol) I put in 4 bags and make about 10-12 cups. Its tastes like sweet cinnamon. Very good. I get a large cup and fill it half way or more with ice. Instant iced tea. Plus its naturally sweet and has flavor. Sometimes I will add sweetener ( sucralose) but its perfectly drinkable with out it. :D Its herbal tea, no calories and no caffiene. Lived on it through both pregnancies!
  • Amy_Lanata
    Try making iced tea with fruity tea's or tisanes. I'm a bit of a sugar addict and I love these. Just steep a big pitcher and cool it in the fridge. David's Tea or other such stores have lots of great options and you can get them caffeine and completely sugar free, yet they have so much flavour you won't know it. That's my solution anyways.