Amy's - We love to cook for you!!

I love these things. I'm not that great of a cook and I kinda hate doing it.
So sometimes, it's super hard for me to eat right but super easy to grab frozen, quick food.

This has solved a lot of my problems. I eat these at work or when my S/O isn't home. Eating these at work has made a big difference, as I have a hard time staying away from junk and "deli" food whilst working at Walmart. Deep-fried chicken smells amazing and I see candy and chips at almost every transaction. Then you go to the break room and see people eating junk "because it's cheaper"..."I'm broke so hotdogs".

It's freaking hard sometimes.

Now, I don't eat them often, as with most frozen dinners, there is a decent amount of too much salt. But since I'm at work, I tend to drink a TON of water, so I think it balances out. As long as you're paying attention. But rather than grabbing junk or just another damn turkey sandwich, I grab this.

I find them at my Walmart, over by the "Healthy Choices" and "Atkin's Dinners". I have also seen then in the frozen sections of Publix and Whole Foods. The later have a much larger selection but Walmart is about a buck fifty cheaper. Which adds up when you are buying a few for the week and then randomly at work.

Now, I know the best idea is to take the time to look for good ingredients, prep, cook, serving out, package, freeze, pack and eat. But sometimes life doesn't work like that for some of us, and I think this is a good alternative rather than the really BAD choices we could make.


  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    One of my favorites, from long before I was watching what I put in my face. They've got some great varieties. I particularly like the tamale verde and the rice mac and cheese. Not just because my name is Amy, either. I've been known to buy their canned stuff, pizzas, and frozen burritos, too.
  • TheWickedGypsy
    TheWickedGypsy Posts: 10 Member
    Exactly! I have a hard time with feeling guilty when I do eat a snack.
    But because I did eat something with better ingredients, it's not so bad to grab my froyo bar.

    The Tofu Scramble is my favorite so far.
    But their pizzas are sooooo good. (My weakness)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 559 Member
    Amy's pizzas and soups are wonderful. Especially their soups.
  • sarwatf
    sarwatf Posts: 60 Member
    i don't know whether this "amy's" is the same as "amy's kitchen " branded soups but i get those all the time
  • TheWickedGypsy
    TheWickedGypsy Posts: 10 Member
    Sadly, my Walmart doesn't have a large selection... Publix upped the price too high and Whole Foods would be the equivalent of an entire town away if I lived in a normal size city. Haha. So it's not worth the drive right now for the other products. I'm hoping for a better situation with school so I can make the drive for better options. We have a lot local grocery businesses for natural foods here in Jax, that is growing fast! And it's wonderful!
  • TheWickedGypsy
    TheWickedGypsy Posts: 10 Member
    I haven't had anything other than the Tofu Scramble Meal, Enchilada Verde Meal, Veggie Lasagna and the Spinach Pizza. I can't wait to find and try the soups though!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Their gluten free burritos are actually tastier than their traditional burrito line (rare.) I'm impatiently waiting (and asking) for the stores around here to carry more of their items. Love Amy's.
  • lauraellie10
    lauraellie10 Posts: 273 Member
    Will have a read later x
  • krissielynn_87
    krissielynn_87 Posts: 59 Member
    amy's might be my new favorite go to meal :D
  • LB2812
    LB2812 Posts: 158 Member
    I absolutely love the Amy's line!

    I love that they use basic, quality ingredients... there's rarely a word I don't know in the ingredient list. And everything is so clearly labeled as "gluten free" or "dairy free"!

    It's sooooo hard to find something vegetarian and healthy and CONVENIENT... I don't always have time to cook and prep and these things are such a lifesaver.

    If you haven't tried the burritos yet - I highly recommend them! I love all that I've tried... the dairy free bean ones, the bean and cheese, the gluten free, and the indian... all fantastic!

    The soups are good, but even the low sodium was a bit too much for me (and i'm a salt fiend!) but my husband loves them and it's not too much for him.

    haven't tried the pizzas... will definately have to put it on my list to try!