McDonalds VS Subway



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    So next time I go to McD I can ask them to hold the injected soy biproduct and fat out of my burger patty?

    i love how you skipped the ingredients from your subway 'chicken' and bread to make a point about mcdonald's. that made me laugh out loud. :) i would bet you their chicken 'breasts' come from the same company. :) maybe i'm wrong on that, but i know for a fact that the chicken patties are from the same company that supplies burger king's grilled chicken. also the mayonnaise is the same (and if you don't want it at mcdonald's, you can sub out for mustard very easily).

    if you think that the products you buy in the store don't have hidden injected biproducts, well... i just let you think that. :) water weight and dyes and preservatives, oh my.

    to the poster who claimed that working at mcdonald's for six years caused her to gain 120 pounds, that stinks. i'm sorry. :( i hope you can discipline yourself and lose the weight you gained. i bet it will be hard, but you can do it!!

    the thing is, i worked fulltime at burger king for five years and stayed a nice even 105. THE WHOLE TIME. five years. no gain in weight, body fat or a detriment to my health. i ate the food every shift because it was half price. it is possible to eat fast food every day and still maintain your weight/body fat/health. i also worked at subway for two years, almost three. truthfully, the similarities between burger king and subway were more than the differences. the subway bread may be cooked fresh everyday, but it comes from frozen pre-made, pre-shaped dough.

    if it makes you feel better to choose subway over mcdonald's, then eat away. :) no harm, no foul. i'm not going to convince you that mcdonald's is the better choice. in fact, i'm not saying that mcdonald's is the 'better' choice, i'm just saying that you can make healthy choices there just as easily as at subway. :)

    and for those that choose not to eat out at all, good for you. love your dedication!
  • tpritchard2
    tpritchard2 Posts: 5 Member
    You can make 2 meals out of a footlong. What a deal for $5.00. You don't HAVE to eat the whole thing in one sitting. Discipline is what it is all about anyway.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    The ingredients were the same from the MCD sandwich as te Subway sandwich. If you want me to just add more validity to my
    point then just ask :). Also let's take into account the weight per quality macro in the MCD sandwich versus the Subway sandwich.

    I also break up my foot long into 2 meals as well.
  • So next time I go to McD I can ask them to hold the injected soy biproduct and fat out of my burger patty?

    i love how you skipped the ingredients from your subway 'chicken' and bread to make a point about mcdonald's. that made me laugh out loud. :) i would bet you their chicken 'breasts' come from the same company. :) maybe i'm wrong on that, but i know for a fact that the chicken patties are from the same company that supplies burger king's grilled chicken. also the mayonnaise is the same (and if you don't want it at mcdonald's, you can sub out for mustard very easily).

    if you think that the products you buy in the store don't have hidden injected biproducts, well... i just let you think that. :) water weight and dyes and preservatives, oh my.


    n fact, i'm not saying that mcdonald's is the 'better' choice, i'm just saying that you can make healthy choices there just as easily as at subway. :)

    and for those that choose not to eat out at all, good for you. love your dedication!

    You're awesome! This is exactly what I was trying to get at... the only way anyone is going to be 100% sure about what is in the stuff they're eating is to raise/grow/make it from complete scratch yourself... as in, grain-feed your own cattle, kill and process them yourself, and then make your own burgers (or whatever) out of them. Which is of course, not that practical anymore for the jmajority of people. If you buy anything that is edible, from anywhere (grocery store, co-op, restaurant), you can pretty much assume that something has been done or added to it. Even meats from the butcher counter have probably at least had water added to them.

    And about the mayo ingredients? What exactly do you think is in the mayonnaise sitting in your refrigerator? Let me guess: the same stuff that's in the McD one. Mayo is mayo; if it bothers you, don't eat it. Criminy.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    YUCK!!! Doesn't McDonald's make you feel like you have a lead weight in your belly, not to mention with no real veggies or fruit your body isn't digesting it as well as it should.

    Yes, it's possible to lose weight on ANY diet but you have to think about the health effects of the fuel you are giving your body and the sodium content in ANY fast food is too much.

    IF you really want to get healthy and eat right you should all read "In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan it is an eye opener and his research found that the more healthy the claim a brand makes (including your stupid activia etc) the worse the food is for you.

    Jack Lalanne, for those of you who might not know, is a fitness and diet guru and he just turned 96 and he has stated since the 60's that if man made it and put it in a package we shouldn't be eating it!

    I am determined as a parent, seeing the epidemic of obesity that is HERE, to teach my kids how to cook and rely on their own two hands to eat. We rely too much on quick fixes and crappy food and I am not going to be responsible for my kids dying young because I never took the time to eat right or teach them to eat right! It is just as fast to throw a turkey breast in the oven today while you are making dinner and make sandwiches for lunch tomorrow. Or throw something in a crock pot so when you know you have a busy day you can still eat right.

    I'm venting because this kind of discussion just gets me steaming, until you realize you can't feed your body crap and get long term good results you will always battle your weight and complain about being fat and unhealthy!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    and in response to the chicken it all comes pre cooked from your local food vendor, having owned and worked in many restaurants I can tell you that this crap chicken comes cooked with the fake grill marks on it, it is then frozen and thawed and cut either to order or at the restaurant. Think of how many people touch your fast food before it gets to your mouth and the more it's cooked the less nutritional value it has!

    Your deli counter meats are not filled with water most of the time they are filled with sodium (saline solution, yes similar to eye drops) and countless other things I don't think most people would eat otherwise.

    Keep this in mind too, if you buy school lunches for your children you are feeding them food that is of poorer quality than mcdonalds.

    It's time to take responsibility for our health.
  • bethly
    bethly Posts: 15 Member

    NOW PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WTF half of these ingredients are please.

    Here's an easy one - If you don't know what an ingredient is, or can't say it, its probably not worth eating.
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