Another Plateau Question

I've been on a plateau for four months. I hover anywhere in the 218-225 range, never dipping below and never going above - until this past week.

I've eaten more, eaten less, eaten my exercise calories, stopped eating my exercise calories, ate half of my exercise calories, exercised more, exercised less, tried different exercises, stopped exercising all together, tested my carb/fat/protein ratio, tried different kinds of foods, focused on "filling" foods, focused on sodium, focused on carbohydrates, focused on protein, tried different supplements, tested different sleeping schedules, had my thyroid tested, tested my blood sugar ... :explode:

In four months, you can test out a lot of things ... :grumble:

This past week, I kind of gave up on myself. I had Burger King, McDonalds, junk food at home and junk food at work. I was up 6 pounds this past weekend to a high of 230. I'm sure a lot of that was water weight.

I contemplated HCG, but a recent post by a lady whose friend died of an embolism after doing the HCG diet has ruled it completely out for me. Nothing against those who are doing it - I wish them well. God knows this weight isn't going to treat my body any better than possible side effects from the HCG. :noway:

This week my schedule is this:

- Eat approximately 1300 calories per day (bagel & eggs for breakfast; banana for 1st snack; tomato soup for lunch; 100-cal popcorn for 2nd snack; chicken marinara for dinner)
- Off Monday; Bootcamp workout Tuesday (burns around 600 calories); full-body weights on Wednesday; Bootcamp workout on Thursday (burns around 600 calories); leaving town and will be gone Friday and Saturday

I weigh myself Thursday morning, so I will see if this restriction will help anything ...

My calories are set at 1200 to lose 2 pounds per week. I was wondering if anyone would recommend taking a break from exercising for a week to focus on getting JUST that 1200 calories per day in and then checking weight loss and continuing from there. I need to break this plateau ... would that help? I'm at the point where I'm not sure what to do.


  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I think you should reassess your diet. I mean, you may be okay calorie wise (within your max amount per day), but I think your food choices can be healthier. That may be where ONE of your improvements can be made.

    For example:

    Breakfast - begal & eggs? How about wheat bread + eggs. And later, you might want to try wheat bread + egg whites (maybe add some onions, tomato, spinach pepper for flavor). I don't recommend begals. There is really nothing good in bagels except that it fills you up (unless it's whole wheat bagels).

    Lunch - tomato soup? Is that from a can? If so, I am assuming that there is a lot of sodium. Processed foods with sodium will hold water weight in your body, this makes it harder for you to lose weight. Try to avoid processed food, if possible (meaning, anything from a can or previously frozen).

    2nd snack - chicken marinara? Again, is this homemade marinara or from a can? What type of chicken are you eating? The thigh, drumstick or the breast? I recommend chicken breast, as the leanest cut of the chicken.

    Overall, you don't seem to have any vegetables in your diet? Can I suggest maybe some vegetables? It will fill you up and they are very nutritious. You can boil, steam or saute them. Spinach w/ your eggs for breakfast would be a great start in adding in vegetables in your diet.
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    I agree, bagels are bad. They are about 350 calories before you put on a spread. That will run another 50 calories. Now you are at 400 calories before the eggs. Bananas are good, but remember that one medium banana is 100 calories and counts as two servings of fruit.

    I try to limit each meal to a maximum of 400 calories. If I have snacks, then even less. For breakfast, I will eat yogurt and a cup of Cheerios for a total of 170 calories. For a snack, I like the Special K bars that are only 90 calories.

    Your body burns what you take in and then stores the excess as fat. It doesn't matter what you put in your mouth, it will all turn into fat. I try to keep this from happening by eating lower calorie amounts at each sitting. I want to burn what I just ate and then have my body turn to my body fat for energy.

    It sucks that when you lose fat, the fat cells remain. When you gain fat, your body makes new fat cells. It does not reuse the existing ones. I don't wany any more new fat cells. I can accomplish that by not eating a high calorie meal.
  • japalose
    japalose Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with the folks who suggested for you to reassess your diet. It seems that you might try to add more fruit and in particular green vegetables into your diet. Eat raw celery, carrots, peppers, brocoli or other things like that instead of popcorn for your second snack. Through many weight loss programs or my own, trainers recommend 5 fruits and vegetables a day. Give it a try for a week and see how you do. Good luck:happy:
  • donya35
    donya35 Posts: 166
    I'm with you chickee-dee! I've been at a solid plateau now for 2 to 3 months. Luckily I haven't gained, just stay at the same place. UGH!!! But now that I'm back at work, and my daughter is super active this school year, I'm hoping to get in some "me" time in while she's at her activities. I hoping with my increase in workout time, I'll scoot past my plateau. Good luck girl!!! I feel for ya!!
  • ikeweeks
    Like the others I agree the diet is your answer, try this:

    Breakfast: Egg Whites and Two slices of whole grain toast(dry)
    Snack: 2 Boiled Eggs and Orange
    Lunch: Chicken (boiled or baked), whole grain brown rice(not minute the stuff you have to cook for about 30 minutes), and a frozen green veggie, broccoli, green beans, the likes NOT FROM CAN too much sodium, void of nutrients.
    Snack 2: I drink a protein shake, but if you don't have this for post workout, then I'd say something like an apple and chicken or egg and handful of almonds
    Dinner: Lean white meat(chkn, turkey, white fish) and a green salad, if you must use dressing, olive oil and vineger 1tbsp.

    I'd say there's some issues with what you're doing in the gym, but lets try the diet first. Portion control could also be in need here, palm of hand for protein, fist for carb, and veggies you can pretty much have at them, but I try to fill the rest of the plate with veggies. Also, get as much water in you as you can 8 glasses is bare minimum, if you're at 240 you should have no less than 240 oz which is 30-8 oz glasses/day.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Thank you guys for your responses!!

    This was just an example of what I'm eating this week. It's been a busy week and I wanted quick items to fix for each day. The bagel is whole wheat and 180 calories. I don't use spread. The chicken is chicken breast - no skin, no fat, no bone. The tomato soup is low sodium (it was a quick grab for lunch this week). Everything is measured out. I drink tons of water... I have a 32 oz. bottle at my desk that I refill 2-3 times per day, in addition to a bottle of water I drink when I exercise that is about 20 oz. I drink a couple cups of coffee per day, either black or with one packet of Diet Swiss Miss (25 calories).

    On a normal week, my breakfast would include eggs, wheat toast and either yogurt or fruit.
    My first snack would be either fruit, a veggie or a 100-calorie pack of almonds.
    My lunch would be a low-sodium turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread with a little mustard, a side of some kind of vegetable and either a fruit or Fiber One bar.
    My second snack would be the same as my first - fruit, veggie or 100-calorie pack of almonds (or sometimes a 100-calorie popcorn).
    My dinner would be chicken breast, tilapia or turkey and a veggie (usually corn - I feel full and satisfied with corn).
    After my workout, I sometimes will drink a protein shake (usually a protein where 1 scoop has around 20 grams of protein and around 150 calories).

    I should've included this info in my first post instead of posting my diet for this week - it's out of the norm for me.

    I'm not at 240, btw, :wink: I was at 230 last time I weighed, but I'm fairly certain a LOT of that is water from high-sodium foods I had last week. Why? My pants still fit and at 230, they didn't fit.

    My lowest is 218 ... I have a feeling my true weight is somewhere around 220 - 222. I am weighing tomorrow morning, so we'll see!

    It's just frustrating to have tried everything "by the book" and see no results. I eat well, I exercise (both cardio and strength - and I've increased my intensity in each area in increments as my endurance and strength increase) and I read every bit of health information I can get my hands on.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    bump? :embarassed: :frown:
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    You and I are in the same boat. I have heard:

    "maybe your not logging your portions correctly "not working out hard enough", "informing me of one or two items that I shouldn't be eating" "drink more water" "need to do weight lifting".

    Basically the common misconception is that "you would be loosing weight and if you are not it's because "you" are not doing what you need to.

    I lost weight for the first time 5 years ago without much effort and no exercise or real concern about being healthy. I still ate fast food, pizza and had hershey chocolate bar every night. And still lost 35lbs in 6 months. All I did was keep my bad carbs to only 60 a day. I ate unlimited protein, unlimited fruits and veggies.

    Last year I put on 20lbs and I'm trying to drop it + an additional 15lbs.

    I made a decision to make a complete change for healthy living. I revamped what I ate and start exercising. No soda, no items with high fructose syrup, no white pastas or breads, only lean meats, only occassionally eat a wheat product. To name a few things I cut out. I started walking and now up to 3-4 miles almost every day!!! I log everything I eat and accurately!

    In 6 months only 10 lbs lost! :-(

    So why such difficulty in seeing the scale move. I don't know!!!!! I'm even having my thyroid double checked. But I KNOW I'm doing things well within the range of what should be done to lose weight. But my body is just not cooperating. But that is not deterring me from staying on my course of eating healthy and exercising.

    Keep up the great work!!! Don't be discouraged! Keep trying different things and asking for advice, Maybe someone will actually something that will make the difference!

  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I'm both glad to hear I'm not alone and sorry we're in the same boat, reneeot! :flowerforyou:

    I was sure I had lost at least 2 pounds this week. I weighed in this morning and lost .6. :sick: Really?

    But, I spoke with a girl last night who is studying to be a dietitian. She's had diabetes since age 13 and has learned a lot about the importance of the balance of nutrients in your body. She sent me home with a back pack full of books to mill over and bring them back when I'm done. She was very highly recommending that I pay attention to my carbohydrates and sugars. Next week I am going to take her recommendation and have 2 servings of carbohydrates (15 grams per serving) at each of my three meals and one serving of carbohydrates (again, 15 grams per serving) for each snack. She also recommended not having a carbohydrate by itself. For example, instead of eating crackers for a snack, have crackers with a bit of peanut butter and apple slices.

    She talked about the relation of insulin to weight gain. She said when our body produces too much insulin, our weight can go up. And, if I'm heavy on carbohydrates during my day, my insulin production will rise, making it harder for me to lose weight.

    I've never bought into the whole carb counting thing, but if it will help me bust this plateau ... we shall see!
  • shannie_134
    I have heard about the carb thing before,and know somebody who did what you are advised and it work,
    Good luck,keep poitive you will get there:flowerforyou:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I have heard about the carb thing before,and know somebody who did what you are advised and it work,
    Good luck,keep poitive you will get there:flowerforyou:

    Thank you, Shannie!

    I did a little research and found this article:,-Insulin,-and-Weight-Management&id=3836066
