Anorexia Recover Questions



  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    First, let me say that I'm so proud of you for getting help and working so hard to get healthy!! :heart:

    Personally, as a former ana, I wish I'd had MFP to help me count calories during recovery. I basically wrecked my metabolism more because I had no idea what calories I was eating -- when I started using MFP I found that I had been eating way, WAY less than I thought I was (like 500 -600 calories during weekdays), then going nuts with binges or comfort foods on the weekend and eating close to 3000 or more some days! Crazy!!

    My recommendation would be to set your MFP profile to gain however many pounds you want a week and try to eat as close to that as possible. A little under is okay, but make sure it's not under by something like 500+. Try to be consistent though. NOT 1200 some days and 2200 others.

    And I don't think you should be worrying about macros and stuff until you're at a healthy weight. I find it very triggering to count things like that, and I've been out of recovery (and into obesity >_>) for years. Concentrate on getting to a normal weight for now, then worry about eating a little healthier. If counting calories gets too triggery for you, feel free to drop that too, as long as you're sure you're not undereating.

    This is all just my opinion though, so please consult your doctor if you have any more questions!! :)

    ^absolutely!! I had the same experience. I was eating WAY less than I thought I was and really had to step things up. MFP has been a great tool for me. I agree about the macros too. I wouldn't worry about them until later.
    MFP says that i need 2,300 calories to gain, is it safe to go over that to maybe 3,000 calories or more?

    go for it!!
  • Slash94
    Slash94 Posts: 36
    First, let me say that I'm so proud of you for getting help and working so hard to get healthy!! :heart:

    Personally, as a former ana, I wish I'd had MFP to help me count calories during recovery. I basically wrecked my metabolism more because I had no idea what calories I was eating -- when I started using MFP I found that I had been eating way, WAY less than I thought I was (like 500 -600 calories during weekdays), then going nuts with binges or comfort foods on the weekend and eating close to 3000 or more some days! Crazy!!

    My recommendation would be to set your MFP profile to gain however many pounds you want a week and try to eat as close to that as possible. A little under is okay, but make sure it's not under by something like 500+. Try to be consistent though. NOT 1200 some days and 2200 others.

    And I don't think you should be worrying about macros and stuff until you're at a healthy weight. I find it very triggering to count things like that, and I've been out of recovery (and into obesity >_>) for years. Concentrate on getting to a normal weight for now, then worry about eating a little healthier. If counting calories gets too triggery for you, feel free to drop that too, as long as you're sure you're not undereating.

    This is all just my opinion though, so please consult your doctor if you have any more questions!! :)

    ^absolutely!! I had the same experience. I was eating WAY less than I thought I was and really had to step things up. MFP has been a great tool for me. I agree about the macros too. I wouldn't worry about them until later.
    MFP says that i need 2,300 calories to gain, is it safe to go over that to maybe 3,000 calories or more?

    go for it!!
    So im guessing it IS safe to eat over that right? Awesome:happy: Btw MFP says i ate over -35g of sugar, wow lol but im ignoring that
  • Slash94
    Slash94 Posts: 36
    Is it okay to eat if i get hungry like at 11 pm or at midnight?
  • in recovery you really need a minimum of 3500 cals if you're under 25 and male, and you should be as sedentary as possible. Also, it really does not matter where you get the calories from as long as you're getting enough. eat whatever you're craving! and your body will tend to want high calorie foods too so it's completely normal! it is also normal to crave processed foods in recovery because the calories in these food are a lot easier to be used by your body for repair.
    it is fine to eat at any time, all the time :)
    this website really helped me with recovery, if you're new to it please read this post
    hope i helped!
  • Hey Slash,
    First of all congrats for hopping on the road to recovery, you will not regret it. I am a recovered and I am so happy now.
    I have a few suggestions:
    Don't worry about the numbers right now, use mfp for support is a great idea but don't worry so much about the numbers.It's important you relearn appetite and eating until your satisfied, not stuffed as that can be a trigger. If that means if have to increase slowly so be it. I'm here for support, just a message away. X
  • maruby95
    maruby95 Posts: 204 Member
    Not to be rude but I disagree with everyone who has already posted.
    In recovery, in particular at the beginning, you need to eat a lot of calories. Your digestive system isn't going to be able to cope if you're eating loads of vegetables and high fibre foods. Processed, high fat, high sugar foods are easily digested and won't make you feel overly full. I think it's great that you're willing to give 100% to recovery and not have 'fear foods'.
    Do not get hung up on macros or sugar or anything like that - just as your doctor says they don't matter in recovery . Just listen to what you're craving and eat it. If you want more then eat more.

    THIS! In recovery myself (and not for the first time). Absolutely- eat whatever sounds good to you. Don't worry about the macros etc *for right now*. Not forever, but for now, the most important thing is to get adequate calories, in whatever form you can manage. Fine tuning comes later.

    Blessings on your recovery!!
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    please see a nutritionist or dietician...most insurance will cover atleast 3 visits per year. I would imagine they would ALL suggest you NOT be on this site or focus on food so much and just follow the meal plan your doctor has already prescribed...too many opinions and people with no ED training on here to be asking them. I work with ED on a daily basis and this is not a safe haven for you.

    I wish you well, please seek professionals off of here though.
  • I recovered from anorexia 6 months ago, and when i was first recovering, i was extremely worried about everything you're worrying about right now. But i just have to say, as of now, IT DOESNT MATTER. You should gradually increase your calorie intake, but honestly just eat whatever you like. Obviously you want to eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, but if you want a cookie(s) or ice cream, HAVE IT. Right now, you need to get out of the state of mind that you CAN'T have those things. When you start to allow yourself to be flexible, it will kick the disorder right in the butt. Treat yourself to something everyday. TRUST ME. Of course you should get a general idea of how many calories you're consuming, but dont overthink it. You're body needs every single bit of nutrients it can get. Everything you eat will benefit you, even cookies, ice cream, and pizza. When you get to a healthy weight, your period comes back, and everything is normal again (medically and mentally), then you should try eating healthier again. Getting enough calories, eating the right things, but still allowing yourself the occasional treats every now and then.