sharing diary

mjl54 Posts: 127 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
what are your thoughts on getting friend requests from people and they hide their diary? Maybe its just me but I think if someone wants to be friends they should share their dairy with them. I understand blocking it from public but I think it should be shown to your friends.

So what do you think?


  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I think each individual should do as they wish. There's no "friend contract" that states that diaries must be shared. Mine is private. If someone wants access, I'll most likely let them see it.

    I don't really understand the desire to see other people's food. :huh:
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i would say i agree. theres not much to comment on when it says they went under or over but you cant peek at it. did they go over or under by 500 lol. i dont know. i assume most of the time they may not know how to make their diary available.

    I guess it only matters to me because i actually comment on their day ends and such.
  • jchadden42
    I think the point of "friends" on here is to encourage and support each other. If I'm looking for your support, then my food diary should be open to you. Otherwise, what's the point to having "friends" who are supporting you?
  • LittleHungryGurl
    LittleHungryGurl Posts: 26 Member
    I make it a rule to not comment on food diares,exercise part maybe,but never food.I stopped sharing my diary after seeing some very cruel comments on some of my friends pages.Yes, maybe they shouldn't have ate what they ate but I'm sure they had already realized it without being degraded by supposedly "helpful friends" and if those friends had been truely concerned they would have taken the time to send private messages.That's not why I'm here.I'm here to encourage and motivate and hopefully receive the same.Now if I'm continueously moaning about not losing or even gaining,I don't mind a friend saying...let's have a look at that diary and I wouldn't have a single problem with doing that.
  • FourIsCompany
    FourIsCompany Posts: 269 Member
    I think the point of "friends" on here is to encourage and support each other. If I'm looking for your support, then my food diary should be open to you. Otherwise, what's the point to having "friends" who are supporting you?

    I guess if I felt like I needed or wanted support in the area of my food, I might feel the same way. I love encouragement and support, but I really don't want people examining my food choices and giving their opinion in them. I mean, my husband doesn't even "support" me in that way. I would kind of hate that. LOL Being told, "Good for you for making the right choice" or "do you really want to eat that ice cream"? is kind of creepy for me.
  • minnkun
    minnkun Posts: 24 Member
    When the diary is not open I am not commenting because I can't say "Well done" when I don't mean it. I like to comment but just after I have seen the diary. Then I can say "I approved this message" ;D
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Food is a very personal thing for some people. I prefer being able to view diaries, but I don't get mad if I can't. I just won't comment on the diary entry if I can't view it (I don't want to accidentally support something unhealthy).

    I like being able to read diaries mainly for food ideas. I tend to eat the same thing over and over, so it's nice seeing what other people are having.
  • mjl54
    mjl54 Posts: 127 Member
    I think the point of "friends" on here is to encourage and support each other. If I'm looking for your support, then my food diary should be open to you. Otherwise, what's the point to having "friends" who are supporting you?
    This exactly thank you. granted I would never comment negatively on what someone ate.
  • fitnessfoodtravel
    I don't care who sees my diary just like I don't care that my co-workers see me and what I eat every day...Yup, chicken, sweet potatoes and green beans again! :)
    I like to see what people are eating to get inspired and get ideas on how to mix things up...especially people who have similar goals and tastes. It also help me to be accountable when I know people who look up to me are watching.
  • CarKiller2013
    CarKiller2013 Posts: 26 Member
    Food is a very personal thing for some people. I prefer being able to view diaries, but I don't get mad if I can't. I just won't comment on the diary entry if I can't view it (I don't want to accidentally support something unhealthy).

    I like being able to read diaries mainly for food ideas. I tend to eat the same thing over and over, so it's nice seeing what other people are having.


    My diary is open for the world to see. (Lord knows I can use all the help I can get!) But I do love being able to see others diaries to get new ideas....
  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member
    I also think so .It helps me looking at them and thinking man I could eat this or that. I have a friend on here she even sends me a recipe if I ask. I wish when you were looking for friends it would say if they had a diary open .Just my thoughts
  • pollypocket3
    pollypocket3 Posts: 51 Member
    Food is a very personal thing for some people. I prefer being able to view diaries, but I don't get mad if I can't. I just won't comment on the diary entry if I can't view it (I don't want to accidentally support something unhealthy).

    I like being able to read diaries mainly for food ideas. I tend to eat the same thing over and over, so it's nice seeing what other people are having.

  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,233 Member
    I think the point of "friends" on here is to encourage and support each other. If I'm looking for your support, then my food diary should be open to you. Otherwise, what's the point to having "friends" who are supporting you?

    Because there are 8 billion ways to be supportive and encouraging without looking at what someone ate. I have never looked at any of my friends' diaries, I don't know who has an open or closed diary, I don't even know if they log food. And yet, I find ways to support them. A lot.

    My diary was closed forever and my friends still found a million ways to support me. My diary is open now, for the time being anyway, but having friends look at what I ate doesn't equate to support for me. Nor am I looking for feedback/suggestions. I'm all set.
  • sunfirelynn
    sunfirelynn Posts: 186 Member
    Mine is private, and that is my choice. I don't care if ppl. have there diary private or not.:indifferent:
  • Casstevens133
    Casstevens133 Posts: 142 Member
    It's a personal choice and I wouldn't de friend someone just because I can't see what they are eating. I have a small group of friends and our 'conversations' aren't all about food and exercise! We chat about all kinds of things but it is still motivational because you know they are on the same journey and it would be a bit boring if i just used the site for logging! Personally I don't mind who sees my diary and if it helps someone out there then good - hence my diary is open. BUT as I already said it is and should be a personal choice. :-)
  • beachbebe
    beachbebe Posts: 47 Member
    Friends are for motivation. Sharing diary may motivate some but not others. Its a personal choice.
  • pearlmorning
    pearlmorning Posts: 86 Member
    I like to be able to see as many food diaries as possible for inspiration. My meals sometimes get in a rut or I need help with certain macros and it's helpful to see how others are managing theirs.
  • smithed812
    I know some people aren't comfortable with it, but I'm not going to tell them they did a good job staying under when they could have eaten 500 calories for all I know.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    My food diary is private ... I tried opening it for a bit, and felt an overwhelming urge to fudge the numbers, I was just too embarrassed over the amount of empty calories going in. I know some would say use that embarrassment as motivation, but I just haven't been able to break my sugar cravings yet ... working on it.

    I figured it was better to have a private diary and keep it honest.

    If people are looking at food diaries for food/meal ideas, trust me, no one is missing out by not seeing mine. If anyone really wanted to see it, I would probably let them (put on a password), but I don't know that any of my friends really care. I do usually give my numbers in a comment as I close out my day (so friends know by how much I was over/under, what my exercise calories were). I also post right on my profile that my diary is closed and why.

    One of my goals is to improve my eating to where I would be comfortable opening it up.
    I don't always check everyone else's (sometimes, and it's interesting) and appreciate others who are brave enough to be open.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    My food diary is private ... I tried opening it for a bit, and felt an overwhelming urge to fudge the numbers, I was just too embarrassed over the amount of empty calories going in. I know some would say use that embarrassment as motivation, but I just haven't been able to break my sugar cravings yet ... working on it.

    I figured it was better to have a private diary and keep it honest.

    This is the reason mine is private as well. I wish I could be as honest with others as I can when it's just me but I can't so for now, it's private so that I put down each and every nibble even when I go over by a lot.
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