The Holidays ARE almost here! ARE YOU MENTALLY PREPARED??

REAL TALK TIME!! Yesterday I posted about having to walk away from a VERY yummy temptaion at work and yay for me, I have lots of practice walking away from BAD food choices around this office! But it got me thinking are you, MFP, ready mentally for the upcoming holidays?? START PREPARING!! For me I have a one track mind right now I want to lose AT LEAST 30 lbs by Christmas. I am half way to that goal and all these 'treats' will only get in my way so no no no I don't want any and I don't miss it! I MISS feeling sexy, I miss being confident in private with my husband, I miss cute clothes and shoes. I miss being IN pictures with my family and not only taking them! WE GOT TO GET OUR MINDS RIGHT or the holidays will be very hard! And we will gain weight! If you work in an office like I do, you know all the junk that comes through during the holidays, then there is the 2 or 3 weeks off work. Which is like having 3 weeks of weekends straight!! :indifferent: :indifferent: You know what I am talking about....when we work we have structure we know what time we will have snacks , lunch , breaks ect. at home it is well NOT THE SAME!! AGAIN I say we got to get our minds right! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO to combat the carb hell that is coming!! For me I am just going to keep saying.... "No I am saving the calories for fun times and treats at home with my family!" Because think about it isn't it worth the calories being consumed while baking cookies with your kids or grandkids or even good friends & family, than is it to sit in a cubicle or at a desk alone with some coffee and sweets that you don't really want to even eat, but you were not ready in your mind to turn them down! ?! This lifestyle we are choosing is all about choices that WE are in control of!! Ok Discuss!!:wink::happy: :tongue: :flowerforyou: :laugh: LOL
Enjoy Your Journey..


  • MrsUnderwood
    Options is awesome but at the same time NOT)...I get TWO thanksgivings this year!

    I'm Canadian. Our thanksgiving is on October 11th this year. We're also going to visit my husband's family (he's American) in California for American Thanksgiving in November. We're also going to Vegas for my 30th bday on the way DOWN to Cali (we leave November 19th)...I just don't know what to do with myself! LOL.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    When it comes time for Thanksgiving - that will be the day where I change me "cheat day" around oh and on Dec 4th (it;s mine 25th b-day and my daughter's 1st day). I'm simple just going to enjoy myself and if I over it than I'll be okay with that too because it's something I don't do every day.

    Still going to enjoy the yummy treats throughout the holiday season but in moderation or just wait until my cheat day where i can indulge a little more =)

    Spending time w/ your family is def worth the extra cals cause you never know what tomorrow may bring - just means I may have to step up my workouts (aka keep doing Insanity throughout the holiday season lol)
  • bree5291
    Couldn't have said it any better..good for you! You'll do great. :]
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    I'm prepared for Thanksgiving. I'm Canadian too so it's only a few weeks away. I bought most of what we'll be making. My biggest worry is stuffing. I LOVE stuffing and since I'm low-carbing, I'm not going to eat it. I know most people will say to have a bit of it but I can't do that. For me, once I have a bit, I'll have to eat it all so best not to taste it.

    Christmas is a different story. I'm not thinking too far ahead because I'll just stress out. I'll take Thanksgiving first and worry about Christmas in December.
  • stringcheeze
    Options is awesome but at the same time NOT)...I get TWO thanksgivings this year!

    I'm Canadian. Our thanksgiving is on October 11th this year.

    I'm enjoying two thanksgivings the other way around -- I'm American, but will be in Canada on Oct 11th. :) I'll be cooking on the 11th (will be at fishing camp) so I can control what'll be available to eat and for American Thanksgiving, the only thing I'll have to really try to avoid is the pie crusts on the berry pies (I'll easily avoid the mashed potatoes).

    As long as Santa doesn't bring me chocolate, I'll be fine. I'm looking forward to my eggs benedict sans muffins for Christmas breakfast!
  • MrsUnderwood
    I am mostly a fan of Turkey (white meat only), cranberries, mashed potatoes and gravy and veggies...that is for the Canadian one...

    Now the American one is gonna be tough with all that mac n cheese, sweet potato pie, etc ...

    I may just gain a couple pounds LOL. But I'll try to be good. My husband says he is going to be good so we'll hold each other accountable.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    my holiday is almost here too! We are going to Egypt for ours in less than 3 weeks!!, so know we will struggle, just about everyone I work with had their holidays over the summer though, so not sure if that makes it easier for me or not!

    Being able to wear a swimming costume whilst on holiday was my main goal when I started here on MFP and I think I will be ok! yay for Holidays and the sun and food and wine and seeing new places and trying new things!
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    **shudders** Thanks for bringing this up. I do have to prepare beforehand in order to stay on track. I'm not working right now so it won't be co-workers dragging me down. It will be all the baking I love to do for friends and family. Hmmmm.....I really have to come up with a plan.

    Good for you for thinking ahead like this! :)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm cooking for all of the holidays for us....and both my DH and I are trying to become more fit. My kids are good vegetarians, I'm a periodic vegetarian, and my husband is down to meat one meal a day.... (I can go months without, then months with).

    We've been trying to eat from our garden when we're together, so lots of salad, spinach with garlic, and various stuffed squashes for dinner. And fresh bread. And mushroom gravy on mashed potatoes (but mashed not bad)...... And dal. All good stuff. And pumpkin pudding (instead of pie crusts).

    I'm ready. Now.... so I'll probably make some mushroom gravy for dinner tonight.

    The harder celebration is the kids' birthday (10/24), since I'll be baking all day to make treats for them to take to class.... and
  • Brat3073
    Normally i love Thanksgiving...well i still do, but i am not looking forward to going to my MIL house this year for dinner. You see, she makes these Pumpkin Rolls that are to DIE for. they are the BEST EVER. Unless she finds a way to take out all the bad stuff (you know....fat, sugar, calories, carbs) then i will not be able to have ANY....because you cant eat just one slice....yeah, they are that good! But it dosent end there. Then we got December....and once MIL comes into play with those tastey lil christmas cookies. She make her Buckeyes with crunchy peanutbutter and rice crispies and dark chocolate. Oh come on! give a girl a break this year for cryin out loud! I really see no way away from these foods. I am going to have to be strong and say "No Thank you" Can it really be that easy???
  • Brat3073
    ...various stuffed squashes for dinner...

    stuffed squash??? please send a recipie!
  • miss_amy
    Cina04- My 25th Birthday is December 4th too! How awesome! :)

    As for the holidays, I'm not too worried. Everything in moderation. I'll try to eat as many good foods as possible, but I'm not going to freak out on myself about every morsel. :) I'll just make sure to get some extra exercise in around that time!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Cina04- My 25th Birthday is December 4th too! How awesome! :)

    As for the holidays, I'm not too worried. Everything in moderation. I'll try to eat as many good foods as possible, but I'm not going to freak out on myself about every morsel. :) I'll just make sure to get some extra exercise in around that time!

    Good luck everyone!
    That is going to be a route I take as well. I plan on putting myself in a Biggest Loser Type Boot Camp for the 3 weeks I'll be on vacation! I am going to be as active as possible and seek out things to do that maybe I have never even done before! When I come back to work I want people to notice I LOST WEIGHT ON Christmas Vacation!! :bigsmile:
    Hmmmm....Maybe I should start saving for a week with a personal trainer while I am out of work?!?!?
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    When it comes time for Thanksgiving - that will be the day where I change me "cheat day" around oh and on Dec 4th (it;s mine 25th b-day and my daughter's 1st day). I'm simple just going to enjoy myself and if I over it than I'll be okay with that too because it's something I don't do every day.

    Still going to enjoy the yummy treats throughout the holiday season but in moderation or just wait until my cheat day where i can indulge a little more =)

    Spending time w/ your family is def worth the extra cals cause you never know what tomorrow may bring - just means I may have to step up my workouts (aka keep doing Insanity throughout the holiday season lol)
    YOU and your results have made me ask Santa for Insanity!!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Normally i love Thanksgiving...well i still do, but i am not looking forward to going to my MIL house this year for dinner. You see, she makes these Pumpkin Rolls that are to DIE for. they are the BEST EVER. Unless she finds a way to take out all the bad stuff (you know....fat, sugar, calories, carbs) then i will not be able to have ANY....because you cant eat just one slice....yeah, they are that good! But it dosent end there. Then we got December....and once MIL comes into play with those tastey lil christmas cookies. She make her Buckeyes with crunchy peanutbutter and rice crispies and dark chocolate. Oh come on! give a girl a break this year for cryin out loud! I really see no way away from these foods. I am going to have to be strong and say "No Thank you" Can it really be that easy???
    I have an idea.....
    Tell her you want yours TO GO. Take only 1 home and enjoy every bite and when its gone there are no more around to go back for 2nd and 3rds and 4th's......So you are only saying no thank you I'll have mine LATER!! :bigsmile:
  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    Thanksgiving will be a free day. And we don't get enough Thanksgiving goodies to have much left over. I don't allow over 2 free days in a row and usually only one event once a month tops. I also have a special calorie limit for that day. I had one of those days last weekend. My usual calorie limit is 1500 but on Saturday I hit 4000. And Sunday I hit 2000 calories. I gained .4 or something like that. But then I was right back to my regular deal of exercising 4 - 5 days per week the following Monday. And I worked out 5 days last week in particular prior to Saturday. I also walked around a great deal on the weekend and stood up for hours at a concert. It all worked out. Apparently, I'm burning enough calories it's not seeming to matter. And if I want to stop around 1250 or so calories on any given day....I do. :) Usually, I'm completely starving the next morning if I do that.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Thanksgiving will be a free day. And we don't get enough Thanksgiving goodies to have much left over. I don't allow over 2 free days in a row and usually only one event once a month tops. I also have a special calorie limit for that day. I had one of those days last weekend. My usual calorie limit is 1500 but on Saturday I hit 4000. And Sunday I hit 2000 calories. I gained .4 or something like that. But then I was right back to my regular deal of exercising 4 - 5 days per week the following Monday. And I worked out 5 days last week in particular prior to Saturday. I also walked around a great deal on the weekend and stood up for hours at a concert. It all worked out. Apparently, I'm burning enough calories it's not seeming to matter. And if I want to stop around 1250 or so calories on any given day....I do. :) Usually, I'm completely starving the next morning if I do that.
    Sounds Great!! Your doing sooooo good!!