Vitamin D

My future mother-in-law mentioned the other day that she started taking a vitamin D supplement and feels great. She got it from her doctor (she works at a doctors office) but I was wondering if anyone knew if it is available OTC? Between work, being in school full time, physical therapy three nights a week, wedding planning, etc I always feel like I am dragging and could use a boost.


  • stringcheeze
    Vitamin D is available just like Vitamin C is -- check out the supplement isle in your grocery store.

    I take a 800 IU of Vitamin D myself ('cause stuck at a desk job, I don't get nearly the amount of sun I should).
  • maprotano
    Yes Vitamin D is available over the counter! You might want to ask your doctor to check your vitamin D level as well. I stay out of the sun (so I won't get skin cancer) and I read that low vitamin D levels contribute to low energy and also help protect against cancer. My level was almost non existent! He put me on 50,000 units of Vitamin D (needed an Rx for it). I had him retest me and still low, so now I am back on it again. We women have to get better about advocating for our health. You cannot leave your health solely in your doctor's hands!! Good luck!!
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Make sure the supplement you get is Vitamin D-3! That's the one that matters.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    why not just get outside for 10 to 20 minutes every other day? That's all you need, and it's free. The sun (even through clouds) gives you plenty. Granted the further you live from the equator the more time you need, but only by a few minutes, and in the summer you need less time than in the winter.