HELP!!!!! Ican't stop eating.......

Actually I can. But I've been noticing for the past 8 months or so...since I started my job back in Feb (desk job), that I can absolutly eat supremely healthy at work.. I'll bring my breakfast, make my lunch everyday, and bring at least 2 snacks. The only thing I drink is water & a cup of coffee in the morning. But as soon as I get home....I go crazy. I'm pretty starved (or so I think) by then and I can't seem to stay out the pantry & fridge. One snack turns into two, then before I know it, I've eaten a whole bunch of crap, so I end up snacking throughout the night and not even eating dinner sometimes. This, I believe is the exact reason why I haven't gone ANYWHERE weight wise this year. When I started my job I was in the low 150's now I'm in the low 170's. This has got to stop. Any suggestions? Anything will help!!! Thanks!


  • racmac
    Increase the food you take to work with you so you are not so hungry


    make a snack before you leave for work so its in the fridge ready to eat when you get hom while you prepare a proper dinner
  • stringcheeze
    If you notice you're high on carb intake (like it's the highest percentage of anything you eat), drop some of your carb intake for protein. Carbs (complex or not) give most people the munchies so instead of doing cereal or other carb items for breakfast, choose eggs, low sugar Greek yogurt, or a bit of left over meat from the prior night's dinner. Make your snacks protein based as well -- give up those 100 calorie snack packs (which are nearly 100% carbs) for natural peanut butter and apples, string or Babybel cheese, protein bars, etc.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Why is it ok to go crazy at home and not at work? Is it that much more stressful at home? Is it a matter of pride/ego that you don't want your co workers to see you pig out? But it's ok for the hubby and son to see it? Who are you setting an example for? Your boss or your son? Why do you have the junk in your house if you know you are going to go crazy on it? If it's not good for you, is it any better for the hubby or the son?

    Ok, now can I pry my boot out of your butt? :wink:
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I definitely agree with those who have said you need to eat more during the day so that you aren't famished by the time you get home.
  • fatbegone2010
    Why is it ok to go crazy at home and not at work? Is it that much more stressful at home? Is it a matter of pride/ego that you don't want your co workers to see you pig out? But it's ok for the hubby and son to see it? Who are you setting an example for? Your boss or your son? Why do you have the junk in your house if you know you are going to go crazy on it? If it's not good for you, is it any better for the hubby or the son?

    Ok, now can I pry my boot out of your butt? :wink:

    Thank you MzBug, I needed that tough love. I see what you're saying. Thing is I do try my hardest to eat healthy at home but hubby is far from being on the same wagon that I am. He's one of those that can eat whatever he wants and still won't gain a pound. Uggggghhh. But in terms of my son i only feed him healthy food because I definatly don't want him to grow up & be a piggy like mommy so I'm trying to instill that in him now at his age so he can carry that with him. But still, I need to get rid of all the junk.
  • fatbegone2010
    Thank you everyone for the help!!! I do need to start bringing more food (healthy) to work.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Why is it ok to go crazy at home and not at work? Is it that much more stressful at home? Is it a matter of pride/ego that you don't want your co workers to see you pig out? But it's ok for the hubby and son to see it? Who are you setting an example for? Your boss or your son? Why do you have the junk in your house if you know you are going to go crazy on it? If it's not good for you, is it any better for the hubby or the son?

    Ok, now can I pry my boot out of your butt? :wink:

    Thank you MzBug, I needed that tough love. I see what you're saying. Thing is I do try my hardest to eat healthy at home but hubby is far from being on the same wagon that I am. He's one of those that can eat whatever he wants and still won't gain a pound. Uggggghhh. But in terms of my son i only feed him healthy food because I definatly don't want him to grow up & be a piggy like mommy so I'm trying to instill that in him now at his age so he can carry that with him. But still, I need to get rid of all the junk.

    Ewww, my boot is messy! lol

    Mine is like that too. I have the junk in the house, but...I make HIM buy it. If he buys it I don't touch it. Ok, I am weird that way. He likes his fast food, but he eats it away from home by HIS choice. He doesn't eat many fruits and vegies either. He has his ice cream at night, I have my yogurt. He understands I am changing my lifestyle to get healthier, and by his choice he is doing what he feels will help me the most. I haven't asked him to do anything to change his lifestyle, except buy his own junk. lol I am actually eatting MORE food than he is! ... well, what I see him eat anyway! He has reduced the amount of junk food, changed from chips to pretzels and pop tarts to granola bars.... it's a start. I'm not going to push him.

    Maybe you can get your hubby to cooperate more using the same reasoning you are using for yourself "But in terms of my son i only feed him healthy food because I definatly don't want him to grow up & be a piggy like mommy so I'm trying to instill that in him now at his age so he can carry that with him." I am sure Daddy doesn't want to be a bad influence either!

    Try eatting more good for you stuff before you leave work. I eat something every 3-4 hours to keep me from getting overly hungry. Drink a bottle of water on your way home, munch on some carrots or string cheese on the drive, something to keep you from being hungry when you hit the door. Have a cup of decaf coffee or cup of tea when you get home instead of a snack. Make a good dinner that includes plenty of bulky vegies for you and a good amount of protein to keep you from getting hungry too soon. Find a sinfully good tasting yogurt for an evening snack a couple hours before bed.
  • fatbegone2010
    Why is it ok to go crazy at home and not at work? Is it that much more stressful at home? Is it a matter of pride/ego that you don't want your co workers to see you pig out? But it's ok for the hubby and son to see it? Who are you setting an example for? Your boss or your son? Why do you have the junk in your house if you know you are going to go crazy on it? If it's not good for you, is it any better for the hubby or the son?

    Ok, now can I pry my boot out of your butt? :wink:

    Thank you MzBug, I needed that tough love. I see what you're saying. Thing is I do try my hardest to eat healthy at home but hubby is far from being on the same wagon that I am. He's one of those that can eat whatever he wants and still won't gain a pound. Uggggghhh. But in terms of my son i only feed him healthy food because I definatly don't want him to grow up & be a piggy like mommy so I'm trying to instill that in him now at his age so he can carry that with him. But still, I need to get rid of all the junk.

    Ewww, my boot is messy! lol

    Mine is like that too. I have the junk in the house, but...I make HIM buy it. If he buys it I don't touch it. Ok, I am weird that way. He likes his fast food, but he eats it away from home by HIS choice. He doesn't eat many fruits and vegies either. He has his ice cream at night, I have my yogurt. He understands I am changing my lifestyle to get healthier, and by his choice he is doing what he feels will help me the most. I haven't asked him to do anything to change his lifestyle, except buy his own junk. lol I am actually eatting MORE food than he is! ... well, what I see him eat anyway! He has reduced the amount of junk food, changed from chips to pretzels and pop tarts to granola bars.... it's a start. I'm not going to push him.

    Maybe you can get your hubby to cooperate more using the same reasoning you are using for yourself "But in terms of my son i only feed him healthy food because I definatly don't want him to grow up & be a piggy like mommy so I'm trying to instill that in him now at his age so he can carry that with him." I am sure Daddy doesn't want to be a bad influence either!

    Try eatting more good for you stuff before you leave work. I eat something every 3-4 hours to keep me from getting overly hungry. Drink a bottle of water on your way home, munch on some carrots or string cheese on the drive, something to keep you from being hungry when you hit the door. Have a cup of decaf coffee or cup of tea when you get home instead of a snack. Make a good dinner that includes plenty of bulky vegies for you and a good amount of protein to keep you from getting hungry too soon. Find a sinfully good tasting yogurt for an evening snack a couple hours before bed.

    Will do. Sounds like an amazing plan. Just gotta get hubby on board i know he can do this with me or least do what your husband does and eat what he wants away from home.