Picky eaters?????



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,119 Member
    ...MOST of the vegetables. ffs, I know someone will call me on that.
  • Konfetti123
    Konfetti123 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm the pickiest eater I know :(

    Mostly I don't like textures or smell and thus don't eat a lot of foods :(
    I'm trying to eat oatmeal and avocados but can't even get a teaspoon in. yuck. I really want to like them because of their benefits but just can't :(

    I try to sneak in greens in my smoothies, it seems to work!
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Oh ok, thanks for the info, Flax.

    No problem!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Is it the salads or do you just not like vegies? I don't have salads a lot, mainly because lettuce can be expensive and goes bad easy. There are many ways to sneak in vegies, you can puree them and put them into your other foods. You wont even know the difference, you can drink low sodium V8, you can eat lettuce and other vegies on tacos.. there are many low fat ways to make yummy tacos. I guese I need to know if its all vegies or is it just salads you don't like. There are many recipe ideas on youtube.
  • conniedj
    conniedj Posts: 470 Member

    Remind yourself that you have to train your body to like new foods and that you won't automatically like something the first time you try it. I read something once that said that it takes your body multiple tries to like a new food. So don't give up the first time you try it! Keep trying. And keep sneaking the foods you may not always go for into foods you would!

    I read that it takes upward of 25 tries to form the taste of liking new foods. Good reason to keep on trying new things! I have never liked eggplant and zucchini......I made a baked ratatouille today with parmigiana cheese....I are half the pan! and because it was mostly veggies I could!
  • bhannana
    bhannana Posts: 22 Member
    You can make "salads" of cooked veggies. I used to work at an upscale french fusion restaurant and we had a delicious salad made of cold baby beets, thumb carrots, baby turnips, cooked baby mushrooms, and peeled cherry tomatoes, all tossed in vinaigrette with shaved fennel, asparagus, and carrots (using a peeler) for some crunch.

    Cooked kale salads, tabbouleh, quinoa salads, and fruit salad are all good alternatives too.
    Personally, I have to be in the right mood for a salad. Otherwise, I prefer grilled chicken and steamed veggies :)
  • nothingwithoutHim
    nothingwithoutHim Posts: 140 Member
    Green smoothies. BAM! I LIVE offa these.

    2 cups of spinach (minimum 1 cup, max about 4...but it's only 4 cuz I've really worked up to that! lol)
    1 cup milk
    1 frozen banana (or reg, just use more ice)
    ice if desired

    peanut butter, pb2, good tasting protein powder, dry oats, nuts,cocoa powder, vanilla extract -- all optional, kinda crazy, but awesome

    Also can add more kinds of fruit if you really like more of a fruity smoothie...I just do the banana cuz it's quick and easy.

    When you put it all in the blender, put in the spinach first, that way it will be weighted down by the other ingredients and will blend more easily. Blend it all up and enjoy! Easy and tasty way to get in lots of leafy greens. :)
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Okay so I am what you would call a picky eater. Though not as bad as my husband. I would love to eat salads and have tried several times with several different greens, veggies and dressings. It just aint gonna happen. What do you eat if you are a picky eater.

    Some things are about texture. Raw salad greens have a texture against teeth that can be off-putting.

    I am the fussy eater of my family. No fruit, No Veg, No salads, No real meat, No chicken, no fish, no no no no......
    I try the food, I dont like it. I have a severe gag reflex and one bite may be all i can or cant stomach. For me it isnt about the taste, its majority about the texture. I admit I havnt tasted a lot of what's available, but I have tasted the basics and it may be the seeds in the strawberry or the sandy texture to the water melon.

    I never use to eat potato unless it was chips, then i started baked, then i started mashed. I hated mashed for two reasons when I was young. 1: The taste bland and ewww, 2: The texture, my mum wasnt a good masher, chunks galore and the types of potatoes contributed. I discovered salt and when mashed properly its beautiful. I also have pumpkin mashed in but i cant stand pumpkin alone. I havnt had mash for a few months now because my uncle put cabbage in to add to my pallet and well it turned me off knowing it was there. It had a weird taste, not overly noticeable but i can pick it.

    My diary is closed due to this and I dont want people looking and going how unhealthy are you going to be and blah blah you will end up in hospital with so much wrong with you blah blah. I am 26, I try new foods, It was only 12 years ago I started eating potato. Dont start on smoothies, hiding food or force eating because I have heard it all before. I went for 2 months straight trying a new food every day. I discovered ham is edible but I wouldn't go out of my way to get it.

    This goes for drinks, foods, surfaces, sounds, scents. I am just a sensory person and if there was a wish I could be granted it wouldn't be to eat whatever I want and be healthy and skinny, it would be to be able to enjoy all foods.

    Dont hate on me for honesty, I put in 100% for fitness and I watch what goes in my mouth. Previously lost 21 kilos when I was strict with myself, new to exercise and walked 60 mins 4-5x a week and portioned my food in half. It took me 6 months to lose it, kept it off for 2 years, I couldnt go any lower and I gave up, only took a year to put it back on.

    Good luck in your choices.
  • bluejeansarah
    bluejeansarah Posts: 15 Member

    I read that it takes upward of 25 tries to form the taste of liking new foods. Good reason to keep on trying new things!

    Yeah, this is what I was talking about! I couldn't remember where I had heard it, but I feel less crazy now knowing someone else has heard the same thing! ;)